
Day 6


A: Dude,your new girlfriend is so fat!

D: Man,you're so mean! Plus,she's not fat,just big boned.

A: No,she's just fat.

D: Come on,dude. She has a great personality.

A: Emm,interesting.

All right,听完今天的对话之后,我们要学习 big boned 和fat的区别。So, Darby, what's the difference between“ big boned ”and“fat”?

W ell,actually in the west people are very very sensitive about their bodies. We don't like to talk about appearance,and we especially don't like to tell people they're fat.

So as a very tactful way of saying somebody is overweight ,we say:“Uh,no, you are not fat. You are just big boned. ” It just sounds a lot nicer.

OK,在这边给大家提个醒,在跟外国人做朋友的时候,千万不要去讨论对方的体形问题。因为我们中国人特别喜欢说,“哎,你是不是变胖了?”“哎,你变瘦了!”这些话都不要和外国朋友说!那该怎么说呢?要说“You look great!”“You look great today!”

刚才大白跟大家说的是,如果这个女孩/男孩真的有一点儿 ,他们也不会说对方“fat”,他们会说“ big boned ”。

OK,time for today's bonus. As Alex said westerners are very sensitive about their weight. So we would not tell somebody they are fat. We might say:“ Oh,you are not fat. You are just big boned .”

There's another word that you can use. That word is “ curvy ”. But you can not use this word to describe a guy. You can use this word to describe a girl.

If a guy is fat,maybe we would just say:“Oh,you look very strong!”

All right,老外对体重真的是非常非常敏感。所以有另外两个词:一个叫“ curvy ”,用于形容那种比较有曲线的 女孩 ;形容 男孩 比较胖的,可以说“You are strong .”,你看起来非常强壮,非常“奘”。

OK. So that's it for today. Thank you so much and remember:Everyone is beautiful in their own way. DKAyA4VbAPZVb4cscsavrt9UDNQqRvALacIv20SoGGYGg34Y+F+iOa7VQeymAycw
