
Plosives 爆破音


picture please


发音时 双唇紧闭 ,让气流 突然冲出口腔 送气有力 ,声带 不振动

· I put the book on the CD player.

· They had planned to plant some trees in the park.

· Plenty of people are coming to this place.

· Please open the packet for Peter's pet pig.

· Practice makes perfect.

· Please try to make the impossible possible.


big cable


闭上 嘴唇 ,提起 软腭 以免 气流冲入鼻腔 ,在口腔 积气 ,快速 张口发爆破音 。声带 振动

· The rubber ball is on the table.

· The boys hide behind the fence.

· Better to be too early than to be late.

· Bill is beating a big beast with his big fist.

· Bring back your beautiful blue bike.

· Working in a big bank is not a bad job.


tea tall that


舌尖紧贴 上齿龈 ,形成 阻碍 ,然后突然 下降 ,气流 冲出口腔 。声带 不振动

· Tom and Ted are taller than their parents.

· He is too young to tell the time.

· What a terrible T-shirt is that for little Timmy!

· Don't tell Tony that his cat is beaten by Tim.

· It's just a waste of time!

· What's the date today?


dog God


舌尖抵住 上齿 ,堵住 气流 ,然后快速 放下 ,发出 爆破音 。发音位置与 /t/ 相同,但是 /d/为浊辅音 ,声带 振动

· A friend in need is a friend indeed.

· The child hid himself under the bed.

· Don't ride your old bike on this road.

· My daddy doesn't find his old duck until he walks to the pond.

· The doctor has a deaf daughter.

· A good beginning makes a good ending.


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发音时舌后部 向软腭抬起 ,紧贴 软腭 ,形成 阻碍 ,然后 快速放低舌位 清辅音 声带 不振动

· The cook is baking a cake.

· Take good care of my kid's kitty.

· Eat the chicken and put your books in your basket.

· We walked back to camp in the park.

· The floor is covered with a carpet.

· A cat can look at the king.


good guard colleague


发音方式和 /k/ 相同,舌后部 隆起 ,紧贴 软腭 ,然后突然 离开 ,让气流 冲出口腔 浊辅音 声带 振动

· Ann's younger sister is angry with her grandpa.

· A good beginning makes a good ending.

· Give the big dog a box of big bones.

· Mr.Green gives the grey shirt to the good guy.

· I agree with the girl on going there by that green bus.

· His grandfather is as good as gold.



1. 读单词

2. 读句子

(1)May I borrow your brand new blue pen and put it in my pocket?

(2)The tall student told Tom to put the doll under the old desk.

(3)I'm looking for my old coat in the classroom.

(4)Go to your bedroom and bring me a cup of milk to drink, please.

Checkpoint Plosive Sounds爆破音,看你会不会?

A Write down the sound for each word (IPS) . 写下每个词的音标。

1. ghost






B Which word sounds different? 哪个词发音不一样?

1. ( ) a. g irlb. oran g e c. do g d. e gg

2. ( ) a. d ouble b. mu d c. ju d ge d. da dd y

3. ( ) a. p lenty b. su pp ly c. li p d. ph oto

4. ( ) a. k night b. tri ck c. a cc ount d. Ch ristmas

5. ( ) a. lock ed b. t ear c. bo tt le d. add ed

6. ( ) a. su pp er b. lo bb y c. ta b le d. b ull

7. ( ) a. ri dd le b. d am c. d eer d. t ip

8. ( ) a. com b b. b eer c. su b way d. b uilt iD8UZksOsWE4Vi4l3TuiUsqpdNZ6rLh2n9WdyCtAfk1gwWAAk8E19F2kgit8w4tw
