


1 题目名称

“看图说话”(Describe aloud the image below)

2 准备时间


3 答题时间


4 出题频率


5 实考截图

6 考查技能


7 考题描述

在考试时,考生会看到一张简单的图片。在20秒钟的细致观察之后,要求详细描述这张图片中的内容。这段描述被要求不短于30秒钟,不长于1分30秒。由于本题对于描述的内容并无具体的要求,于是描述内容时既可以是 静态的 ,譬如“图片中存在哪些要素”;也可以是 动态的 ,譬如“图片中的事物正在做哪些事情”。描述的顺序,既可以是 从上至下的 ,也可以是 从过去到现在,从现在到将来, 还可以 由远及近 。以上所提及的若干角度,也都是我们随后将要讲到的内容。



This picture shows a family of four walking on a beach during a sunny day. In the background you can see the blue sky and the blue ocean, as well as white waves. The sand is brown, of course, and it looks quite smooth. The family consists of a mother, who's wearing a bright blue dress, her eldest daughter, her son, and I think her youngest daughter. They're all dressed for the beach, and perhaps they just came out of their hotel after having applied sun lotion to themselves. And now, they're taking a walk on the beach and it looks like they might be having a happy conversation with each other. Afterwards, they might go for a swim, or even go surfing. Regardless, they're probably going to have a great time.

看图说话这一题型,往往需要在第一句简单地总结图片中的描述主题。在本脚本中用的是“this picture shows...”这个基本句型。

This picture shows a family of four walking on a beach during a sunny day.



In the background you can see the blue sky and the blue ocean, as well as white waves. The sand is brown, of course, and it looks quite smooth.



The family consists of a mother, who's wearing a bright blue dress, her eldest daughter, her son, and I think her youngest daughter.



They're all dressed for the beach, and perhaps they just came out of their hotel after having applied sun lotion to themselves. And now, they're taking a walk on the beach and it looks like they might be having a happy conversation with each other. Afterwards, they might go for a swim, or even go surfing.


They're all dressed for the beach, and perhaps they just came out of their hotel after having applied sun lotion to themselves.



And now, they're taking a walk on the beach and it looks like they might be having a happy conversation with each other.


用“and now”来表示时间,并且用了一个现在进行时“they're taking a walk”,显示我们对于时态和语态的认识和掌握都是熟练的。再接下去,自然是要说一说将来可能要发生的事了。

Afterwards, they might go for a swim, or even go surfing.




Regardless, they're probably going to have a great time.





1 不要担心内容的正误

本质上这个题目并没有所谓的正确的描述可言,譬如眼前的大海到底属于“blue”还是“dark blue”还是“sapphire”根本不重要,这四个人到底是不是一家四口也不重要。记住这是一个语言类的考试,评分的关键是你能否清晰地表达自己想要表达的内容。另外,在描述图片内容的时候可以带有部分源自于图片的想象。大家在前面的范例解答以及随后的模拟练习中都会看到很多这样的情形。想象的内容只要是源自于图片即可,同样,也 不必担心内容的正误问题

2 尽可能多说使内容丰满


3 考虑以特定的顺序来描述


(1) 由上至下 。譬如典型范例中所见到的那张图片,也用到了“由上至下”的顺序:先讲远处的天边(元素1),再讲大海(元素2),再讲一家四口人(元素3),最后讲这一家所行走的沙滩(元素4)。

(2) 由左至右 。与上文所提及的“由上至下”类似,由左至右也是一个常见的描述顺序。回到典型范例中我们所看到的图片,我们可以逐一描述四个人物的形象,甚至身份等。这样我们也就有了四个可供展开说明的要素。

(3) 时间先后 。如果说以上所提及的“由上至下”和“由左至右”都属于比较容易操作的逻辑概念,那么我们现在将要讨论的“时间先后”就是一个相对难掌握的概念了。还是回到典型范例中我们所看到的这张图片,可以先描述在这张图片呈现的情形之前可能发生了什么。可能是一家四口人刚刚从旅店里面出来,刚刚涂完防晒霜。然后第二步说一说他们现在在做什么,比如他们现在是在沙滩上散步,看上去像是在相互之间有说有笑地聊着天,等等。第三步就可以说说他们之后应该是准备去做什么事情了,比如可能是去冲浪等。略等一下,我知道当我说到这里,一定会有同学想说,不一定啊,他们不一定是要去冲浪,或者说这些人的装束看上去并不像是要去冲浪的样子啊,又或者说一般这么小年龄的孩子不应该参与冲浪这项运动啊。但是,这些都不重要,我想我有必要再一次拉出注意事项中的第一点来与大家说了。大家要记得: 不要担心内容的正误 。不要忘记了这个考试考查的是什么啊。

(4) 由近及远 。在描述图片时,还有一个可能的技巧,就是“由近及远”。也就是说,在完成了整体描述之后,我们先要描述离我们近的、核心的内容,然后再描述背景内容。同样的道理,其实“由远及近”也同样可以。一般来说,如果画面中有显著的纵深感,能够清晰地区分“近景”与“远景”的时候,可以采用这种方式。譬如在前文中的范例图片,以“ 由近及远 ”的角度来思考的话,就可以先讨论近处的一家四口人的形象状态,再由近及远,说说远方的天空与海浪等。

大家需要注意的是,在正式的考试中,并没有所谓 唯一正确的展开顺序 ,更进一步的,我们也并不要求大家仅仅使用如上提供的某一种技巧。事实上,更常见的情形是将这四个原则放在一起使用,这样才能更好地构造出一个丰满且有序的回答。

(5) 正确把握时间 。如果我们通过以上几个要素的学习能够构造出丰满且有序的回答,那应该怎么确保自己能够在1分30秒内完成呢?首先,我们应该通过多次模拟考试对这个时间有所了解。并且尝试多写一些120~130字左右的文稿,这样很快就能使自己的作答对应得很准确。当然,实际上也就是一件熟能生巧的事儿。


技巧1 表示颜色的词语
技巧2 表示大小的词语
技巧3 表示方位的词

1 由上至下

on the top of;above;under;in the middle of; on the bottom of;in front of

2 由左至右

on the left;in the middle of;next to;on the right

3 时间先后

before;at first;prior to;next;then;after;later;soon;finally;in the end;eventually;at last

4 由远及近

in the background; in the distance; behind; next to; near


on the side of; along; from the back of;inside of;on the opposite side of;one of..., the other...; lead to;be absorbed in; look up at; is filled with; right behind; crouch down; a group of; on the beach;as for


It looks like...

It seems like...

There is...

There are...


It might be...

We can see that...

It is a fact that...

There is no doubt that...

I think that...

The picture shows that...

The picture vividly describes that...





The picture shows a woman standing in front of a car that probably broke down. The woman is wearing a blue denim dress, a navy cap and a pair of sunglasses. She is calling someone on her phone. The car is silver and is pulled over to the middle of the road, and the hood of the vehicle is raised, perhaps so that someone could inspect the engine. It doesn't seem like there was an accident, since there is only one car involved. In the background,there are lots of trees and grass on both sides of the road, so maybe she's in the countryside. Because the woman is calling for help, the car will probably be fixed soon.


The picture shows a man in a shirt standing next to a bookshelf. The man looks like he's a professional, maybe a professor or lawyer or something. He is wearing a striped shirt in blue and white as well as a red tie. He's holding a book in his hands. The cover of the book is light blue, and it's turned to a page in the middle. It might be a book that he's reading or possibly giving a lecture about. In front of him is a bookshelf. We can only see a row of books. It looks like the man might be reading a book, which he needs for work or research.


The picture shows a man driving his car in the city. We can see from the back of his head that he looks like a young man, probably in his twenties or thirties, and he's wearing a black or dark gray suit. We can't tell from the picture what kind of car he's driving, but we can see that the inside of the car is black, and he has his hands on the steering wheel. The car looks pretty new, or at least quite well-maintained, since all the parts look nice and clean. It seems that it's late at night because on the outside it's totally dark. As for where he's driving to, maybe he's on the way home after work.


The picture shows a woman with her cat. The woman seems to be in her sixties, and she's wearing a purple top and a colorful scarf. We can see that she's happy, since she's smiling. So, she's holding her cat—one of her hands is on the cat's back and the other is holding the cat's bottom. It seems that the cat likes the woman, as it's sniffing her face and its paws are on her shoulder. As for the cat's physical appearance, it's a pretty small cat with gray and white fur. I would guess that it is a gift from the woman's children, because they don't have much time to accompany her and they want her to feel less lonely.


The picture shows what looks like a mother and her daughter eating pizza. The girl is just a toddler, with her brown hair tied into a pony tail and she's wearing a white dress, and she's actually feeding her mother a piece of pizza. The mother is smiling as she bites down on the pizza, and she's holding her own slice of pizza that's partially eaten. The mother also has brown hair and she's wearing a white T-shirt. Both mother and daughter look quite happy. I think what happened is it was dinner time, and instead of cooking, the mother decided to buy some pizza. After eating pizza, they might eat some desert, like ice cream, and then the mother might read a story to her daughter as she puts her to bed.


The picture shows a young boy swinging a tennis racket. The boy looks like he's about seven or eight years old—definitely pretty young—and he's wearing a blue T-shirt,a pair of navy sweatpants with stripes on the side and black sneakers. He's swinging the racket and hitting the ball with a nice looking shot, which means that he probably already knows how to play tennis. He seems very focused, and I would guess that he's in the middle of a lesson or even playing in a competition. We can see that he's playing at a tennis court, maybe in a gym, and there's some kind of dark green banner in the background.


The picture shows a young boy playing on his cell phone. The boy seems to be ten to twelve years old. He has dark brown or black hair and is wearing a orange sweatshirt. He's gripping his phone tightly—it's a small, black one, probably an iPhone—and from the look on his face, he's astonished at whatever he's watching, since his eyes are wide open. We're not sure exactly what he's doing on his phone, but since he's a kid, I would guess that he's playing a game of some kind. But whatever he's doing, he's completely focused and not looking up at the camera. As for the background, it's quite plain, just a white cushion. He's probably lying on his bed.


So this picture shows a mother and her baby—probably her son—sitting in an airplane, and they're both looking at an iPad screen. The mother looks like she's in her twenties, she has her hair tied back in a ponytail, and she's wearing a grey and yellow sweater. Her son is wearing blue and red overalls, and he also has earphones on, which is probably connected to the iPad. They're both staring intently on the iPad, so it's probably playing some kind of cartoon for the baby. In the background of the picture, we can see a window of the airplane, and it's obviously day time because it's quite bright outside. We don't know where they're headed to, but maybe they're on their way home, or they could be visiting relatives, like the grandparents of the baby.


This picture shows a man and two kids, and they're sitting at a table, and it looks like they're practicing painting because you can see some paint on the table and pieces of paper. They seem like they're just beginning to start because there's not much on the paper. The kids are both looking attentively at the man and he's grinning as he's dipping his brush into the paint. It looks like a very peaceful setting because the room is very bright. The table is white, the walls and drapes are white, and you can see that it's very sunny outside. After they finish painting, they might move onto another kind of fun activity, like drawing or playing a game.


The picture shows a woman listening to music on her headphones. The woman looks like she's in her early to mid-twenties. She has long brunette hair, and she's wearing a light gray sweater with a green T-shirt underneath. The woman definitely appears to be enjoying the music, since she looks like she's singing along or even dancing. We don't really know what kind of music she's listening to, but it's probably not something peaceful or quiet like classical music. It might be pop or rock music, or at least something loud and upbeat. Maybe she's had a hard day at work and wants to relieve some stress right now, so that's why she's listening to music. As for the background of the picture, there doesn't appear to be anything—just plain white with studio lighting.


So this picture shows a couple camping. They have a tent set up to the left side, and they have made a fire next to the tent. The couple are roasting something on a branch by the fire. There's no one else in this picture—it's just them, and they seem to be on a grassland. You can see a forest in the distance. As for the time this picture was taken, it looks like it was after sunset, because it's completely dark. You can see light in the tent, and again, they have made a fire, so obviously it's to prepare for nighttime. The sky is dark blue, and overall it just looks like a very pretty setting.


So this picture shows what looks like a mother trying to teach her baby how to walk. The mother's bending down, and she's holding the hands of the baby as the baby is standing. The mother looks like she's maybe in her thirties or forties, and she's smiling at the baby who also looks happy. She has dark skin tone and is quite slim. The mother is wearing black glasses, a black dress with dots and black sandals. The baby is wearing a striped yellow T-shirt, a pair of gray trousers and dark brown shoes. The baby can be quite safe with his mother's protection. So yeah, just a bonding experience, it seems, for a mother and her kid.


This picture shows a medical team performing an operation on a patient. They're all wearing typical surgical clothing, with surgical caps, masks, and gowns. The woman on the left is holding a bowl. The man in the middle is probably the surgeon because he's performing the actual operation, and the woman on the right is holding a tool with tissue at the end of it. It looks like she's helping to soak up the excess blood. In the background there's also a lamp that provides better lighting so that they are able to perform the operation better. The rest of the room is all white—white walls, white ceiling. All three people are focusing intently on the operation because it obviously demands a lot of concentration.


This picture shows a group of young people having a picnic at a park. They look like they're in their twenties, and there are two women and two men. They seem to be having a fun time, because most of them have smiles on their faces. To be more specific, there's a waffle on the left side, and a bowl of salad on the right. There are also some fruits on the red checked picnic blanket. All of the four people are holding drinks. They're also wearing casual clothing, like T-shirts,shirts or jeans. It's definitely quite sunny and the weather seems nice. As for the park itself, we don't know whether it's big or small, but the grass seems quite nice. R1pueDNdebkpnqGyLcVzVwuJmTsgSOfHtCW46e2HXgfx3/SppqJwnP1cnezAaIGm
