
Day 17


A: Hey,dude,what's up?

D: Not much,just hanging out at my place.

A: You know,it's been a long time since we drank together.

D: Wow,you're right. It's been a whole 3 days.

A: Yeah. You wanna go to the bar?

D: Man, you read my mind !

All right,听完今天的对话,我们要学习一个非常地道的表达叫作“ You read my mind .”。

Y eah,this is a very very common expression. We say it all the time. For example,all day I'm craving,and I really really wanna eat spicy noodles,but I'm just thinking this to myself. At the end of the day,Alex says,“Hey,Darby,do you wanna go eat spicy noodles?” Wow,how did he know that's exactly what I was thinking . He read my mind .

You read my mind. ”这句话翻译成中文为“ 你怎么知道我的想法 ”或者“ 你看透了我的心思 ”。比如在对话当中我问大白:“You wanna go to the bar?”(你想去酒吧吗?)他说:“Man, you read my mind!”说明他也想去酒吧,他的想法跟我一样。

再比如你特别想吃甜甜圈,这个时候你男朋友出现在你面前,拿着甜甜圈说:“想吃吗?”这个时候你就可以对他讲:“You read my mind!”你怎么知道我想吃,你真棒!

这里有一个小的细节要大家注意,这句话在口语当中一般都是 过去时态 ,因为对方已经看透了你的心思,所以你要读作“You read (/red/) my mind.”,而不是“You read (/riːd/) my mind.”。

OK,so it's time for our bonus. And for the bonus,we're gonna teach you a cool expression,and a way to respond to“you read my mind”. You can say:“Well, Great minds think alike .”

—Now,what does this expression mean,Alex? Allow me to show off my Chinese.



—Good job,bro!

All right,“ Great minds think alike. ”这句话是用于当别人说了“You read my mind.”之后的一个回应,就是“ 英雄所见略同 ”。你学会了吗? BfWWF2uQYPQfoY930p22AwEYAIzwuM9Kbl/wuqSZmbjdRiIi8GcwaUHONQZSCuJj
