
Key Features


When looking at the way that the task achievement is graded,the very first question that the examiner is asking himself is:


"Are all the key points shown in the question covered or not?"

题目中体现的所有细节特点是不是都谈到了 ?”

Let's look at the difference between scoring a four and scoring an eight with this question in mind:


1) Attempts to address the task but does not cover all the key points.

1) 4 分——尝试完成写作任务,但没有谈及所有的细节信息。

2) Generally addresses the task.

2) 5分——大致完成写作任务。

3) Addresses the requirements of the task.

3) 6分——完成了写作任务。

4) Covers the requirements of the task.

4) 7分——全面地完成了写作任务。

5) Presents,highlights and illustrates key features/points clearly and appropriately.

5) 8分——清晰合理地展示、强调、阐述了所有细节特点。

Now these points above all seem quite similar and maybe a little confusing.Let's use some exam-ples to highlight the difference.


Write a list of three animals,state what they eat,and what colour they are.

We can see that in this question we need to get nine key details:


Animals x3

动物 x3

What they eat? x3

它们吃什么? x3

What colour they are? x3

它们是什么颜色的? x3

Check to see if the examples below nail all the details:


I like pandas,tigers,and elephants.Pandas are cute and live in the forest.Tigers are fierce.Elephants are very large.I love animals.

Pandas eat bamboo,tigers eat meat,and elephants eat leaves.

Pandas eat bamboo.Tigers eat meat;they are orange and black.Elephants are grey.

Pandas,which are black and white,eat bamboo.Tiger,however,are black and orange and eat smaller animals.Elephants,which are much larger and grey,eat leaves they pull from the trees.

It should be pretty obvious that each of these examples is 4,5,6,and 7 respectively,but why?In the first example,we can see that the candidate has introduced animals but then doesn't mention any other of the key points.In the second example,we can see that both animals and food are mentioned,but there is no sign of what their colour is.In the third example,animals,their food,and their colour are all mentioned,but there are a few details missing.In the last example,all the key points are mentioned,and even extended a little,like in the details about pulling leaves from trees and tigers eating smaller animals.

显然,以上四个例文的得分分别是4、5、6、7 分,为什么呢?第一个例文中,考生只介绍了三种动物,关于其他任何细节都没有提及。第二个例文中,考生介绍了三种动物以及分别吃什么,但它们分别是什么颜色没有提及。第三个例文中,考生介绍了三种动物以及分别是什么颜色,但只介绍了两种动物分别吃什么,遗漏第三种动物吃什么。最后一个例文中,不仅介绍了所有关键信息,还适当地进行了细节拓展,例如提到大象吃的叶子是从树上扯下来的,老虎吃的动物是体型比自己小的。

This shows the subtle difference between a 4,5,6,and 7 in this area.A score of 5 touches some of the key points but misses a lot of the important ones.A 6 gets most of the key points but misses a couple.To get a 7 you need to mention all the key points and push a little bit further with details.It goes without saying that Task 1 questions will never be this simple,so let's take a look at a Task 1 example and try to identify all the key points:

上面四个例文展示了4、5、6、7分之间的差别。5 分的答案能触及关键点但遗失了许多重要信息。6分的答案能谈及大部分关键点,但遗漏了少量重要信息。要想得到7分,考生必须谈及所有关键点,并在此基础上对细节信息做一定的延伸。当然雅思写作任务一的难度远远不会是这个水平,下面我们看一道真题,尝试去发掘题目中的所有关键点:

The line chart below shows the number of crimes in millions in the UK from 1970 to 2005.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

So what are the key points that we can see in this line chart?Remember there are always going to be key details that stand out and key details that you are going to have to look for,but be sure to include them and explain them as much as possible.Okay,here are some of the key details:


1) The levels of street robbery in the UK hardly changed between 1970 and 2005.

1) 从1970年到2005年,英国街头抢劫案件的数量几乎没有变化。

2) Burglary doubled in the UK.

2) 英国入室盗窃案的数量增长了一倍。

3) Car theft more than doubled.

3) 汽车盗窃案的数量增长了不止一倍。

4) Both burglary and car theft peaked in 1995.

4) 入室盗窃案和汽车盗窃案的数量都在1995年达到了峰值。

5) Burglary and car theft increase more or less at the same rate.

5) 入室盗窃案和汽车盗窃案增长的速率基本一致。

6) Car theft is almost always double burglary.

6) 汽车盗窃案的数量几乎一直是入室盗窃案的两倍。

This means that if a candidate wants to score 7 for task achievement,he has to include all of these points and expand on them a little.Candidates sometimes camouflage their answers so thickly with vague vocabulary and nonsense grammar,that examiners are left scratching their heads whether the key points have been addressed or not.


The chart below shows the number of new homes constructed in a particular region from 1999 to 2002.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The prime reason why it is a good idea for you to write the numbers down is that it makes it much simpler to spot which numbers are similar.Take a look at the numbers below.Can you see any similarities?


Just in case you are wondering,these are the similarities in the chart:


You have probably noticed that after each of these similarities is written KF and NK.KF stands for Key Feature,and NK stands for Not Key Feature.Candidates often struggle with what constitutes a key feature and what makes other details irrelevant.To answer this question,simply ask yourself:

你可能注意到了每一行后面分别标注着 “KF” 和 “NF”。“KF” 代表Key Feature,“NK” 代表 Not Key Feature。考生通常会迷惑如何判断哪些信息是有关的、哪些信息是无关的。为了解决这个问题,你需要问问自己:

"How does this information relate to other information and can I use it to show a pattern?"

该信息与其他信息有何关联性 我能用它来体现规律吗 ?”

Candidates all too often include irrelevant details.As the grading system indicates,answers with too many irrelevant details will score six or lower.Focussing on the key points is the easiest way to scoring 7 and higher for task achievement.Let's take a look at an example of this:


Why is this an important piece of information?It's because between 1999 and 2002,flats and semi-detached homes swapped places,or to put it in another way:


It is observable that between 1999 and 2002,flats and semi-detached homes swapped positions for the lowest number built at 1,100 and 1,100 respectively.

That is what you call a strong key feature.The details are used to emphasize a pattern,to connect ideas and not just mindlessly report the figures.Let's look at another key feature:


Again,we're asking ourselves why this information is important.How can we link it to other ideas?It's relevant because in 1999 terraced houses were number two in terms of houses built,while flats took the number four position.By 2002,terraced houses and flats were equal in the number two spot.How can we say that more eloquently?

现在我们再次思考:这条信息为什么重要?如何把这条信息与其他的信息关联起来?这条信息很重要的原因是:1999 年时独栋房屋的建筑数量在总房屋建筑数量中排名第二,公寓的数量排名第四;而 2002 年时,独栋房屋和公寓的数量并列位居第二。如何用更优雅的语言来表述呢?

In 1999,1,700 terraced houses were built putting it in second place for new homes while flats occupied fourth place with 1,100 homes.By 2002,terraced houses and flats jointly occupied second place at 1,600 each.

Again,details have been provided which allow the reader to understand the wider context,and not just the details alone.The challenge is how to connect the key points effectively.Let's try and do that now:


It is observable that between 1999 and 2002,flats and semi-detached homes swapped positions for the lowest number built at 1,100 and 1,100 respectively.In 1999,1,700 terraced houses were built putting it in second place for new homes while flats occupied fourth place with 1,100 homes.By 2002,terraced houses and flats jointly occupied second place at 1,600 each.

These facts reveal that between 1999 and 2002 the popularity of semi-detached homes dropped from third place to fourth place,while terraced houses maintained their popularity,and flats quickly gained ground.

This piece connects all the relevant information in the graph,and with one last detail,we can put the cherry on the cake:


Over this period of time detached houses increased marginally remaining in the number one position.

By identifying the key points,the rest of the answer just falls together naturally.It's a bit like a jigsaw puzzle.You could spend all day trying to identify all the individual pieces of the puzzle by colour or shape,but it is not until you put all the pieces together that you see the whole picture.It is exactly this kind of global thinking that will push your task achievement score towards 7,8,and even 9.


Below is another example of a chart-style question which contains a lot of information that might be confusing for candidates.The next few steps should help you to identify the key features and patterns giving you more confidence in Task 1.


The table below shows population sizes and rates of change for four different parts of the world from 1950 to 2000,and predicted sizes and rates of change from 2000 to 2050.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Admittedly these data are a little trickier to sort than in the previous question.The same ideas apply though.We need to simplify the data so that we can see the hidden patterns.Check out the simple table below and see if any patterns emerge:


Hopefully one of the key features in this table has already become apparent to you.If not,let's sort out the information to make it even clearer:


Australia UP UP UP



North America UP UP UP

Can we group this information?Are there any similarities?Of course there are!Australia and North Americafitintoonegroup,andEuropeandJapanfit into another.So how can we phrase that?


From the table it is apparent that between 1950 and 2000 there were significant increases in population in all four regions.However,it is predicted that while Australia's and North America's population will continue to increase between 2000 and 2050,Europe's and Japan's will fall.

As key points go,that is an extremely strong start,it is lacking a bit in data which is essential,but we can add that later.Back to other key points,what else do we notice about percentage rates for annual change?


Can you spot another key point here?Hopefully you should be able to spot that the predicted average annual percentage change is going to drop in all four regions whether the population rises or not.This is a very well-hidden key feature:


Furthermore,between 1950 and 2000 the average annual change remained positive in all regions,while for 2000 to 2050 it is predicted to keep increasing for Australia and North America,but drop for Europe and Japan.However,comparing past rates to predicted rates,all regions will fall in terms of average annual change.

Can you see the relationship between the two key features?That's the kind of synchronicity that examiners are looking for,not simply reporting features in a mechanical way,but linking ideas and identifying patterns in the data.


So far we have already looked at the importance of identifying key points and main features if we want to score beyond a 7.We have also seen that some candidates add information from the chart that is not important (remember NK—Not Key Feature),but there is one cardinal sin that above all candidates must not commit,and that is to provide information that is not included in the chart.The phrase to remember is:

到现在,我们已经充分了解了如果写作分数想达到7分以上,发掘图表中的突出特点和细节特点是非常重要的。有些考生在作答时会把不重要的信息也写进去 (记住 “NK”,即非重要特点),还有一些考生会犯更严重的错误——写图表中根本没有提及的信息,为了避免犯这个错误,请大家谨记:


写且 写你看见的信息!

Save your opinions for Task 2,they are not welcome in Task 1.Inserting these irrelevant points is going to bury your score in the TA 4 trash heap.Check out this stinker as an example:


The table below compares carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) production by the five countries that produced the most carbon dioxide in 2006.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

It is well-known that in this day and age carbon dioxide production is an important issue in the world.In the chart we can see five countries,China,Russia,and India,which are developing nations,and the United States and Japan which are developed nations…STOP!

From the very first sentence this candidate starts to include information that is not included in the chart.Can you see any mention of the importance of carbon dioxide production in the graph?Can you see any measurements relating to the development of a country,like GDP for example?No!You know why?Because they're not there!The candidate has already gone off-topic.Let's see if he can dig himself out of his hole.


The United States is the richest country in the world.It produced 5,994 million tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2005,but it decreased in 2006 by 2%,probably because the US government is keen on reducing carbon production…STOP!

Does the chart show how rich Americans are?Nope!Does it even mention the US government?Nope!Is this candidate going to score higher than 4 on TA?Nope!Let's check out his conclusion anyway:


In summary,developed countries like the United States,Russia,and Japan have no increase in carbon production,but developing countries like China and India have increasing levels of carbon production…STOP!

Is what the candidate has written true?Actually…yes.Does the information come from chart?Nope!Just remember in Task 1:




(Russia is not a "developed nation";it is considered a "developing nation".)


(俄罗斯并不是 “发达国家”,目前它依然被认为是一个 “发展中国家”。)

Forgetting your background knowledge is often more easily said than done,and very subtle additions can be made that leave examiners really wondering if the details are relevant or not.This alternative conclusion to the above question is a good example of that:


In summary,we can see that while China has the highest levels of carbon dioxide,production per person is very low.At the same time,America,Russia,and Japan have lower levels of carbon dioxide production,but much higher levels for production per person.

Looks great so far,but can you see where this point is heading?


This is probably because China has a much larger population so it's per person production is lower.The US,Russia,and Japan,all have much smaller populations so the production per person is higher.

Oh dear!It was such a convincing argument,and it is completely true,but guess what?That information is not included in the chart,so it is considered irrelevant details.Frankly speaking,even though this would score 6 or more for CC,it's still only going to score 4 on TA.Every time that you're about to add opinions or background knowledge,or you think it might be a good idea to analyse the data just…STOP!The next section explains a little bit about what to do if it seems there are no key features.



缩写 不缩写

Take a look at this paragraph and see if you can spot the problem:


In 2005 the United States produced the most CO 2 at 5,994 million tonnes ,after that China produced 5,429 million tonnes ,1,699 million tonnes was produced by Russia,Japan and India produced 1,250 million tonnes and 1,194 million tonnes respectively.

Did you notice anything here?Yes,that's right,the candidate used the term "million tonnes" five times.That is ten words out of thirty-nine,or one quarter of the words.I'll let you in on a little secret,repeat terms like that enough times and your lexical resource score drops like a lead balloon to 4.What can be done though?The answer is abbreviation—making the words shorter.

你注意到什么问题了吗?没错,“million tonnes” 这个短语考生用了5 遍,也就是一共39 个词,这个重复的短语占了10 个词,占据了1/4的比例。悄悄地告诉你们,重复这样的短语达到一定的次数,你的词汇丰富度得分将像铅球一样直线下降到4分。那么我们能做些什么呢?答案就是缩写——让短语精简化。

It's up to you how you abbreviate,but there are two golden rules:


1) Present your abbreviations in the introduction.


2) Write them in lower case letters.


For example:


In the chart shown carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) production,measured in million tonnes (m/t) is shown for 2005 and 2006.CO 2 production per person (p/p) is also shown.It is obvious that China had the greatest level of CO 2 production at around 6,000m/t in 2006,while the US had the highest level of CO 2 p/p at around 20m/t in 2005.

In this example there are actually three examples of abbreviation.One is provided by the question,and the other two are made up by the candidate:


1) CO 2 Carbon Dioxide

2) m/t Million tonnes

3) p/p Per person

By establishing these habits in the introduction,you are able to free up your word count to include more varied vocabulary.You're not going to get scored on vocabulary that comes from the question anyway,so stop wasting your time.One other point to remember,always be on the lookout for opportunities to upgrade your language:

在文章开篇时先规定好缩写的形式,接下来的行文中你就不会被高重复率的词汇所束缚从而有更多空间使用多样化的词汇。如果你多次使用题目中出现的单词,这不会为你加分,所以停止浪费时间。记住另外一点,请抓住一切机会给你的语言 “升级”:

5,994 million tonnes=5,994,000,000 m/t≈6 billion tonnes (b/t)

If you didn't notice that,don't worry,it's a com-mon trick the IELTS writers use to test whether you are paying attention.Be sure to check out the lexical resource section for more tips on abbreviation.


For the most part,the people that write the exams will present key features that are not too difficult to spot.However,from time to time there are Task 1 questions that leave even the examiners marking the papers wondering what the main points are.In this short section,we will take a look at how we can deal with those tricky questions.

大多数时候,雅思写作考试出题官会把细节特点放在很显眼的位置让考生容易发现。然而,有些时候,写作任务一的考题会让即使是作为评卷人的考官都不知道关键点是什么。在接下来的部分,我们将学习如何对付这类 “难缠” 的考题。

Take a good long look at the question below and try to see if you can find any connections between the two charts:


The first graph below shows the number of train passengers on a particular route between 2000 and 2009.The second shows the target for trains to run on time compared to the percentage reaching this target.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

It has probably taken you a fair amount of time to realise that there really doesn't seem to be any strong connection between the two charts.The example below shows how a candidate might try to deal with this lack of correlation:


In the two charts we can see that between 2000 and 2009 the number of train passengers rose from 38 million to 43 million.During that time it fluctuated a lot.At the same time,we can also see that over the same period the percentage of trains arriving on time rose from 92%to 97%.This suggests that as the percentage of trains arriving on time increased,the number of passengers also increased.

This a very well-written answer.It presents both side of the data,and then connects the ideas with a logical correlation.In terms of CC,LR,and GRA,it scores a triple 7.There is just one problem with this answer—it is bullshit!Yes,it is true that between 2000 and 2009 both sets of figures rose,but looking at the fluctuations in the two charts,it is impossible to say that these figures are connected.This means that that triple 7 is going to be dragged down to an overall 5.5 because he scores a 5 on TA.It is essential to only state the facts and don't make things up.Here is another example which should be a little more obvious:

这段话写得非常好。它既阐述了数据的两面性,还解释了信息之间的逻辑关系。从关联性、词汇丰富度、语法丰富度和准确性来说,它可以拿到三个7分。但是这段话有一个严重问题——信口开河!确实,从 2000年到2009年数字在增长,但是看看这两个图表里的波动曲线,基本看不出任何关联性。这将导致其他维度的三个7分迅速被拉低到5.5分,因为任务完成度得分只有5分。仅陈述事实、不要胡编乱造,这一点很重要。下面这个例文在这一点上体现得更加明显:

In the two charts we can see that between 2000 and 2009 the number of train passengers rose from 38 million to 43 million.During that time it fluctuated a lot.At the same time,we can also see that over the same period the percentage of trains arriving on time rose from 92%to 97%.This suggests that the more passengers there are taking the train,the more the trains arrive on time.

Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?Logically,the more passengers taking trains should decrease the percentage of trains arriving on time.Again,the candidate has produced a bucket of bullshit.As already mentioned,candidates who just report the features in a list like this are going to score a six for task achievement:


Between 2000 and 2009 the number of train passengers rose from 38 million to 43 million.In that time their numbers fluctuated from a low of 38 million to a high of 48 million.Over the same period,the percentage of trains arriving on time increased from 92%to 97%.It also varied a great deal,and in 2006 the percentage dropped back to its starting point of 92%before rocketing up to finish at 97%in 2009.

Wow!Really well written,right?Well,yes and no.Like in the previous example,this is going to score triple 7 for CC,LR,and GRA,but again the candidate has not compared and correlated the information shown in the chart.For this reason,he's only going to score 6.5 overall because his TA is only 6.What can a candidate do if they honestly don't think that there is a connection between the data sets?Take a look at the response below and see how it differs:

哇,写得真的很棒,是不是?其实,既是也不是。就像前面的例文,这篇文章在关联性、词汇丰富度、语法丰富度和准确性的得分可以拿到三个7分,但是考生没有把表格中体现的信息进行比较和关联。因为这个原因,他的写作总分只能拿到6.5 分,因为他的任务完成度得分仅为6 分。那么,如果考生真心觉得题目中的数据之间没有什么关联性该怎么办呢?看看下面的回答与之前的回答有什么区别:

Between 2000 and 2009 the number of train passengers rose from 38 million to 43 million.In that time their numbers fluctuated from a low of 38 million to a high of 48 million.Over the same period,the percentage of trains arriving on time increased from 92%to 97%.It also varied a great deal,and in 2006 the percentage dropped back to its starting point of 92%before rocketing up to finish at 97%in 2009.

Although there are some very weak connections between the two graphs,for example,between 2000 and 2002 both the number of train passengers and the percentage of trains arriving on time increased,when the passenger numbers were peaking in 2005,the proportion of trains arriving on time was plummeting.This suggests that there is no direct link between passenger levels and trains arriving on time.

Do you see what this candidate did differently?Rather than write a bullshit connection,make up some weird logic,or simply leave that part out of the question altogether,he instead wrote that there is no connection between the data sets.That is a perfectly legitimate statement when you just can't seem to make a connection.It does happen from time to time,and it takes a brave candidate to say there is no connection.


In case you are wondering,by pointing out the basic figures in the charts this candidate builds his base at a 6 for TA.By going on to point out the opposite trends in the charts,he goes on to score a 7.By finally mentioning that there is no direct link between the data sets,he pushes his score right up to an 8 for TA,which will absolutely leave that clueless examiner breathless.By the way,if you were wondering how to score a 9 for TA on this question,it is all connected to the target line in the second graph:

你也许会好奇这位考生会得到多少分。指出表格中的基本数据,在任务完成度上他将得到6分;指出表格中体现的相反的趋势,他将得到 7分;最终直白地指出数据之间没有直接关联性,他的任务完成度的分数将增长到8分,这将让本身就一头雾水的考官也长舒一口气。顺便说一下,在这类问题上,如果你好奇如何在任务完成度上得到9分,下面第二段话中的内容起到了决定性的作用:

Between 2000 and 2009 the number of train passengers rose from 38 million to 43 million.In that time their numbers fluctuated from a low of 38 million to a high of 48 million.Over the same period,the percentage of trains arriving on time increased from 92%to 97%.It also varied a great deal,and in 2006 the percentage dropped back to its starting point of 92%before rocketing up to finish at 97%in 2009.

The target for the percentage of trains running on time was set at 95%.This target is met in two years,2003 and 2007,carrying 38 million and 41 million passengers respectively.This suggests that the optimum number of passengers to achieve the 95%target is between 38 and 41 million.

That last paragraph is the icing on the cake that will take your TA score to a 9.In summary,dig deeper,leave the bullshit for the farmyard,don't make up false comparisons,and if it seems that there is no connection,just be upfront and write that.Bearing all these things in mind,we're going to take a look at how finer details can be organised to maximise your TA score in the next section.

锦上添花的最后一段话让考生在任务完成度的得分达到了9 分的峰值。总的来说,我们要深入挖掘,不要信口开河,不要编造虚假信息,如果看起来确实没有关联性,就直白地陈述这一点。记住以上这些要点,接下来我们来看看如何更好地组织细节信息从而在任务完成度上得到最高分。 eqzAB46N05ejCN4DKWzfPI9XipwB27xIpBmMI8iucv0DQILrEPkAgWGoTOqGAk3S
