
Monophthongs 单元音




the sheet bean


发音时舌尖 抵下齿 ,舌前部 向硬腭尽量抬起 ,嘴唇呈 微笑状 。/iː/与汉字 “衣” 字发音相近,但是没有 摩擦 。长元音,注意保持 嘴唇舌位不变

· He is Mr Steven's Chinese teacher.

· After reading for three minutes, I fell into a deep sleep.

· Please read it carefully.

· We were happy to eat cheese.

· Each of us three will agree to have some meat and tea.

· He needs to eat peas and beans for his meal.

· I see three human beings on the tree.


pretty city it


舌尖 抵下齿 ,舌中部向 硬腭 抬起。

口型 扁平松弛 ,嘴巴 自然张开 ,声音 短促而含糊

· His little sister is eating meat and drinking milk.

· It's a pity that Jim is sick.

· Dick lives in a big city.

· A lazy monkey is sitting in a green taxi.

· A pig lives in a big pit.

· His sixty-year-old sister is a very rich lady.

· A big bitter bug bit a big bitter black bear.

· Fisher twitters the slim fit gym outfit of his.

· Dog shit makes me sick.


pen weather telephone


舌尖 抵下齿 ,舌中部向 硬腭 抬起。

口型 扁平但是比/i/稍大 ,气流 从口腔泻出 ,声带 振动 。注意 开口不能太大,上下齿间容纳一根食指

· Ben sent ten letters to the enemy.

· Ed is one of my best friends.

· Let me tell you a better story.

· He sells the best hen's eggs every Wednesday.

· Better late than never.

· East or west, home is the best.

· Seventy seven benevolent elephants

· Sweater-weather, leather weather.

· I never felt my belt so heavy.


apple has bad


又叫 梅花音 。舌尖 抵下齿 ,双唇向 两旁平伸 ,呈 扁平形

气流 从口腔泻出 ,声带 振动 ,牙床开至上下齿间可容纳 食指加中指 。注意 开口一定要大 ,但发音时双唇上下位置 保持不变


· The man ran back to get his cap and bag.

· The passengers are standing back there.

· We pat the black cat in the van with a hat.

· I can't stand your lack of manners.

· Harry has a happy family in Canada.

· I am very happy to know Jack is back.


Alice asks for axes. 爱丽丝要斧头。

knapsack straps 背包带子

How many yaks could a yak pack pack if a yak pack could pack yaks?


We need a plan to fan a pan: find a pan to fan, then find a fan to fan the pan, then fan the pan.我们得有个用扇子扇平底锅的计划:先找个锅来扇,再找把扇子来扇锅,再一直扇。

How many snacks could a snack stacker stack?


/iː/ /ɪ/ /e/ /æ/


1. 读单词

2. 读句子

(1)Jim gives a speech in the meeting.

(2)He is a good teacher in his school.

(3)Their cats get up and say hello to each other.

(4)The fat man will offer help as he said.

(5)Betty bought a bit of better butter.

(6)Jack has a very bad bed.

(7)I eat it.

(8)The beat is a bit strong.

(9)He did the deed, and still steals.

(10)Jill's jeep is here.

(11)Let's creep near the crypt.

(12)She had a meal at a mill with a little bit of chilli.



police animal about


发音时 舌身放平 ,舌中部 抬起 ,舌尖 卷曲 使得 尾音“儿”化 。口型 微张 ,双唇 扁平

注意:/ə/在词首时 发得较为模糊 ,但是在词末 可以适当延长

· A famous professor will give us a lecture.

· The river over there is full of rubber.

· My brother and sister are doctors.

· This summer went faster and further than last.

· Good advice is beyond all price.

· My brothers cannot afford a holiday this summer.




turkey bird her


舌身 平放, 舌中部 稍稍抬起。口型 微张 ,双唇 较紧张 ,呈 扁平状 。声带 振动 ,注意: 这是个长元音,发音应该持续一秒左右

· That person personally persuaded the personnel with persuasive words.

· We search and search for the bird he heard in the church.

· He learnt the first English word at school.

· Earl has worked in the firm for thirty months.

· The girl gave her a purse.

· A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

· Her words is better than Smurf's work.


but fun come


发音时舌身 后缩至口腔中部 ,开口程度 小于梅花音 ,双唇 微张并且松弛 。声带 振动 ,声音 短促 不强烈

· The customers are accustomed to the disgusting custom.

· The dust in the industrial hub frustrates Stud.

· The just budget judge just justifies the adjustment of justice.

· Come here to study Russian.

· A mother's love is above all other things.

· She loves nothing but money.

· You must come to have supper with us and join the fun.

· Well begun is half done.

· Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

· The lump jumped off the pump and bumped on the trumpet in the dump.



1. 读单词

2. 读句子

(1)Well, there are thirty of them, have another.

(2)I learnt to love rough seas in summer.

(3)His later years were spent in Beijing.

(4)Sooner or later she will appear.

(5)The teachers will get together tomorrow.

(6)I heard a lot about the girl with pearls on her neck.



(英)fast bar(英)class


舌身 降低后缩 ,舌后部 抬起 ,口型 自然张大 ,但不成 圆形 。发音时 停顿稍长 ,和汉字 “啊” 的发音相似,声带 振动

· The man in a dusty mask asked me for a task in the dusk.

· They are arguing over who's faster and smarter in front of our father.

· It is hard to start the car.

· The guard can hardly push the cart.

· Last week, I went to see my father after the party.

· There are lots of art shows in the bar.

· I have many demands upon my tongue.

· I like to pass through the large park and park my car far away on the grass.


for draw walk


舌身 尽量降低后缩 ,舌后部 抬起 ,双唇 收得更圆更小 ,并且 稍向前突 。发音时 较长 。声带 振动

· It was obvious to all that the law must be withdrawn.

· He was born on August the fourth.

· The cat crawled across the lawn with its hurt paws.

· The storm draws near, and we ought to go indoors.

· He is only one year old, but he can walk and talk.



what cop hot


舌身 降低后缩 ,舌后部 抬起 ,双唇收圆,但是 不向前凸 短促 发音。声带 振动

· My boss has got a pot of hot water.

· The dog is standing in the shop.

· Look at the frog on the log.

· He was positive about the honor of God.

· The coffee is of top quality.

· When the shop had been robbed ,everybody was shocked.


noob food pool


舌身 后缩至口腔中部 ,舌后部 稍抬起 ,舌尖 离开下齿 ,开口程度 略小 。双唇 收圆 ,稍微 向前凸出 。注意 音不要发得太短

· I choose blue shoes to take to school for use.

· Drink fruit juice when you have the flu.

· Do not move during June and July.

· It is true that the new school is a gloomy place.

· I have just bought a new blue suit.

· You should choose between the two.


book put could


舌后部 向软腭抬起 ,舌身 后缩 ,舌尖 离开下齿 ,口型 收圆 ,并轻微 凸出 。舌头 放松 ,声带 振动

· Have a look at the book which is near the brook.

· A good-looking woman is reading a good book.

· I would rather go there on foot.

· We pulled the wolf from the woods to the boulevard.

· They should put on their hoods.

· The woman stood for as long as she could.



1. 读单词

2. 读句子

(1)I've bought an ordinary dog.

(2)It is important to come to the party.

(3)A friend has bought some presents and you want to know whom they are for.

(4)Paul talked to Bush in a very big room today.

(5)At noon, I took a good book and sat by the pool in the wood.

Checkpoint Monophthong Sounds 单元音,看你会不会?

A Which word sounds different? 哪个词发音不一样?

1.( ) a. m o ther b. st ar c. f u nny

2.( ) a. f oo l b. f oo t c. b oo k

3.( ) a. h ur t b. sh u t c. s u ch

4.( ) a. w al k b. st o ck c. m o ck

5.( ) a. a fter b. d ar k c. m u ch

6.( ) a. bl a ck b. gu e ss c. p a n

7.( ) a. l ear n b. p er son c. summ er

B Sort them out !按音素分类!

/ɪ/ /iː/

/e/ /æ/

/ʌ/ /ɑː/

/ə/ /əː/

/ʊ/ /uː/

/ɒ/ /ɔː/ JuL++M/0+Mmpx9+fGH9geK0QvdISCu1c+1rS6PB+EtPw1XRr8UxKf3fuMZRv9zpk

