
Task 1
Case Description

Like many students,you may have a mixture feeling to take this course because we will use a special method,a case method to study.But before we begin,let’s make clear its concepts as follows.

1.1 Knowledge Points


In the first part,we offer you the concept and features of a case as well as the types of cases.

1.1.1 What is a case?

According to Zheng Jinzhou(2004),a case is a typical event that happens in the real situation including problems or difficult circumstances.

1.1.2 Features of a case

A case is an event with problems in difficult condition.It has to be typical to represent the real situation,or a statement of facts involving a question for discussion or decision. Of course,it has many features,such as authenticity,typicality,storytelling,purposiveness,and narrativity.Please pay attention to the following key words.

· Event

· With problems or difficult situation

· Typical

· Real event

· Features

· Authenticity

· Typicality

· Storytelling

· Purposiveness

· Narrativity

1.1.3 Types of cases

(1)Exemplar-oriented and reflection-oriented cases(实例取向和反思取向的案例)


(2)Topic-specific and participant-targeted cases(特定主题和特定学习对象的案例)


(3)Narrative and non-narrative cases(书面叙述型和非书面叙述型的案例)


(4)True cases,disguised cases and fictitious cases(真实、匿名和虚构的案例)


Reading Materials

Using Case Studies in the ESL Classroom

The terminology surrounding“case studies”tends to be confusing,running the gamut from simply“case,”to“case history,”“case analysis,”“case problem,”and the familiar“case study.”

As you know I am always on the lookout for original materials for use in my classes.I find that my students appreciate real world experiences in the classroom and case studies provide them with real life situations for discussion and evaluation.They are particularly useful for business English classes.Jolliffe writes,“through class discussions of the situations and people in the cases,students will hone their insights,perceptions,thought processes and interpersonal skills...”

The following aspects should be paid attention to when we use cases.

Clarify objectives

· What do you learn from the discussion of the case?

· What do you know that applies to the case?

· What are the issues(central and peripheral)that may be raised in discussion?

· Can the case“carry”the discussion?

Plan and prepare

· Reading the case

· Raising questions

· Spending enough time for preparation

· Applying/extracting concepts

· Summarizing the ideas

· Evaluating the study results

Running a case study

For an English teacher to get started—select a short case study that covers the skills you want your students to practise.Read it several times and consider how it fits with your student-learning objectives for the class (you need to think about why you are teaching this case at this time).

Arrange the classroom so that students can talk face-to-face.

Prepare a set of questions for students to write out as homework before running the case in class.

For class,prepare another set of questions to move students through the stages of case analysis.

Who are the people in the case?

Where is the case study situated?

Why has the situation(problem)occured?

What possibilities for action are there?

How should the people in the case study proceed?

At the end,conduct a teacher-led summary and conclusion discussion,assessing what your students have achieved(Adapted from Hand,2015).

1.2 Skills and Abilities

In order to train your thinking ability,and enhance you to understand more about case method,please think about the following questions:

(1)What is case method of teaching and learning?Please illustrate the features and types of case method.

(2)When we analyze a case,what kinds of questions do we often discuss? T2Kgc+Dc5l7OxHFnP7pGlHr9rBr/696TOEFfCFjl9upL1JFPgW+M2Y+kPWzddXTf
