188 dampen/'dæmpən/ vt. 抑制;减弱;使潮湿
同 contain
用 dampen one's enthusiasm减弱某人的热情
例 When will taxes be most effective in dampening cyclical changes in national output?什么时候税收能最有效地抑制国民产出的周期性变化?
189 debit/'debɪt/ n. 借记,借方
v. 借记,取款
用 debit entry借方分录
例 New customers will be able to get their account, chequebook, debit and credit cards within15 minutes.新客户能在15分钟内拿到自己的账户、支票簿、借记卡和信用卡。
190 deficient/dɪ'fɪʃnt/ adj. 不足的,有缺陷的
用 be deficient in sth.缺少……
例 As an economy with deficient demand, China is not a major net contributor to growth outside its borders.作为一个需求不足的经济体,中国算不上境外经济增长的主要净援助国。
191 deflator/dɪ'fleɪtə/ n. 紧缩指数;平减物价指数
用 price deflator平减物价指数
例 The GDP deflator reflects changes in average prices for the economy as a whole. GDP平减指数反映了整体经济平均价格的变化。
192 deforestation/ˌdiːˌfɔːrɪ'steɪʃn/ n. 毁林,采伐森林
用 excess deforestation过度采伐
例 We enjoy the comfort and beauty of our furniture, yet we never bother to think about the serious soil erosion caused by deforestation .我们享受家具的美丽与舒适,但我们从来就不愿去思考过度砍伐带来的严重的土壤侵蚀问题。
193 delay/dɪ'leɪ/ v. 延期;(使)耽搁
n. 延误;延迟的时间
用 without delay立即
例 Foreign companies were delaying major investments in Poland because of the uncertainties in the economic climate.由于经济环境的不确定性,外国公司纷纷推迟在波兰的重大投资。
194 deliver/dɪ'lɪvə(r)/ v. 分发;传达;交付;发表
用 deliver a speech发表演讲
例 Leaflets have been delivered to every household.传单已分发到每家每户。
195 demographic/ˌdemə'græfɪk/ adj. 人口结构的,人口统计的
用 demographic data人口数据
例 In 2014 emerging markets were suffering large capital outflows, partly caused by the stronger US dollar and partly because of demographic factors. 2014年,新兴市场遭遇大规模资本外流,部分是因为美元走强,部分是因为人口因素。
196 demolish/dɪ'mɒlɪʃ/ vt. 拆除;破坏
用 demolish walls拆墙
例 Many homes would have to be demolished but the airport said they would pay the owners 25%above the property's market value.许多房屋将被拆除,但机场方面表示,他们将向业主支付比房产市值高出25%的费用作为赔偿。
197 demonstrate/'demənstreɪt/ v. 证明;展示;论证
用 demonstrate sth. to sb.向某人证明某事
例 What is demonstrated in these values?这些价值证明了什么?
198 demotivated/ˌdiː'məʊtɪveɪtɪd/
adj. 消极的,失去动力的
用 a demotivated person一个消极的人
例 The workforce of the new airline lacks morale and is demotivated .这家新航空公司的员工缺乏士气,消极怠工。
199 denomination/dɪˌnɒmɪ'neɪʃn/ n. 面额,面值
用 denomination value票面价值
例 The notes are issued in smaller denominations .这些纸币是以更小的面值发行的。
200 denote/dɪ'nəʊt/ vt. 表示;表明,意为
同 mean
用 denote time表示时间
例 The plus sign denotes credits and the minus sign denotes debits.加号表示贷方,减号表示借方。
201 dense/dens/ adj. 稠密的;浓厚的
用 dense population稠密的人口
例 The development would destroy dense forests.开发会破坏茂密的森林。
202 dentistry/'dentɪstri/ n. 牙科学;牙医业
用 dentistry diagnosis牙科诊断
例 Gold is demanded for its use in industrial production, in dentistry , as jewellery and as a store of value.黄金被用于工业生产、牙科材料、珠宝原料和保值手段。
203 depict/dɪ'pɪkt/ v. 描绘,描画;描述
用 depict sb./sth. as sb./sth.将某人(事)描绘成某人(事)
例 Which diagram depicts the shape of the firm's corresponding total revenue (TR) curve?哪个图描述了企业总收益曲线的形态?
204 deplete/dɪ'pliːt/ vt. 耗尽,用尽;使衰竭
用 deplete resources耗尽资源
例 In Africa, industrial methods of agriculture deplete the soil, pollute water tables and fail to benefit small-scale farmers.在非洲,工业化的农业手段耗尽了土壤,污染了地下水,不能让小农受益。
205 depositor/dɪ'pɒzɪtə(r)/ n. 存款人
用 small depositor小额存户
例 When a depositor cashes a check, he reduces the amount of deposits and increases the amount of currency held by the public.一旦储户兑现支票,其存款数额就会减少,公众所持有的货币量就会增加。
206 depressed/dɪ'prest/ adj. 萧条的;沮丧的
用 depressed economy经济萧条
例 What would be likely to reduce the mobility of labour between a depressed and a prosperous region of a country?什么因素会减少一个国家的劳动力在萧条地区和繁荣地区之间的流动?
207 deregulate/ˌdiː'reɡjuleɪt/ vt. 解除对 …… 的管制
用 deregulate interest rates推进利率市场化
例 The wisest response to high unemployment is to deregulate labour markets.应对高失业率最明智的措施是放松对劳动力市场的监管。
208 designate/'dezɪgneɪt/ adj. 指定的
vt. 指定
同 assigned ( adj .)
用 designate the floor as a no-smoking area指定该楼层为无烟区
例 The government introduces a congestion charge on motorists who drive their vehicles within a designate urban zone.政府对在指定城区内驾驶车辆的司机征收拥堵费。
209 descend/dɪ'send/ v. 下降
用 descend from由……传下来;起源于
例 Which combination in the diagram could represent the consumer's order of preference in descending order?图中哪个组合由高到低表示了消费者的偏好?
210 destination/ˌdestɪ'neɪʃn/ n. 目的地,终点
用 tourist destination旅游目的地
例 The proposal would allow the airport to be connected to more emerging markets and enable 40 new destinations to be served directly.该提议将允许机场与更多的新兴市场连接,并新增40个直飞目的地。
211 destruction/dɪ'strʌkʃn/ n. 破坏,毁灭
用 weapons of destruction毁灭性武器
例 In some regions of the world, land appropriate for agriculture is shrinking due to environmental destruction .在世界上一些地区,由于环境破坏,农业用地越来越少。
212 detached/dɪ'tætʃt/ adj. 分离的,脱节的;不带感情的
用 be detached from脱离……
例 Staff feel detached from the overall undertaking.员工们感觉与整个工作脱节。
213 detergent/dɪ'tɜːdʒənt/ n. 清洁剂
adj. 去污的
用 laundry detergent洗衣粉
例 In 2011, two soap and detergent firms, Unilever and Procter&Gamble, were fined a total of €315 for fixing the price of washing powder in eight European countries. 2011年,联合利华和宝洁这两家肥皂和清洁剂公司因在8个欧洲国家操纵洗衣粉价格,被处以总计315欧元的罚款。
214 deter/dɪ'tɜː(r)/ vt. 制止,阻止
同 block
用 deter sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事
例 Mexico also suffered from deep problems of its own, for example, a poor education system and a rise in violent crime, deterring tourists and investors.墨西哥也面临着自身的深层次问题,例如,糟糕的教育体系和暴力犯罪的增加,阻碍了游客和投资者。
215 devastating/'devəsteɪtɪŋ/ adj. 毁灭性的
用 devastating illness重病
例 There were thousands of job losses at three major steel factories which was devastating news for UK steel workers and the regional economies.三大钢铁厂数千人失业,这对于英国所有钢铁工人和地区经济而言是一个毁灭性的消息。
216 diabetes/ˌdaɪə'biːtiːz/ n. 糖尿病
用 elderly diabetes老年糖尿病
例 Life expectancy has steadily increased due to improved healthcare, decreased deaths from heart disease, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory disease.由于医疗护理的改善,因心脏病、癌症、糖尿病和慢性呼吸道疾病死亡的人数越来越少,预期寿命稳步提高。
217 differentiate/ˌdɪfə'renʃieɪt/ v. 区分,区别
用 differentiate varieties of plants区分不同植物
例 What differentiates the Millennium Declaration from statements of earlier years is that it establishes specific goals known as the Millennium Development goals.《千年宣言》与前几年声明的不同之处在于,它确立了被称为千年发展目标的具体目标。
218 disadvantageous/ˌdɪsædvən'teɪdʒəs/ adj. 不利的;不便的
同 adverse
用 disadvantageous status弱势地位
例 Due to historical and practical reasons, some developing countries are at a disadvantageous position in competition.由于历史原因和现实因素,一些发展中国家在竞争当中处于相对不利的地位。
219 disaster/dɪ'zɑːstə(r)/ n. 灾难,灾祸;不幸
用 natural disaster自然灾害
例 Humanitarian aid involves aid extended in regions where there are emergencies caused by natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes.人道主义援助包括向发生水灾、地震等自然灾害的地区提供援助。
220 disastrous/dɪ'zɑːstrəs/ adj. 灾难性的;损失惨重的
用 disastrous accident严重事故
例 Rice and wheat prices will double again in the next 20 years with disastrous consequences for the poor.未来20年,大米和小麦的价格将再次翻倍,给穷人带来灾难性的后果。
221 discard/dɪ'skɑːd/ v . 丢弃;抛弃
n. 被抛弃的人或物;不要的牌
同 abandon ( v .)
用 discard old beliefs抛弃旧观念
例 10%of the data was discarded as unreliable. 10%的数据因为不可靠而被丢弃。
222 discharge/dɪs'tʃɑːdʒ/ v. 释放;排出;准许(某人)离开
用 discharge sb. from sth.允许某人离开
例 A food processing firm discharges waste water into the lake next to its factory.一家食品加工公司将废水排放到工厂旁边的湖里。
223 discipline/'dɪsəplɪn/ n. 约束,纪律,惩罚
用 classroom discipline课堂纪律
例 The stock market can exert effective discipline on the industry.股票市场可以对这个行业加以有效的约束。
224 discredit/dɪs'kredɪt/ vt. 不信;使 …… 丢脸
同 disbelieve
用 a discredit policy失去信誉的政策
例 Strong government intervention in the market has been mostly discredited as a strategy for economic growth and development.作为经济增长和发展的一种战略,政府对市场强有力的干预基本上已被证明是不可信的。
225 discriminate/dɪ'skrɪmɪneɪt/ v. 歧视,区别
用 discriminate against sb.歧视,排斥某人
例 A country's trade policy cannot discriminate between its trading partners.一个国家的贸易政策不能区别对待其贸易伙伴。
226 disguise/dɪs'gaɪz/ vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒
用 in the disguise of假扮成……;以……为借口
例 Emerging economies had been helped by cheap money from the advanced countries but this disguised the need of fundamental reforms in some countries.新兴经济体曾得到发达国家廉价资金的帮助,但这掩盖了一些国家进行根本性改革的必要性。
227 dishonest/dɪs'ɒnɪst/ adj. 不诚实的
反 honest ( adj .)诚实的
用 dishonest traders奸商
例 Some banks have been accused of having a control over the market that enabled them to get away with poor service and dishonest claims about free banking.一些银行被指控操纵市场,使它们得以在服务质量差的情况下逃脱惩罚,并在自由银行业的问题上做出不诚实的声明。
228 disinflation/ˌdɪsɪn'fleɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 反通货膨胀,通货紧缩
反 inflation n .通货膨胀
用 disinflation situation通缩状况
例 To some extent, this helps contain global disinflation .在某种程度上来说,这有助于抑制全球经济通货紧缩。
229 dismantle/dɪs'mæntl/ vt. 拆除;取消;解散
同 demolish
用 dismantle the engine拆开机器
例 Japan has already provided around 20 billion yen to help dismantle more than 70 retired nuclear submarines.日本已经提供了约200亿日元,帮助拆除70多艘已退役的潜水艇。
230 dismiss/dɪs'mɪs/ vt. 解雇;解散;不予考虑
用 dismiss sb. from解雇某人
例 It will increase the losses that workers will incur if they are dismissed for not working hard enough.如果工人因工作不够努力而被解雇,将会增加损失。
231 disorder/dɪs'ɔːdə(r)/ n. 混乱;骚乱
用 in disorder状态混乱
例 The government hopes the policy will reduce public disorder offences and cut the cost of alcohol-related ill health.政府希望这项政策能减少公共秩序混乱的犯罪行为,并降低与酒精有关的健康问题的成本。
232 dispense/dɪ'spens/ vt. 分配,分发 vi. 特许;豁免
同 distribute ( vt .)
用 dispense sth. to sb.给某人分发某物
例 Some hospitals have turned to robotic pharmacies to help dispense medication.一些医院已经开始采用机器人来分发药物。
233 display/dɪ'spleɪ/ vt. 显示;陈列
n. 展览;展示
同 demonstrate ( vt .)
用 on display展览
例 Display information in a diagrammatic or logical form.以图表或逻辑形式显示信息。
234 dispute/dɪ'spjuːt/ n. 辩论;意见不同
vt. 对 …… 提出质疑;争执
同 challenge ( vt .)
用 dispute about sth.有关某事(物)的争辩
例 It handles trade disputes .它处理贸易争端。
235 disruption/dɪs'rʌpʃn/ n. 崩溃;分裂,瓦解
同 crash, collapse
用 cause serious disruptions造成严重的混乱
例 A war or violent conflict can result in destruction of physical capital and disruption of the economy.战争或暴力冲突会导致物质资本毁灭和经济崩溃。
236 distinctive/dɪ'stɪŋktɪv/ adj. 独特的,有特色的;与众不同的
用 distinctive capabilities特殊能力
例 The other distinctive feature of this screen is the rounded rectangles.此屏幕的另一个独特之处是它的圆角矩形。
237 distort/dɪ'stɔːt/ vt. 歪曲,曲解;扭曲
同 contort
用 distort the voice声音失真
例 Newspapers are often guilty of distorting the truth.报纸新闻经常犯歪曲事实的错误。
238 distress/dɪ'stres/ n. 危难,不幸;贫困
同 disaster
用 finance distress财务危机
例 The auto industry and retailing remain in distress .汽车业和零售业继续处于困境。
239 distribute/dɪ'strɪbjuːt/ vt. 散布;分发;配给
同 dispense
用 distribute sth. to sb.把某物分给某人
例 High rates of unemployment, particularly when they are unequally distributed , can lead to serious social problems.高失业率,特别是当失业率分布不均时,会引发严重的社会问题。
240 disturbance/dɪ'stɜːbəns/ n. 干扰;骚乱;障碍
同 disorder
用 a disturbance of the public peace扰乱治安
例 A government school is built by private builders in a residential neighbourhood. The builders ignore the effects of noise and disturbance .开发商将学校建在住宅区内,却忽视了噪音和干扰会带来的影响。
241 diversify/daɪ'vɜːsɪfaɪ/ v. 使多样化;多元化;从事多种经营
用 diversify our products使我们的产品多样化
例 A number of developing economies have adopted import substitution policies and sought to diversify their economies.许多发展中国家采取了进口替代政策,并设法使其经济多样化。
242 divert/daɪ'vɜːt/ v. 转移;使改道;使分心
用 divert attention from...将注意力从……转移
例 Whether diverting expenditure to the car industry might conflict with other macroeconomic government objectives?将支出转移到汽车行业是否会与政府的其他宏观经济目标相冲突?
243 divisibility/diˌvɪzə'bɪləti/ n. 可分性
同 separability
用 a divisibility problem可分性问题
例 Divisibility is a key property of money.可分性是货币的一个重要特性。
244 doctrine/'dɒktrɪn/ n. 主义;学说;信条
用 the Monroe Doctrine门罗主义
例 The United States President stated that the‘America First' doctrine means increased protectionism.美国总统表示,“美国优先”主义意味着保护主义加剧。
245 dominate/'dɒmɪneɪt/ v. 控制,支配;占优势
用 dominate the market主导市场,控制市场
例 In some countries supermarkets dominate food shopping.在一些国家,超市主宰了食品购买。
246 domination/ˌdɒmɪ'neɪʃn/ n. 控制;支配
用 market domination市场主导
例 England's domination over Wales, Scotland and Ireland introduced the English language to these regions, but with the devastating consequence of the downfall of the local languages.英格兰对威尔士、苏格兰及爱尔兰的统治将英语引入了这些地区,却令当地语言衰落,造成了毁灭性的后果。
247 downturn/'daʊntɜːn/ n. 衰退
用 the continuing economic downturn经济持续低迷
例 Due to a cyclical downturn , a government is experiencing a budget deficit.由于周期性的衰退,政府正面临预算赤字。
248 dramatic/drə'mætɪk/ adj. 急剧的,激烈的;引人注目的
同 compelling
用 a dramatic increase急剧增加
例 In February 2016 there were dramatic changes in both financial and commodity markets across the world. 2016年2月,全球金融和商品市场都发生了巨变。
249 draw/drɔː/ v. 推断出结论;画画;拉
用 draw up草拟
例 Which conclusion may be drawn from the graphs?这些图表可以得出怎样的结论?
250 drought/draʊt/ n. 干旱
用 drought region干旱地区
例 The country experienced two years of severe drought .这个国家经历了两年严重的旱灾。
251 Dubai/'djuːbaɪ/ n. 迪拜
例 These include markets like New Delhi, Dubai and Hong Kong, which continue to grow at soaring rates.包括新德里、迪拜、中国香港等的市场在以飞快的速度增长。
252 duplication/ˌdjuːplɪ'keɪʃn/ n. 重复;复制
用 duplication of effort重复劳动
例 It avoids the wasteful duplication of resources.这避免了资源的重复浪费。
253 dweller/'dwelər/ n. 居民,居住者
用 town dweller城镇居民
例 The life of a modern city dweller , surrounded by strangers, is an evolutionary novelty.现代城市居民的生活总是被陌生人围绕,这是进化过程中出现的新事物。
254 dynamism/'daɪnəmɪzəm/ n. 活力
同 vitality
用 a zone of dynamism充满活力的地区
例 New businesses have dynamism and vigour.新企业充满活力与生机。