
Day 11

“I'm down.”和“I'm feeling down.”的区别是什么?

D: Hey,bro. Jason invited us to a party.

A: Oh. You wanna go?

D: I'm down ,you?

A: I'll pass. I'm feeling down today .

D: Awww,that's too bad. Hope you feel better.

A: Have a good time,bro.

听完对话之后,我们来看一下“ I'm down .”和“ I'm feeling down .”的区别。

S o,Darby,what's the difference between “ I'm down ” and “ I'm feeling down ”?

Yeah,it's very strange. In English we say “ I'm down ” and “ I'm feeling down ”. Both of these expressions have the word “down”,but they have totally different meaning.

I'm down ” means I'm willing to do something .

—Hey! Do you wanna go watch a movie?

—I'm down!

I'm feeling down ”,on the other hand,means I 'm in a really really bad mood . Totally different meaning even though they both have the word“down”.

All right,我来给大家解释一下“ I'm down. ”和“ I'm feeling down. ”的区别。当Jason邀请我跟大白去参加party的时候,我问他愿意去吗,他说:“ I'm down. ”即 他愿意去

当表示 “愿意” 的时候,就说“ I'm down. ”,相当于“I'd love to.”。

当大白询问我愿不愿意去的时候,我说了一句“I'll pass.”,意思是“我就不去了”。“I'll pass. I'm feeling down today.” “我不去了。我的心情不好。”

OK. It's time for today's bonus. So we taught you “I'm down” means “I'm willing” or “I'd love to”. We have another way of saying “I'm down”. We can say “ I'm up for that ”. I'm up for that also means “I'd love to”. Very strange. I'm up for that and “I'm down” have the same meaning.

今天的bonus特别有意思,因为我们刚刚学了“ I'm down. ”表示“ 我愿意 ”,其实有一个跟它意思相同的表达叫“ I'm up for that .”。不管是up还是down,都是表示“ 我愿意 ”。 0V1mvKg/OG9hYdI+efEDwU2+Falbq1ewK5llJNz7QikbGa6TmdGm6feUv2akKw+y
