
Day 2


D: Hey,man,I'm so hungry.

A: Ya,me too.

D: You wanna grab a bite to eat ?

A: Sure. I think there's a fried chicken restaurant nearby.

D: Fried chicken? That's so unhealthy. I thought you were on a diet.

A: I don't care. I just want my fried chicken!

OK,听完今天的对话之后,我们要学习一个非常非常地道的表达,叫“ grab a bite to eat ”,意为“ 去吃点儿东西 ”。

G rab a bite to eat ”,this is a very common expression. With my friends,maybe I would say this every day. Hey,man,you wanna go grab a bite to eat?

Now,for this expression,usually it means not to go to a restaurant and wait and have a big dinner. It usually means to go to a fast-food restaurant ,maybe like McDonald's or KFC, and eat quickly .

All right,“ grab a bite to eat ”,这个表达真的是老外每天都会用到的,它指的是“ 去吃口东西 ”。

这个时候吃东西就不像(正式聚餐那样)我们要去一个在fancy restaurant吃得那么正式,而是去快餐店或者food court, 去吃那么一口,填饱肚子 。想表达“ 吃快餐、吃得快 ”的这种情景,就可以说 “grab a bite to eat”

OK,so for today's bonus. It's very important to know that for foreigners,for English speakers,when we wanna say “ 减肥 ”,we say “ on a diet ”. I'm on a diet.

There is another few ways that you can say this. You can say “I'm losing weight ,” “I'm trying to lose weight,” or some people will say “I'm counting calories .”

It means that they are keeping track of how many calories they lose and how many calories they take in from eating.

今天大白给大家介绍了三种有关“ 减肥 ”的英文表达。第一个是“ on a diet ”,就是“节食”;“ lose weight ”是“减重、减肥”的意思;其实我个人比较喜欢第三种:“ counting calories ”,意思是“计算自己的卡路里”。

比如,一碗米饭多少卡路里?一根玉米多少卡路里?这个表达非常的生动和形象。当你在运动(work out)的时候就会counting calories。 u4X0DR5BsY1jZ3oVAQaRySHU9YfuTstz+++4WOe4hD+Ds5IuvHzrMSQnXWk0bmcN
