
Coherence and Cohesion Introduction


The second skill that you will be marked on after TA is coherence and cohesion which is also known as CC.When the examiner grades you on CC,he really concentrates on whether what you have written makes sense (that's called Coherence) and whether the ideas you presented are stuck together in a logical way.It is often tough for examiners to understand the papers of candidates simply because the logic and way of thinking taught in Chinese schools is completely different to the western style.

在任务完成度评分完成后,考官接下来就会从 “条理性和关联性”(以下简称 “条理性”) 来评分。从这个维度来评分时,考官最关注你所写的内容是否合理 (即 “条理性”)以及你的文章所呈现的种种观点是否有逻辑性。这一点对于考官来说挺有挑战性,因为中国学生在学校接受的逻辑思维方式与西方思维大相径庭。

An effective way to imagine coherence is to think of a drunk man staggering down the street.He comes up to you and is blubbering and mumbling,you know that he is trying to tell you something,but he cannot get his message across.That is the opposite of coherence,also known as incoherence.Cohesion is similar but it means the way things are arranged or stuck together.Think of a cheerleader squad who want to form a human pyramid.

为了更好地理解 “条理性” 的概念,我们可以想象一个在大街上踉跄而行的醉汉。他向你走来,嘴里还在碎碎念。看得出来他想告诉你什么,但却怎么也说不清楚。这就是 “条理性” 的反面教材,也就是 “无条理”。“关联性” 的概念与 “条理性” 比较类似,但它更多强调的是信息被整理并组合在一起。可以想象一个正在搭建人形金字塔的啦啦队。

Cheerleader squads often have men in them to form the base of the pyramid,and then have the lightest prettiest girl at the peak of the pyramid.This is a cohesive way to build a human pyramid.If,however you had a base of weak pretty girls at the bottom and a big heavy guy at the top,then the pyramid would probably collapse.Your points need to be arranged with a structure that strengthen your arguments,not let them collapse.


Examiners usually find CC the most difficult skill to score because it is more subjective that the other three skills.However,to help score the paper fairly,the examiner is paying attention to three key areas mentioned under CC in the band descriptors.These are:


1) Information and ideas 信息量与观点

2) Cohesive devices 衔接手段

3) Referencing 引用

In this section,each of these skills will be examined and presented using examples from real-life past papers.This section is going to help you to think in a different and more logical way,a way that will help you to get past the examiner's defences and get you in the high mark zone.To kick off with we're going to look at Information and Ideas.

在本章中,以上三大技巧将结合过往真题重点讲解,帮助你用一种全新的、更有逻辑的方式来思考,从而突破考官的防线、直达高分区。首先,我们来学习 “信息量与观点”。 RIvShRFhH8V1VtZ1Grawc8kA6TzifQ+mLzjfWUEpGuF/SI4i+U/4ys7FBr2K2iGh
