
Day 25

美女经过不能说pass away!那应该怎么说?

A: Hey,Darby,a really hot girl just passed away .

B:What? How could you be so happy about that?

A: Cuz she's really hot,look!

B:Oh,she walked past us. You should say she passed by .

A: Oh,so what does pass away mean?

B:It means to die.

A: I don't care. She's hot.


OK!听完今天的对话之后呢,我们要来学习 “pass away” “pass by” 的区别。

S o,Darby,what's the difference between“ pass away ” and “ pass by ”?

Well,these are two phrasal verbs using the word “pass”. Phrasal verbs are very difficult in English,because they are very similar.

Now“ pass away ” means to die . I could say:“I'm so sorry your grandfather passed away.”

Pass by ” means someone or something goes past us .

For example,that beautiful girl just passed by me,or the car just passed by me.

在今天的对话当中,我跟大白说“... a really hot girl just passed away.”。“ passed away ”是什么意思呢?就是“ 去世 ”的意思。那我要表达的真正意思是什么呢?应该是:一个漂亮的女孩从我们身边走过。那么正确的表达我们应该说:“Hey, Darby, a really hot girl just passed by.”

OK,so it's time for today's bonus. As you know,“ pass away ” means “ die ”,but it's very important to know that “pass away” is actually a very gentle way of saying “die”. So if you go to a funeral,and you say to your friend,“I'm so sorry your mother died.”,it's a little bit rude. So you could say:“ I'm so sorry your mother passed away .”

OK,听完大白的解释以后不知道大家有没有了解“die”和“pass away”的区别?在中文当中,“die”相当于“死掉”,“pass away”相当于“去世”。也就是说, “pass away”是“die”的比较委婉的表达方式 。我们如果说某人死掉了,这太直接太刺耳了,我们会说去世,“去世”就是“pass away”。 0EBE1o3ccjxMQNGCyjrxEqkqT7KCBVmWD6z7fydQCulmFHyP41eA06YF47ivUSpQ
