
Inaccurate Details


Every year,tens of thousands of candidates lose points in their CC score,simply because they did not read the details in the question clearly.Examiner can be quite forgiving,and with one or two small inaccuracies,you'll still be able to hit a CC 6.When candidates make the details incorrectly repeatedly,then the score drops to CC 5,or even CC 4.Take this double bar chart example and see if you can spot the inaccuracies:


The charts below show the percentage of boys and girls aged 5-14 years old who took part in organized cultural activities and sport in Australia in 2003.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The two bar charts in the question show the number of Australian boys and girls participating in in organised sport,and cultural activities in 2003.From the chart,it is clear that boys prefer taking part in organised sport more than cultural activities,whereas more girls prefer to participating in cultural activities.

In 2003,about twice as many girls as boys took part in cultural activities.44 girls took part in cultural activities,while only 24 boys participated.For girls,the most popular cultural activity was dancing.25 girls took part in dancing activities,but only 2 boys attended.16 boys took part in music,which was the most popular activity for boys,and twice as many boys as girls took part.

This answer is well-written and organised.It would be easy for an examiner to slip up and give this candidate a CC 7,but there are two problems with the answer,one big and one small.Did you notice them?


The first problem is that the candidate has misinterpreted the chart.The chart represents "the percentage of boys/girls aged 5-14" not as the candidate writes,"the number of boys/girls".This mistake changes the whole meaning of the data the candidate refers to.This is one of the most common mistakes that candidates make.Commonly confused scales include:

第一个错误是考生对这个表的误解。这个表呈现的是5~14 岁男孩/女孩的 “比例”,而非考生所写的男孩/女孩的 “数量”。这个错误改变了题中数据的整体含义。这是考生最常犯的错误之一。以下这些量词经常会让考生犯迷糊:

The proportion of… (this is a fraction or percentage 这是分数或百分比

The percentage of… (this is a percentage 这是百分比

The level of… (this could be a number or a percentage 这是数字或百分比

The number of… (this is a number,not a percentage 这是数字 不是百分比

Even though this is a relatively small mistake,it is enough to pull this down from CC 7 to CC 5.That is a huge difference.However,there is a more serious mistake in the response.Pay attention to the sentence:


…it is clear that boys prefer taking part in organised sport more than cultural activities,whereas more girls prefer to participating in cultural activities.

The first part of the sentence is correct.It is true that sixty-eight percent of boys took part in sporting activities,compared to twenty-four percent for cultural activities.But what about girls?Do they prefer cultural activities as the candidate wrote?No,they prefer sporting activities,too.

这个句子的前半部分是正确的,确实有 68%的男生参加体育运动,24%的男生参加文化活动。那么女生的情况如何呢?真的如考生所说的更喜欢文化活动吗?并不是,女生也更喜欢参加体育运动。

Fifty-two percent of girls took part in sporting activities,and forty-four took part in cultural activities.This is a huge misreading of the data and will drag the answer down to a CC 4.This is because the candidate has misunderstood one of the main features of the question,and that's about the worst thing that you can do for your CC score.


By the way,questions like this are extremely common.In this question,the exam writers are ex-pecting you to assume that boys would prefer sport and girls would prefer cultural activities.They are try-ing to trick you.The important thing to remember is:



In the next part,we'll take a look at what informa-tion charts do and don't show,and why that is impor-tant to understand if you want to score high.

接下来,我们将学习如何寻找图表中明显的和隐藏的信息,以及为什么这一点对于得高分非常重要。 MAmgZd8yyHHojsa22WM8gSzlwVqrl3fDiop3JGBfgd2i86mNGc3/dSjN9hV7jzUi
