


1 题目名称

“听题答题”(Speak the answer to the question you hear)

2 准备时间


3 答题时间


4 出题频率


5 实考截图

6 考查技能


7 考题描述

考试时,考生会看到一句说明“Speak the answer to the question you hear”,但却见不到这个问题的原文,取而代之的是一个巨大的喇叭图标。点击该图标,则会听到一个问题。该问题最多只能播放三遍,然后考生就应该对此问题进行回答了。值得注意的是,本题型同时考查了学生的听力和口语的能力。尽管这是一个口语题,但听力有明显困难的同学也很难在本题型中取得好成绩。



['meni'piːplfiːl'æŋkʃəs bɪ'fɔːr ɪg'zæmz wɒt kæn ðeɪ duːtuːrɪ'læks ænd'fəʊkəs'betə]


Many people feel anxious before exams. What can they do to relax and focus better?

这个题目相对比较简单明了。值得注意的是,这个题目所讨论的对象是“Many people”而不是在问考生自己。所以,在这个题目的答题过程中,我们要做的并 不是描述“自己是否在考试之前感到焦虑” ,而是 讨论“那些在考试前感到焦虑的群体能够做点儿什么事儿来减轻这一状况” 。把这一点说清楚之后,我们就可以开始正式作答避免走题了。


Okay, so I think it's quite natural to feel nervous before exams, but there are definitely some ways to relax.



First of all, you need to make a study schedule and stick to it.


这一句很简单:用连接词“First of all”告诉听众自己认为的第一个方法是“make a study schedule and stick to it”。

It doesn't help to cram everything the night before the exam or exhaust your brain trying to study everything. So, you need to review the crucial material and study a little bit every day, and you also need to take some study breaks to relax. That way, you can stay calm and feel more prepared.


说服他人接受自己的建议时,常常有两种可能的办法。一种是 描述如果不按照自己的建议做,可能会有什么不好的现象 ;一种是 描述如果按照自己的建议做会有什么好的结果 。这里接下来的两句话,正好对应了两个可能的论述方向。

Also, you need to be sure to get enough sleep and eat and drink well.


然后开始了对于第二个要素的阐述。“also”是一个简明的表达“第二点”的连接词。这里作者表达的是“吃好睡好也能缓解焦虑”。尽管这一点从内容上看很简单,但值得大家注意的是,考试中我们 没有必要追求内容的深邃程度 。简单易懂,表意清晰就可以获得一个好分数了。切记,我们所面对的是一个语言考试而不是一个知识面考试。

Getting enough sleep gives your brain some necessary rest, and research has even proven that it boosts your brain's reaction time. Eating healthy and drinking a lot of water can also reduce your stress and make you feel refreshed.




Okay, so I think it's quite natural to feel nervous before exams, but there are definitely some ways to relax. First of all, you need to make a study schedule and stick to it. It doesn't help to cram everything the night before the exam or exhaust your brain trying to study everything. So, you need to review the crucial material and study a little bit every day, and you also need to take some study breaks to relax. That way, you can stay calm and feel more prepared. Also, you need to be sure to get enough sleep and eat and drink well. Getting enough sleep gives your brain some necessary rest, and research has even proven that it boosts your brain's reaction time. Eating healthy and drinking a lot of water can also reduce your stress and make you feel refreshed.


1 一次性将题目所允许听的三遍都听完


Talk about someone notorious that you know of ? What make them notorious?


2 不要期望能做笔记或者列提纲

我想大家在阅读考试说明的时候都已经注意到了,多邻国英语测试(DET)有一个相对比较奇怪的特点,就是 不允许同学们做笔记或是列提纲 。当我们遇到“听题答题”这个口语题目的时候,一定会有一种强烈的冲动,想要从桌上寻找一张白纸来打打草稿,列列提纲。大家一定要注意不能这样操作,否则十有八九会被认定为作弊!实际上,这个题型里的口语题目并不难记忆,而且还提供了三次播放录音的机会,所以只要平时稍加训练,记住题目的内容是可以做到的。

3 采用最明确的逻辑来展开答题


4 答题时尽可能讲到最后一秒




在我们正式展开论述之前,我想强调一下:逻辑展开模式多种多样,但并 不意味着大家在答题的时候需要将每一种都用上 。每一位同学的知识背景不同,譬如“举例”可能是一个特别常见的展开方式,但时不时就会有同学遇到 没有办法在短时间内想到合适例子的情况 。这个时候,与其“为赋新词强说愁”,硬生生地诌出一个不太恰当的例子,不如转而求助于其他更合适的展开逻辑。你看,这就是为什么说大家多学几种逻辑模式不是坏事儿,技多不压身嘛。让我们赶紧开始吧。


什么是举例? 当抽象化(较为概括)事物的特质通过某些具体(较为详尽)事物表现出来时,就是举例。 举例是日常生活中最常用到的论述展开方式。大家都很熟悉了,不赘言。

常见的 举例标志词 包括但不限于:for example, for instance, like, such as, to illustrate with an example, to cite/quote an example。譬如:

Many students in our university, like me, come from very poor backgrounds.

其实举例是容易的,但是想举出一个好例子并不容易。举例要注意遵循两个基本的原则: 细节原则和一致性原则

什么是“细节原则”呢?就是既然都是在举例了,还是要 尽量描述得细致一些 。譬如当你在聊到“cigarette smoking”的时候,恰当地引入“ Camel Smoke ”(骆驼牌香烟)作为例子就要比简单地说“smoke”来得更好。那什么是“一致性原则”呢?简单地说就是 例子的内容与被举例对象的意思相一致 ,即例子不应该有过多的冗余信息。之所以要提及这一点,是因为很多同学一到举例的部分就好似抓住了救命稻草一般,事无巨细地开始阐述,反而容易出现画蛇添足的情况。



How do movies or television influence people's behavior?


We can easily discover the great impact of TV or movie on the people's way of thinking and their attitudes towards life. When we get frustrated, we would think of Andy, the tragic yet heroic figure in Shawshank Redemption, and summon up enough courage and confidence to deal with the miseries in life. And when we feel physically and mentally fatigued from all the annoying trivialities, we could learn from Amélie in a famous French movie—a lonely yet imaginative woman, trying to help the people around her break away from the routines of their tedious life. If only we can perceive the positive information conveyed in the TV/movie properly, our attitudes towards life would remain hopeful and optimistic, making us able to pull through many low moments.

这是一段不错的范文,作者给出了两个例子来证明该论点——“Andy, the tragic yet heroic figure in Shawshank Redemption”以及“Amélie in a famous French movie”。这些具体的电影名字和电影人物的名字,达成了我们刚刚提及的“细节性”概念。另外,举例的内容尽管细致却又非常的简洁,没有浪费时间去介绍“电影上映于哪一年”等琐碎的信息,因为这些信息对于论述主题并无额外的帮助。


另外一个便于考生展开逻辑的模式便是 递进 。利用递进逻辑,同学们往往可以轻易地 将自己原有的观点一分为二,成为两个有递进关系的子论点 。而且采用该种模式,往往容易使答题内容由于递进逻辑的存在而变得更加紧凑。

常见的递进角度包括: 1)小↔大;2)物质/身体↔精神;3)时间轴 。表示递进含义的词包括:even,yet,indeed,in fact,actually,furthermore,moreover,then,in addition to,additionally,besides,what is more等。


第一大类:小 大(difference in scope)





Is it more important to choose a subject of your interest than to choose those that prepare you for a job or career?

观点1:Choosing a field of study in which you have real interest and enjoy will ensure that you study more diligently....

递进后观点2:There is also a benefit for society in general....

其实这个题目相对好回答,我们很容易就可以说出“根据兴趣选择学习的专业领域对 个人 的意义”,但这样回答还不够丰满,我们可以采取递进的方法,采用由“ 个人到集体 ”的模式来回答“根据兴趣选择学习的专业领域对 社会 的意义”,顺利地完成内容的构造。

第二大类:物质/身体 精神(material/physical mental)


Do you think movies and television exert more negative effects than positive effects on young people's behaviors?

观点1:First there is the problem with“copycat”behavior...

递进后观点2:This“monkey see, monkey do”mentality applies as well to sexuality as portrayed in film and on TV....

在这个案例中,我们先说青少年可能去模仿一些电视节目中的危险 行为 ,然后通过递进的方法,在第二点说青少年的 思想 可能会受到一些电视节目的不良影响,属于 从身体到精神 的递进。也很顺利地完成了对于丰满内容的构造。

第三大类:按时间轴顺序(chronological order)




短期↔长期(short term↔long term)


Some people prefer to finish a project completely before starting another. Others prefer to do two or several projects at the same time. Which way would you prefer?

观点1:One advantage of the“finish-one-project-at-a-time”approach is that it forces me to pay particular attention to the task at hand and not be distracted by other thoughts...

递进后观点2:Another advantage to my approach is that it saves me much time in the long run...

在这个案例中,观点一先描述了“专注于一个任务而不是同时进行多个任务”对于 当前 保证高质量完成任务的意义,在递进后,描述了 长期来看 “专注于一个任务而不是同时进行多个任务”所带来的益处,属于 从短期到长期的递进 。我们再一次使用递进完成了丰满内容的构造。大家学会了“in the long run”这个递进百搭结构了么?



1. Talk about a children's story from your culture that you know well.

2. What is something or an experience that you wish you could have?

3. Explain how you organize a surprise birthday party.

4. What are the differences between the kinds of movies older people watched when they were young and contemporary movies?

5. What kinds of places and activities are appealing to old people, why?

6. Describe the inside of your closet, what do the contents say about your life?

7. Some parents spoil their children. How might a spoiled child behave when he or she becomes an adult?

8. What is one item you want to add to your closet in the next year and why?

9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

10. Talk about a time you had to ask for permission to do something or to go somewhere.

11. Who is the famous person you would like to meet one day? What they are known for and why do you want to meet them?

12. Why do some gadgets or equipment become obsolete? Give examples to support your answer.



Okay, so I'm going to talk about a famous children's story called“The Ugly Duckling”. A mother duck's eggs hatched one summer day, and all the little ducklings came out. But one of the ducklings looked different from the rest, and his siblings all made fun of him for being ugly. The ugly duckling ran away from home and somehow was able to survive on his own for some time. One day, he was by a lake and he saw a flock of white birds in the sky. He looked at his reflection in the lake and discovered that he was no longer an ugly duckling—he had become a beautiful swan just like them. I guess the moral of the story is that you shouldn't judge others by your initial impressions of them. They might turn out to be entirely different.


Okay, so something I'd like to experience is to travel around the world. Firstly, I haven't actually been abroad before, so I feel like there are so many things I haven't seen or learned about other cultures. It's one thing to just read about different countries in your textbook and another to actually travel there and immerse yourself in a totally new culture and atmosphere. Secondly, since I'm interested in history and languages, I'd love to visit some cultural landmarks and see for myself what they're actually like in person, maybe even take some photos. I think it'd be cool to experience firsthand, say, what the Seven Wonders of the World are like. I'm sure it'd be fascinating to see things like the architecture, the landscapes, and the cultural elements.


Alright, so I haven't actually organized a surprise birthday party before, but I'm sure it takes quite a bit of planning. First, you need to make a guest list of all the people to invite to the party, and you need to make sure they keep it a secret. You could probably create a WeChat group and add everyone you're planning to invite, and keep them updated with information. Then, since it's a party, you need to prepare all the food and refreshments. Finally, on the day of the surprise birthday, there needs to be someone who will keep the guest of honor distracted, like inviting her out for dinner or drinks or something. And all the other guests need to be at the party by a specific time, so you can all surprise the guest of honor when she arrives.


Alright, so I think one big difference between the movies old people used to watch and contemporary movies is the content and tone. Old movies seem to deal with more serious subjects, like war or death or family problems. A lot of contemporary movies are thrillers that are packed with action or comedies that are entertaining and light-hearted. Another difference is the pacing of the movie, as well as the structure of the plot. Old movies feel slower-paced, with a lot of buildup in the story from beginning to end. Contemporary movies seem much more fast-paced, and there's a lot of motion and movement, like, say, in Marvel movies. The plot in contemporary movies also tend to be easier to understand, I think, or at least there's a pretty clear beginning, middle, and end.


Okay, so I think there are various places and activities that appeal to old people. For instance, I see a lot of old people in parks, probably because it's a very peaceful and relaxing place, and old people can also get together to socialize there. I also see many old people in markets, maybe because they don't have much to do during the day, so they can go out to buy meat, vegetables, and other ingredients to cook at home. As for activities, old people in China seem to enjoy dancing in public squares or playing mahjong with their friends and neighbors. There are also those who enjoy cooking at home or gardening, and of course, there are some old people who just like to lie on the couch and watch TV programs all day.


Hmm, okay, so I think this is an interesting question because most people don't really stop to consider what things are in their closets and what these things say about them as people. As for my own closet, obviously, there are clothes and shoes, but there's also a bunch of other random items like an old sketchbook, a vintage camera, some postcards scattered here and there, and a stack of dusty books. I guess this shows that I'm a person who doesn't really like getting rid of things that I find meaningful in some way, but I'm not too organized either, so they're just all in my closet. And as for the contents themselves, they inspire creativity, and they're outlets for me to express myself, so I suppose you can say that I deeply value art.


Okay, so I think spoiling children certainly has some long-term negative effects. When a spoiled child grows up, they'll probably be really self-centered and always expect immediate gratification. Whether it's a material item they want, money, or a special job offer, they think that they deserve that thing and might become very frustrated if they don't get it. In addition, adults who were spoiled as children will probably have a hard time forming and maintaining relationships with people. After all, good relationships require effective communication and empathy, and spoiled children tend to grow up to be inconsiderate and insensitive. They don't know how to think from another person's perspective and are only concerned about themselves all the time.


Okay, so if I were to add one item to my closet in the next year, I'd probably choose to add a rain jacket of some kind. I don't actually have any rain jackets now, but it rains a lot here in Shanghai, especially during the spring and summer, so I think it would be a very practical item to have. Ideally, I'd like a rain jacket that's comfortable and lightweight, but also stylish-looking, or at least not like those ugly raincoats you see that look like yellow boxes. So yeah, I'd like a nice-looking rain jacket, and one that has various features to keep me dry. I mean, I pretty much walk everywhere on campus, so if one day, I forget my umbrella or it's just raining too hard, I want a rain jacket that keeps me from getting soaked.


Alright, so I guess one major advantage of shopping online is the ease and convenience. You can order something at any time of the day from the comfort of your own home. You can also save a lot of time, since you don't have to go out to buy things. Another advantage is that there's a much greater variety of things online than in physical stores, so you can usually find whatever you need, and you can also find out which store sells it at the cheapest price. As for the disadvantages, a huge one is that you can't actually see or try the item before purchasing it. This can be really inconvenient, especially if you're buying clothes or shoes, since you could end up buying something that doesn't fit or doesn't look as good in person.


One time I had to ask permission from my mom to sleep over at my friend's house. My friend had an upcoming birthday party and she invited me and my friends over for it. She wanted us to sleep over afterwards, you know, so that we could watch movies and talk all night. Before that, I had never slept over at a friend's place before, so I asked my mom, and she agreed to it pretty much right away. It was not really surprising to me, because I've always been responsible. So, my mom told me to call her at night to let her know everything's fine, and I said okay. Then, the next day I went to my friend's birthday party, and at night I checked in with my mom. It was a fun experience and I'm glad my mom allowed me to go.


So, one famous person that I would like to meet one day is Bill Gates. Bill Gates is known as the founder of Microsoft, which is a company that makes software like Windows. He established Microsoft when he was young—I think it was while he was in college—and he basically made the company into the huge company that it is today. Most people use Windows, so he's had such a huge impact on society and our daily lives, which is one reason I want to meet him. Also, I would want to meet him just to get his personal story on how he was able to create such a successful company, how he was able to accomplish these things, his life philosophy, and all that. I think it would be very enlightening and provide some direction to my own career.


I would say that some gadgets or equipment become obsolete because they get replaced by better alternatives. The best example I can think of is alarm clocks getting replaced by alarm clock apps in cellphones. People used to use alarm clocks to wake themselves every morning, but nowadays people simply use an alarm clock app, which does the same thing but more effectively. An alarm clock app doesn't cost any extra money, it doesn't take up extra space, and it doesn't run out of batteries. So, there are all these advantages to using an app instead of using a physical clock, and that's a big reason why alarm clocks became obsolete. Similarly, cameras are being replaced by smartphone cameras. It's one less item you need to carry around with you, and in most cases a smartphone camera works just fine. 7f/N3x7PNtyXM+jBAgy5EIaabuZ+YQdI00MyNo/r9j0LDMONFu9/qp/1XHZD+D//
