
Task 3
Action Research

Action research (AR)has become more and more popular in English teaching circle in recent years.To better understand its functions and how it works for teachers’development,we offer the following knowledge points,reading materials and cases for you to explore.

3.1 Knowledge Points


Since action research is closely related to the idea of reflective practice and encourages teachers to do research,as a student teacher,you should first understand what action research is and put it into practice.

3.1.1 Action research

Since action research is an effective method for our development,as a student teacher standing at the entry point,we also need to understand the concept of action research,cultivate,and practice in the way we are going on.


Action research is part of a broad movement that has been going on in education generally for some time.It is related to the ideas of “reflective practice”and “the teacher as researcher”.Action research involves taking a self-reflective,critical,and systematic approach to exploring your own teaching contexts.We often see gaps between what is actually happening in our teaching situation and what we would ideally like to see happening.So first,we need to identify the problem or issue,then intervene in a deliberate way in the problematic situation in order to bring about changes and,even better,improvements in practice.The changes made in the teaching situation arise from solid information rather than from our hunches or assumptions about the way we think things are.After that,we observe whether it has a positive change or improvement.At the end,we reflect on,evaluate and describe the effects of action to make sense of what has happened and to understand the issue we have explored more clearly.

2.Steps in action research

According to Kemmis and Mctaggart(1988),who are major authors in this field,AR typically involves four broad phases in a cycle of research.The first cycle may become a continuing,or iterative,spiral of cycles which recur until the action researcher has achieved a satisfactory outcome and feels it is time to stop.


In this phase you identify a problem or issue and develop a plan of action in order to bring about improvements in a specific area of the research context.This is a forward-looking phase where you consider:i)what kind of investigation is possible within the realities and constraints of your teaching situation;and ii)what potential improvements you think are possible.


The plan is a carefully considered one which involves some deliberate interventions into your teaching situation that you put into action over an agreed period of time.The interventions are “critically informed”as you question your assumptions about the current situation and plan new and alternative ways of doing things.


This phase involves you in observing systematically the effects of the action and documenting the context,actions and opinions of those involved.It is a data collection phase where you use open-eyed and open-minded tools to collect information about what is happening.


At this point,you reflect on,evaluate and describe the effects of the action in order to make sense of what has happened and to understand the issue you have explored more clearly.You may decide to do further cycles of AR to improve the situation even more,or to share the story of your research with others as part of your ongoing professional development.

Fig.2-1 Cyclical AR model based on Kemmis and McTaggart(1998)

3.1.2 Mind map

There are many ways to teach primary school and middle school students.Mind map is one of the effective methods to teach children,and also improve our own learning.To be a young teacher,we absolutely need to grasp this method to help solve our problems and make us further develop in a professional way.So we introduce it here.

A mind map is a graphical representation of topics,ideas,or concepts in a radial,non-linear manner.A mind map focuses on a central keyword or topic,with other items linked to and arranged around the central idea. Mind maps encourage a brainstorming style approaching to planning and organizational tasks.

1.Characteristics of a mind map

A mind map can consist of words,images and additional rich-media content(audio,video,digital files).The arrangement or order of ideas is based on the importance of the concepts,and can be classified into groups,enforcing the relationships of the topics and their overall involvement with the central topic.By including words,images and color schemes,a mind mapping diagram allows for greater creativity when brainstorming ideas and documenting information,or planning for a project. The arrangement of ideas and inclusion of contents enhances organization,memorization and presentation skills.

2.Uses of a mind map

Mind maps are used to visualize,organize,and classify ideas,making them perfect for study aids,organizing information,problem-solving,writing and making decisions.Mind maps have many applications in educational and other situations,including note-taking and writing to creating agendas and running meetings.Mind maps can be used for problem-solving,brainstorming,business plans,SWOT analysis,outlining documents,collaboration,creating presentations,and education sector.

3.2 Skills and Abilities

In previous part,we offered some concepts which are related to action research.We also introduced a concept of mind map.The following cases are examples of implementing these methods and skills.Please pay attention to analyze these cases and practice the skills of mind mapping as well.

Case One

As part of the introduction of a new syllabus,a teacher wishes to know whether the use of group work will improve students’ability to speak English.

She first consults the literature on this area of research.She then decides on the approach and methods to be used.The teacher’s hypothesis is:group work will increase the development of both fluency and accuracy in oral tasks.

She assigns one group of students in a school to an experimental group,where all classroom tasks are conducted through group work for a period of two months.An equal number of students(the control group)are taught using the same tasks through a whole-class teacher fronted approach for the same period.

In order to ensure that the students in the experimental group are not at higher levels of language learning to begin with,the teacher first administers a test.She then assigns students to the groups on the basis of the test results.At the end of the two months,each of the groups is given a further identical test in order to,see whether the use of group work has resulted in higher results for the experimental group.

The results show that the students assigned to group work have performed at a higher level in relation to fluency,but that their performance on some aspects of grammatical accuracy is lower than the control group.The teacher publishes the findings of the study in a journal.



1.After studying this case,would you like to summarize what action research is?

2.Share with your classmates what you have learned from this case.

Case Two










Case Three





经过一周的观察,小魏老师希望利用这些线索来促进同学们的学习,进行正向引导,她想到自己在大学里听的一次讲座,讲到mind map的方法,正逢讲到动物这一章节,她决定用mind map的方法,结合新的《义务教育英语课程标准》,来设计英语课堂教学,小魏老师是怎么做的呢?让我们一起来看看。





· Burns,A. Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching A Guide for Practitioners [M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2011. 3T2f3gv1ZMC9OOYApRwY3zwfQmv2uf8hV5EVF2LDZCkUk2rmaFIeMKZFQucNBDhb

