

Chapter One Green Fair



Every Tuesday, the Nali Patio in Sanlitun is crowded with people who love organic foods. Bai Feng took me and I took Xiao Cao to the farmers' fair. The Spanish-style yard was full of white sunshades, under which were stalls of green vegetables and organic foods. People came with their straw baskets or recycled bags,instead of plastic ones, being confident that there would be no cheating here. They were the people who loved life and green food and fair trade.


I strolled around, eating a hot steamed stufed bun and half a baked bread newly out of the pan. There was a stall with items in all kinds of blue colors, such as lavender pillows from Natong, camel hair scarves from Tibet, cloth shoes for plane travel, and everything that was designed to satisfy the demands of comfortable life. It's hard to move your eyes away. Soon, I came to a stall with small black earthen bottles lining in a neat row. The man gave me a cup of light yellowish wine. He said it was Gardenia wine, which I had never had before. He continued to say there was a gardenia Island in Taihu Lake in Anhui. In blooming season, the air would be full of the wonderful scent of gardenia. He picked the flowers of the trees and brewed gardenia wine in Lingcun Village in Fujian. That's how I got to know the wine seller Qin Ming. He pictured me a dreamy remote island covered with blooming gardenia flowers.


'How could I get there? Could I have the address or a telephone number?' Qin Ming generously gave me the WeChat of the island owner and told me that May was the best season for gardenia flowers. The Gardenia Island was so far away from my life. I nearly forgot about it. But one day I saw on the island owner's WeChat that the Gardenia Island was drowned. Seeing the gardenia struggling to hold its flowers above the flood, I was so sad when I thought I might never get the chance.

卖酒人 秦明

Wine seller Qin Ming

2016 年 1 月 8 日的上午 9 时 59 分,我认识了做酒卖酒的秦明。




我刚给凯叔的书《给孩子们的 99 首诗》配了水墨插图,就也大方地承认:“是”。



At 9:59 in the morning of Jan. 8, 2016, I got to know the wine seller Qin Ming.

----Could I exchange things for your wine, like paintings or ceramics?

----Sure. Take it for free as long as you like. Are you an artist?

I had just finished the ink-painting illustrations for the book 99 Poems for Children .

So I confidently answered by saying yes.

----Is your studio in Beijing?



有一天秦明亲自来宋庄辛店 192 号送酒取画,那一阵子来找我玩的朋友都尝到了栀子花酒和桂花酒的美,不醉人又微醺。我散布的笔墨在纸里更伴随了些古意。

Drinking the Exchanged Wine with Friends: For quite a while, my friends who happened to come to my studio got the chance to drink the gardenia wine. I got drunk so often that my paintings at that time were blended with a kind of ancient poetic style.


The rice wine that Qin Ming sold is made in the way of ancient Hakka people of the mountain city Qingliu in Fujian.


Fresh sticky rice needs to be steamed well above hot burning pine wood, and a knife is often laid on the mouth of the earthenware wine-brewing jar.


I was not used to drinking, but this gardenia wine with its ancient brewing method was completely fine. I took the wine bottle home. Mom took it as a vase and put in the wild flowers that she picked on the way while strolling. It delighted the eyes.

2010 年 9 月创建的北京有机农夫市集,每个月在不同的地方举办,让我想起了以前曾经参加过的由单太太李祯举办的绿牛集市。她叫我去卖自己做的陶瓷。小孩子们去收割了的田地里把腿装进麻布口袋里赛跑,农村剥玉米粒的摇把机器都让孩子们兴奋不已。文明,似乎让我们离土地远了。

The Organic Farmers' Fair was started in Sept. 2010, held once every month in diferent places in Beijing. It reminded of me the Green Cow Fair initiated by Mrs. Shan, Li Zhen, who suggested that I sell the ceramics that I made. It reminded me also of the excitement of children racing in the field with their legs in jute bags and the swirling handle of the cornhusker in harvest season. Civilization has dragged us away from the land. QEBqr3IU5ul48OSV9yzlMAoNjJBnbs/xFFtGFuDAmle/sT2aEsJbcyU7gdTB7Ntf
