
Day 4

成年人一起玩,千万不能用play with. . .

A: Hey,dude,tonight I'm gonna play with my friends.

D: Oh,how old are they?

A: Same as me. We used to be classmates.

D: Oh,you mean you're gonna hang out with your friends.

A: Why can't I say play?

D: In English,usually kids and animals play. Adults hang out.

A: Oh,learn something new every day!

OK,听完今天的对话之后,我们一起来看一下。在我跟大白讲我要跟我的朋友一起玩的时候,我说I'm gonna play with my friends,但是大白却好奇我朋友的年龄。他要给大家来解释一下什么时候可以用“play with”,什么时候不可以。

T hank you,Alex. In English if you say“I'm gonna play with you”,and you're both adults,we think it sounds really strange.

Play is a very childish word . Kids play with each other. Animals,for example,two cats,two dogs,can play with each other.

You can also say,“Let's go play football.” “Let's go play video games.” But you can not say,“Let's play together.” We think it sounds very strange.

我听到很多中国学生把“我想跟你玩”翻译成:“I want to play with you.”大白在抖音上也经常收到粉丝留言说:“I want to play with you.”但是成年人之间一定不能说:I want to play with you,只能说: I want to hang out with you.“一起玩”的英文表达是hang out

All right,it's time for our bonus. Now you heard Alex at the end of our conversation say,“Oh,learn something new every day.” This is a fixed expression.

If you learn some new knowledge that you didn't know before,you can say,“Emm,learn something new every day!”

You know how we say this in Chinese,Darby? How?涨知识!

Wow! Learn something new every day! Yeah!

OK. So I hope you learn something valuable today! jzP7yE/VW7qK24CKge+5Qx7Ity1qNrX+c9yOQraViZWOYLcRVQxPvULwrORktio6
