
Fricatives 摩擦音


fat staff


下唇 轻触 上齿 ,气流由 唇齿间的缝隙 通过,引起 摩擦 。/f/是 清辅音 ,声带 不振动

· Fanny cut half a loaf with a fine knife.

· Five dolphins swam to find their fat mother for a few days.

· Fred refused to accept his final defeat.

· Philip will be free after four o'clock in the afternoon.

· I would prefer a face-to-face talk with my friends.

· Here's a photo of me feeding food to an elephant.

· Fed the food to the fluffy guy in the flood a few minutes before.




发音方式和 /f/ 相同,将 上齿 固定地放在 下唇 上,然后较 用力 ,使气流从 上齿与下唇的缝隙 通过,发出 摩擦音 。/v/是 浊辅音 ,声带 振动

· She's never been very clever.

· The heavy waves overturned the small vessel.

· David loves his wife very much because she gave him a vest.

· Five vivid pictures are on the brave man's sleeve.

· He has a very high fever.

· He invited you to visit at five past eleven.

· Previously he was obviously envious of my victory.

· The vicious visitors visited the virtual village.


face sister


软腭 抬起,堵住 气流在鼻腔的通道 ,舌头 靠近上齿龈 ,上下齿 靠拢 但是 不咬住 。气流从 舌端齿龈间送出 ,形成 摩擦音 清辅音 声带 不振动

· My sister likes all kinds of stamps and some seafood.

· Susan made a silly mistake.

· Face your exercise and drink up your juice at once.

· These boys miss the famous sports star.

· Speak less and listen more.

· A still tongue makes a wise head.


zoom music


发音部位与 /s/ 相同,发音时 舌端 靠近 齿龈 ,气流从 舌端齿龈间 送出,形成 摩擦音 ,声带 振动

· He gave me his zip code and music magazine.

· His arms are used to rising.

· Use the scissors to cut the newspaper.

· Susan is busy in reading magazines.


thank think Smeeth


舌尖 轻触 上下齿间的缝隙,舌尖也可略微 伸出缝隙 。气流由舌齿之间的 细小缝隙挤出 ,摩擦发音。声带 不振动

· Something is better than nothing.

· Cathy looks thin this month.

· Anything worth doing at all is worth doing thoroughly.

· Wish you both health and wealth.

· Three Scotch thistles in the thicket.

· Thelma saw thistles in the thick thatch.

· A thin little boy picked six thick thistle sticks.

· Through thicket and bush the thirty thirsty thistles thrust.

· Thus the thug threatened the thoroughly thoughtful theologian.

· Do they think this method is mathematically thoughtful?

· The author's enthusiasm for the theory runs through the whole thick book.

· She likes nothing but the things of clothing and cloth.


the these those


发音方式与 /θ/ 相同,舌尖放在 牙齿的缝隙 之间,舌尖 贴向齿缝 ,造成 气流泻出的阻力变大 从而声带振动

· That girl is playing with a smooth mirror.

· My mother stands well with my father.

· It is difficult for them to breathe in such cold weather.

· His other brother is talking with his mother.

· This is smoother than that.

· Both of them are healthy.


show mission


发音时舌尖向 卷起,双唇 收圆凸出 ,嘴唇 开口大小中等 ,像远处的喷气飞机的声音。翘舌音,声带 不振动

· She should spend her vacation at the season.

· I wish I would have a pair of shoes.

· She sells sea shells on the seashore.

· Shall I show you the shop for shoes and shirts?

· She is not sure about her decision.

· The shirts will shrink after you wash them.

· Shut up and shut the shutters and shoot the shop.

· We surely shall see the sun shines soon.

· I highly appreciate your precious wish that she's a fish in my dish.

· Sheep shouldn't sleep in a shack. Sheep should sleep in a shed.


usual garage


发音部位与 /ʃ/ 相同,同样是 翘舌音 ,声带 振动 ,听上去像是 有清晰摩擦音 拖长 的“日”字。

· It's my pleasure to measure the table.

· Turn down the television, don't listen to the explosion.

· He loves treasure and wants to get all of them in the future.

· I usually wear casual dresses in the garage.

· Measure for measure.

· They occasionally watch television for pleasure.


free red(美)bar


发音时 舌尖卷起 ,舌头两侧 稍收拢 。双唇 凸出 ,气流由舌面 上方流出 ,舌尖卷曲但是 不接触任何部位 ,跟汉字“日”相比, 没有摩擦

· Rose is afraid of crossing the river.

· The boss rejects to reducing the book's price.

· That rich man can't catch the red toy cat.

· The store is just around the corner.

· Real weird rear wheels.

· Do in Rome as Romans do.

· Once upon a moor there dwelt a bear, also a boar. The bear could not bear the boar.

· The boar thought the bear a bore. At last the bear could bear no more of that boar that bored him on the moor, and so one morning he bored the boar—that boar will bore the bear no more.


hello who


发音时气流 不受阻碍 ,轻松从 声门(即两条声带间的缝隙) 通过,形成 气流轻微摩擦的声音 ,声带 不振动

· There was a huge hole in the heel of Harry's stocking.

· When he does his homework, his brother often helps him.

· It's very hard to use his hammer to hit the ham.

· Her home is on a high hill.

· Does he have any hope?

· Her husband has a huge house.



1. 读单词

2. 读句子

(1)A friend wants to know what your village shop sells.

(2)Though they didn't come to the theatre, I thought of thanking you.

(3)You and your sisters are appreciating your family for Christmas presents.

(4)He usually makes his decisions to go fishing.

(5)There are red apples in his house.

Checkpoint Fricative Sounds摩擦音,看你会不会?

A Which one is correct? 哪个是对的?

1.( ) cough a./kɒf/ b./kɒg/

2.( ) ice a./aɪk/ b./aɪs/

3.( ) music a./ˈmjuːsɪk/ b./ˈmjuːzɪk/

4.( ) think a./θɪŋk/ b./θɪnk/

5.( ) mission a./ˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ b./ˈmɪs(ə)n/

6.( ) whom a./wuːm/ b./huːm/

B Which word sounds different? 哪个词发音不一样?

1. ( ) a. s imple b. u s e c. ra c e d. fir s t

2. ( ) a. Ru ss ia b. sh ower c. mu sh room d. th en

3. ( ) a. fea th er b. mou th c. th ought d. th ank

4. ( ) a. la c e b. pa c e c. c ling d. pen c il

5. ( ) a. sta ff b. lau gh c. gra ph d. gh ast

6. ( ) a. massa ge b. messa ge c. rou ge d. u s ual

7. ( ) a. era s er b. s weet c. fu s e d. a c e xHTBbV+Rs8Twe1uXXWXt+69X2k+9zgzIPIHLbOWCfOk75K4r4yGzwcZ1K5KF6crQ
