


1 题目名称

“看题答题”(Prepare to speak for at least 30 seconds about the question below)

2 准备时间


3 答题时间


4 出题频率


5 实考截图

6 考查技能


7 考题描述

看题答题是我给这个题型取的一个新奇的名字。本质上这个题型就是让同学们回答一个口语问题。但是为什么不简单地总结为口语题呢?因为这种口语题与同学们可能比较熟悉的口语题不同,它非常详细地给出了口语题目中需要回答的每一个子问题。换句话来说,这个题目并 不需要考生思考如何针对某个相对比较概括的问题,梳理出一个有逻辑、有组织的回答 。考题像是一个循循善诱的记者,已经对大问题进行了2~4个子问题的细致分解。考生只需要尽力回答好每一个子问题就可以了。本质上,这个考试机制 进一步减少了对于学生思维的考查,偏重于对学生语言本身的考查。这也正是语言类考试的本质所在




口语中的看题答题这一题型,由于时间短,任务重,所以一定要开篇明义,不能拐弯抹角。所以我们往往建议同学们在 第一句就直接回答问题 。比如这里,直接表明自己在学校最喜欢的学科是“art”。

I'd say that my favorite subject is art, no doubt, and I've loved art since a very early age.


这个时候需要注意的是,由于这一题型已经罗列了所有需要被回答的子问题,所以 切忌随意发挥,一定要优先按照子问题的顺序来回答 。既然第一个问题“what is it?”已经被回答过了,那么接下来当然就应该是回答“why do you like it?”

And, well, I like it because it gives me a chance to be creative and express myself. Unlike math or science, there isn't one correct answer in art, and you can experiment with the colors and shapes and decide how you want to create your own artwork.


另外,在回答的过程中,遇到一些不那么容易讲得丰满的话题时,我们可以采用 平行对比 的方法来帮助自己充实内容。譬如眼前的例子,要想回答为什么自己会喜欢“art”,可以采用将“art”与其他学科“math or science”作对比的方法来描述其特点。各位同学可以在其他题型中进行参考和模仿。当然,大家要时刻注意答题时间,对任何一个题目都不应该消耗过多的时间,以免在有限的时间内,无法回答完所有的子问题。简单地说, 越是水平低的同学,越是要减少每一个子问题的扩充时间,确保自己能够完成每一个子问题的回答

接下来的问题,就应该是“how long have you studied it?”了。

As for how long I've studied it, I'd say probably seven or eight years, so, you know, it's been a while.


这个地方对于问题的回答其实很简单干脆。稍微注意一下里面使用的完成时态即可。另外,在答题时可以使用类似 “you know” 这种连接词,以使得内容更为连贯。

然后就应该是最后一个问题“why is it important to you?”

Finally, art is important to me because it provides an outlet for me to convey my thoughts and feelings. The canvas gives me a lot of freedom to be imaginative and to make something meaningful.




I'd say that my favorite subject is art, no doubt, and I've loved art since a very early age. And, well, I like it because it gives me a chance to be creative and express myself. Unlike math or science, there isn't one correct answer in art, and you can experiment with the colors and shapes and decide how you want to create your own artwork. As for how long I've studied it, I'd say probably seven or eight years, so, you know, it's been a while. Finally, art is important to me because it provides an outlet for me to convey my thoughts and feelings. The canvas gives me a lot of freedom to be imaginative and to make something meaningful.



1 不必思考内容逻辑,简单回答预设问题即可

不少同学可能之前接触过其他口语考试,在那些考试中,往往是给出考生一个相对开放的问题,然后让学生对内容自由组织和表达。在这样的考试中,同学们往往需要从两个方面进行思考:口语内容的组织模式和顺序以及口语内容的表达方式。但是千万要注意的是,在多邻国英语测试(DET)的“ 看题答题 ”口语考试中,出题方不只是简单地给出了一个相对范围比较大的问题,更进一步地,它还将这个问题拆分成为若干个子问题。譬如我们刚刚遇见的典型范例中,需要作答的题目是“Describe your favorite subject in school”,但是考生立马就能在这个题目的下面看到四个由总问题衍生出来的子问题:What is it? Why do you like it? How long have you studied it? Why is it important to you?

因此,作答时只需逐一回答所列的问题即可, 每个题目一到三句话 就足够了。毫无疑问,这个答题过程中,由于不需要自己思考内容的组织方式,考生可以将所有的精力都放在语言的表达上。

2 回答问题的时候,一般不必复述子问题


3 回答且只回答子问题

过度拓展也是初次参与这个考试的考生容易犯的错误。大家要注意,我们 对子问题的回答才是考试所要求的对主问题的回答,不宜随意扩充 。譬如典型范例中的最后一问是“Why is it important to you?”,也就是问为什么这个学科对于自己来说是重要的,那我们在考试的时候能不能不讨论这个话题?或者干脆直接说另外一个话题,譬如“Are you going to do a related job in the future?”,这样行不行呢?不行!尽管看上去这个问题与主话题相关,但是大家 千万不要“画蛇添足 ”。

4 连接句以及连接词重要

在上一个小点中我们强调了不应该画蛇添足,去多说一些在子问题中未提及的话题。另外需要注意的一点是:我们所呈现的答案并非四个小问题的独立回答,而是 一个整体 。因此,应该尝试用一些连接词,乃至连接句来促使这若干个小问题的答案能够更好地融合在一起。所以,针对连接句和连接词的训练有可能是本题型最值得训练的地方了。在专项训练中,我们一起来细致地学习一下这项技巧。这将使我们最终呈现的答案 看上去像是一个连贯有序的篇章


正如我们在上一节所讨论的,正因为口语的“看题答题”这一题型已经预先给出了每一个需要回答的子问题,所以内容构造对于考生来说已经不是问题。考生最容易出差错的,反而是 仅仅将该题型错误地视作多个小问题的独立回答 ,未能将这些小问题的答案连贯地串联在一起,形成一个完整的口语答案。本节的专项训练中,让我们一起来学习一下若干连接性的字词和表达吧,它们能够帮助我们将多个内容有效地连贯在一起。


·To add ideas together

and, also, besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover, too, first, second, finally

·To show emphasis and clarity

above all, after all, in fact, particularly, that is

·To show similarity

like, likewise, in the same manner, in the same way, similarly

·To express cause and effect

as, because, due to, for, for this reason, now that, since, owning to, as a result (of), in consequence of, accordingly, consequently, therefore, thus

·To point out examples

for example, for instance, to illustrate

·To draw a conclusion, an inference, or a summary

in a word, in conclusion, in brief, in short, in summary, to conclude, to summarize, to sum up, therefore

·To indicate time

at times, after, afterward, from then on, immediately, later, meanwhile, next, now, then, until, while



1 准备以至少30秒的时间回答以下问题

Describe something you like to wear on special occasions.

·What is it?

·What occasions do you wear it?

·Do other people wear the same dress on special occasions?

2 准备以至少30秒的时间回答以下问题

Talk about your favorite restaurant.

·Where is it?

·What type of food does it serve?

·How often do you go there?

·Why is it your favorite?

3 准备以至少30秒的时间回答以下问题

Discuss why people daydream.

·What might people daydream about?

·What might make a person daydream?

·Is daydreaming a problem?

·Why or why not?

4 准备以至少30秒的时间回答以下问题

Describe an important tradition in your country.

·When do people participate in this tradition?

·Who participates in this tradition?

·Is it important to preserve traditions?

5 准备以至少30秒的时间回答以下问题

Talk about staying within a budget.

·Why is it important to stay within a budget?

·Who needs a budget?

·Do you have a personal budget?

6 准备以至少30秒的时间回答以下问题

Talk about a gift that you gave to someone recently.

·What was it?

·Who did you give it to?

·How did it make you feel?

·Why did you give it to this particular person?

7 准备以至少30秒的时间回答以下问题

Talk about a vehicle that you would like to buy someday.

·What vehicle is that?

·Why do you like it so much?

·Do you intend to buy this vehicle in future?

8 准备以至少30秒的时间回答以下问题

Describe an important letter that you received.

·Who wrote it to you?

·What was the letter about?

·How did it make you feel?

9 准备以至少30秒的时间回答以下问题

Describe a time you were tempted to lie.

·What did you want to lie about?

·Why did you want to lie about it?

10 准备以至少30秒的时间回答以下问题

Discuss the power of greed.

·What makes people greedy?

·How can we mitigate the effects of greed on others?

·Will greed continue to be an influence on people in the future?

11 准备以至少30秒的时间回答以下问题

Talk about a goal or ambition you have.

·What is it?

·How long have you had this goal?

·How difficult will it be to fulfill it?

12 准备以至少30秒的时间回答以下问题

Talk about a well-balanced diet.

·What kinds of food are part of a healthy diet?

·Why is it important to eat a well-balanced diet?

·Do you have a well-balanced diet?

13 准备以至少30秒的时间回答以下问题

Describe a foreign culture that you like.

·What culture is it?

·When were you first exposed to this culture?

·How does that culture compare to your own?



Okay, so something I like to wear on special occasions would probably be my black dress. It's like a classic black dress that's super stylish and sophisticated-looking, not really something I'd wear on a typical day. As for what occasions I'd wear the dress, definitely special ones, like maybe a formal party of some sort, or if I'm going on a date with someone and I want to dress my best. And I'm sure other people also wear black dresses on special occasions. It's actually a pretty common item to have in women's wardrobes, I think. But there are some black dresses that are more suitable for formal occasions and others that are more suitable for casual parties and such.


Alright, so my favorite restaurant is actually in a mall in Xintiandi. It's in the basement of the mall and might be a little hard to find, since there are so many restaurants there. The restaurant serves Yunnan food mostly, so there are dishes like shrimp mixed with tea leaves, scrambled eggs and jasmine flowers, and all kinds of mushrooms. And how often I go there? Well, I don't go out to eat all that often, so I'd say maybe once every few months, usually when I'm in the area. To end with , it's my favorite because it is incredibly tasty, and it's not that expensive either. Yunnan cuisine has a lot of unique ingredients that you don't find anywhere else.


Okay, so I think people daydream about a lot of things, like people they want to meet, places they want to go, things they want to do, or even their ideal life and future. It's easy for your mind to wander and just start daydreaming. I'd say that people daydream for various reasons. Some people daydream when they're under a lot of stress in real life, and daydreaming allows them to escape that for a while. Others daydream because they like to reflect on or imagine things that might happen. And as for whether daydreaming is a problem, hmm, I wouldn't say so myself. I mean, everyone daydreams once in a while and it's healthy for the brain. It's only a problem if it becomes excessive and starts to interfere with your daily life.


Okay, so I guess an important tradition in my country is spending time with family during Spring Festival. It's like, every Spring Festival is a big family reunion, and people all over the country will return to their hometowns to be with their families. As for who participates in this tradition, I'd say most people in China do. It's uncommon to see people hanging out by themselves during Spring Festival, and stores and businesses are closed because the owners are back in their hometowns. And yeah, I guess it's important to preserve certain traditions to an extent, especially , if there's some kind of value to it. At least for this tradition, being with family gives many people a sense of warmth and belonging.


Well, it's important to stay within a budget since it allows you to plan and keep track of your finances, so that you can work towards a long-term goal, and you can also stop overspending on unnecessary things. Oh, and it definitely helps in case of an emergency where you have to pay an unexpected expense. I think everyone needs a budget in order to really feel in control and not worry as much about spending issues. Even if someone makes a lot of money, they still need to be careful not to overspend. As fo r myself, I do have a personal budget, but I don't follow it as closely as I'd like. In the future , I'm definitely planning on being stricter with myself.


Alright, so I recently bought a Nintendo Switch game as a gift. The game came out recently and has excellent reviews, so I thought it'd be a nice gift. I gave it to my friend for her birthday. I mean, she's a gamer herself so she's usually very interested in new video games, and I knew that she didn't have this game yet. And how I felt? Well, I guess I felt good that my friend appreciated the gift, and I even remember her reaction when opening the gift. She was really beside herself with joy. To wrap things up , I gave it to this particular person because, like I said, she loves video games, and she's also a close friend of mine.


Okay, so if I were to buy a car someday, I might want to buy a Toyota Prius. However , I don't think I would really need a car for a while since public transport in my city is so convenient. And , well, it's not that I like it that much, but it's a decent, affordable option, and it's low-emissions, so it's also much better for the environment. Teslas are also nice, but they might be too expensive for me to consider, at least in the near future. Finally , I'm not sure yet if I absolutely intend to buy a Toyota Prius in the future. It depends on where I'm living and if I actually need a car. But if I do end up needing a car, then I'll definitely consider it.


Okay, so an important letter I received was this letter telling me that I won a national writing competition written by, well, I guess the literary organization that funded the competition. As for what the letter was about, hmm, it said that I was a finalist in the competition, and that my writing would be published in a magazine and I'd also receive a cash prize. And , of course, it congratulated me on winning because it was such a tight competition. To be honest, receiving the letter was such a pleasant surprise, and I felt thrilled that I won. I wasn't really expecting to win, so the news made me very happy and honored that my writing was widely appreciated.


A time I was tempted to lie was when my mom asked me about my score for a math test, and I wanted to tell her that I scored really well, when in fact I scored quite poorly. I wanted to lie about it because , well, if she knew I got a bad score, then she'd be very disappointed in me and I might even get punished. In the end , I told her the truth and I added that I was disappointed in myself and that I'll try to prepare harder next time. She accepted that and wasn't as mad as I thought she'd be, so I actually did try much harder for the next math test— and I scored really well! Overall I'm just very glad that I was honest about my test score.


Okay, so I think there are a lot of things that make people greedy, but the economic system is definitely a big reason. Most countries have a system with wealth concentrated at the top, so a lot of people will be greedy for money, whether it's just to get by or to get richer and richer. I think we can mitigate the effects by focusing on things other than money, like truly caring about other people, helping them out, doing volunteer work, enjoying hobbies and interests, things like that. And yeah, I think greed will continue to be an influence on people later on as well . Many people are resistant to change, and as long as the system stays in place, greed will continue to be a big issue.


Okay, so one rather ambitious goal that I have is to write and publish a book. I guess it'd be a book of short stories or something similar, since I do prefer to write fiction. I've actually had this goal since college. Back in college, I took a creative writing class and had a chance to publish some of my writing, and that motivated me to continue writing even after I graduated. To end with , I think it would be quite difficult to fulfill this goal—not impossible, but difficult. I mean, to publish a book, you need to be familiar with the publishing industry, and you might also need to contact various agents, which takes a lot of time and effort.


Okay, so a healthy diet definitely needs to include fruits and vegetables, especially green vegetables like broccoli and spinach and things like that. Mostly, you need to focus on consuming healthy whole foods and not processed foods with a lot of sugar and artificial flavors. It's important to eat a well-balanced diet for many reasons. First , eating nutritious meals is good for your overall health and provides all the essential vitamins and minerals you need to function in your daily life. Also , it helps to reduce the risk of getting certain diseases like cancer or heart disease. And finally , I'd say that my diet is fairly well-balanced and I try to eat healthy most of the time, but I could definitely eat more fruits.


Okay, so a culture I appreciate is French culture, mainly because French culture has a really strong appreciation for art and philosophy and literature and such. I was first exposed to this culture in college, since I was taking French classes back then, and we'd also watch French films from time to time and read French classics. I was really interested since it seemed like French people really appreciated culture and the arts, which are things I've always been into myself. As for how French culture compares to my culture, I guess French people have a very leisurely approach to life and like to take their time, while Chinese people seem a lot more practical in many ways. That's the big difference, I think. 4aVqjngkAQEfVPmBukLE1hQ9R9Jpyy52CJcvNqj4bYXmfJFyQwiAerFQ/J7i2tkY
