
Day 20

“You're fine.”和“You're so fine.”意思差异居然这么大!

D: Dude,I'm nervous about my interview.

A: It's OK! You are so fine!

D: What? Do you know what that means?

A: Yeah,I mean don't worry. It'll be OK.

D: Oh,actually here the word “so” makes a difference. “ You are fine. ” means don't worry. “ You are so fine. ” means…haha,you are hot!

A: Well,you are.

D: Shut up.

All right,听完对话之后,我们今天要讲的是“ You are fine .”和“ You are so fine .”的区别。

So, Darby,what's the difference between“ You are fine .”and“ You are so fine .”?

W ell,sometimes in English just one word can make a huge difference in a sentence. In this case it's the word “so”.

When we say “ You are fine ”,it means the same as “Don't worry. It'll be OK. You got this .”

But if you add “so”,“ You are so fine ”,all of a sudden it means “ I think you are sexy ”,“ I think you are hot ”. So many song lyrics have“You are so fine”. It means “I really like you. You are sexy.”

All right,听完大白的解释之后,我来给大家说一下:“ You are fine .”指的是“ 你OK的、你没问题的、不用担心 ”。但是“ You are so fine .”意思就是“ 你很性感 ”。


All right. Bonus time!

OK. As a bonus,let's talk about the word“fine”. The word“fine” can change meaning depending on the situation.

For example,I could say:“Ah, the weather is fine today.” In this case it means the weather is nice,the weather is good.

But,for example,if my boss says:“You have to work over-time!” I could say:“ Oh,fine! ”It means: I'll do it,OK,but I'm not happy.

今天的bonus time我们讲到“ The weather is fine .”指的是“天气真的很好”,这个时候fine的意思就是“ 真的很好的 ”。

当你老板让你加班的时候,你偷偷地说了一个“ Fine. ”,这个时候的fine就是你咬牙切齿地说:“ 好吧 。” U5s+y/wSOQbLM8+mcQPkg1JMyZm9tM0Y0bSuUJecr/Hm8ZKxs8GSzRuLuh4cs5qt
