
What Charts Show and What They Don’t Show


It is commonly known that in Task 2,imagination is important to put across your ideas.To score well in Task 1,you must throw your imagination out of the window.In Task 1,you must be like a robot simply reporting and analysing figures.Yes,it may be boring,but adding imaginary imagination is going to impact your CC score.Here's an example of how a candidate's imagination gets out of control:


The charts below compare the number of people per household in one European country in 1995 and 2005.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Looking at the pie charts in the question above,it seems clear that they show how many people are living together in households expressed as a percentage.In fact,that is the one and only set of facts that these charts present.With that in mind,look at the following summary:


In conclusion,it is obvious that more people had their own children in 2005 and fewer citizens chose to be single.Couples with a child was the most prevalent household model in 2005.

As it goes,it is not badly written,and in terms of the candidate's analysis about what these figures represent,he may be correct.The only problem is that none of this information is presented in the pie charts.Can you see anywhere in the chart where it mentions the composition of these households?Is there any information about couples and babies?No,there's not.This information is not mentioned at all.


As well-written as this answer maybe,including irrelevant details or information that is not included in the chart is going to pull your TA score down from a 6 to a 5.In Task 1 you are not required to analyse the data,and you should not use your imagination.Make sure you save both of those for Task 2.Again,the most important thing to remember is:Write what you see,and only what you see.

即使这篇文章写得很好,只要你写了图表中未提及的信息,你的任务完成度分数就会被拉低至6 分甚至5分。在写作任务一中,你不需要对数据进行分析,也不应该放飞你的想象力,确保你把分析能力和想象力留到写作任务二中使用。再强调一次,这一点很重要,你需要记住:写且仅写你看见的内容。

Here is another example:


The table below shows the maximum,minimum,and average monthly salaries in Euros in a particular European country for five employment sectors in 2009.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

In conclusion,it is clear that more people want to work in the finance sector because it has the highest,maximum,minimum,and average salary.In comparison,fewer people want to work in the hotel industry because the starting salary is in the middle,but there is not much room to grow.

You may be looking at these points thinking they're well-written.They are!And if it wasn't for one small point,this answer would score CC 7.Do you know what it is?


More people want to work in finance.


Fewer people want to work in the hotel industry.


Information about the popularity of these industries is not included in the chart.The only data presented are salary figures.The band descriptors are very clear about this:


CC 6—The inclusion of irrelevant details detracts from the completion of the task.


To repeat:


Write what you see and only what you see.


Including irrelevant details can be irresistible to some candidates,but once you start focussing more on the real details,you'll find you have more time to think about other features which can improve your score even further.In the next section,we'll be taking a look at cohesive devices,a powerful way to get your message across clearly and logically.

对于一些考生来说,让他们不要写无关的细节信息简直太难了。其实当你把注意力更多地放在真正的细节信息上时,你会有更多的时间去思考那些真正能让你的作文提分的特点。接下来的部分中,我们将重点学习一个能让你的信息逻辑清晰地传递给考官的利器——衔接手段。 +f26Gw1gxYy+LsXX0isfuSgs5NfLqijtpDjKtfHsmFXDP8qeWSez4JOBynhshO34
