


075 ballot/'bælət/ n. 投票

v. 投票

secret ballot无记名投票

Allocation of tickets by ballot would be preferable.最好以投票的方式分配票。

076 banknote/'bæŋknəʊt/ n. 钞票,纸币

banknote detector验钞机

What advantage do banknotes have over coins?纸币与硬币相比有什么优势?

077 bankrupt/'bæŋkrʌpt/ adj. 破产的,倒闭的

vt. 使破产;使枯竭

declare bankrupt宣告破产

If businesses managed their money as carelessly as they managed their people, most would be bankrupt .如果企业管理资金像管理员工一样粗枝大叶,大多数都会破产。

078 bankruptcy/'bæŋkrʌptsi/ n. 破产

political bankruptcy政治破产

It needed$2 million in government aid to avoid bankruptcy .它需要200万美元的政府援助以避免破产。

079 banquet/'bæŋkwɪt/ n. 宴会

v. 宴请

state banquet国宴

It is a state banquet in honour of the visiting president.这是为欢迎来访的总统而举行的国宴。

080 basmati/bæs'mæti/ n. 印度香米

basmati rice recipes印度香米食谱

The Indian government replaced the minimum export price that it enforced for non -basmati rice with a complete ban on rice exports.印度政府取消了对非印度香米的最低出口价格,转而全面禁止大米出口。

081 bauxite/'bɔːksaɪt/ n. 铝土矿,铁矾土

bauxite resource铝土矿资源

The extraction of oil and gas and the mining of iron ore and bauxite have grown significantly in recent years.近年来,石油和天然气的开采以及铁矿石和铝土矿的开采都有了显著增长。

082 bear/beə(r)/ v. 承受,忍受;结果

bear risk承受风险

If the tax is on the use of domestic fuel, then older members of society may bear the greatest effect as they use proportionately more domestic fuel for heating than others in society.如果对家用燃料征税,老年群体所受影响可能是最大的,因为相对其他社会群体来说,他们取暖使用的民用燃料相应更多。

083 behalf/bɪ'hɑːf/ n. 代表;利益

on behalf of代表

Financial institutions also speculate on future currency movements on their own behalf .金融机构也会以自己的名义推测未来的货币走势。

084 beneficiary/ˌbenɪ'fɪʃəri/ n. 受益者

beneficiary of sth.某事的受益者

Gold is perhaps the biggest beneficiary in times of inflation and stock market volatility.在通货膨胀的背景下,黄金或许是最大的受益者,而股票市场则阴晴不定。

085 beset/bɪ'set/ vt. 困扰;镶嵌;包围

beset by enemy被敌人包围

To what extent do you think this self-interest is the root cause of the environmental problems that beset the human race today?你认为这种利己主义在多大程度上是当下困扰人类的环境问题的根源?

086 beverage/'bevərɪdʒ/ n. 饮料

food and beverage食品和饮料

Studies on the consumption of various alcoholic beverages have been conducted.如今已对各种酒精饮料的消费进行了研究。

087 bid/bɪd/ v. 出价;叫牌

n. 出价;投标价

bid for sth.为某物出价

The government announced it would allow private companies to bid to redevelop the sites.政府宣布,将允许私人公司竞标重新开发这些地块。

088 bilateral/ˌbaɪ'lætərəl/ adj. 双边的

bilateral talks双边会谈

We must make the distinction between regional and bilateral trade agreements.我们必须对区域贸易协定和双边贸易协定做出区分。

089 blame/bleɪm/ vt. 责备;归咎于

n. 责备;过失

blame sb. for sth.为某事责怪某人

Some economists blame long-term unemployment on globalisation for shifting low-skilled jobs overseas.一些经济学家将长期失业现象的原因归咎于全球化将低技能工作转移到了海外的。

090 bleak/bliːk/ adj. 黯淡的,无希望的;阴冷的

a bleak prospect前景黯淡

Three decades ago, in a bleak stretch of the 1970s, an economic phenomenon emerged that was as ugly as its name—stagflation. 30年前,在20世纪70年代一段惨淡的时期,出现了一种与其名字一样丑陋的经济现象——滞胀。

091 blind/blaɪnd/ adj. 盲目的;瞎的

go blind失明

Markets are blind and the direction of change they provide often represents inefficient resource allocation from a society's point of view.市场是盲目的,从社会的角度来看,市场所提供的改变方向往往表现出效率低的资源分配。

092 block/blɒk/ vt. 阻止,限制

n. 街区;大厦

block the way挡路

Please explain why US sugar farmers try to block increases in sugar quotas.请解释为什么美国蔗糖种植户试图阻止增加蔗糖的配额。

093 Boeing/'bəʊɪŋ/ n. 波音公司

Boeing airplane波音飞机

In 2013, new aircraft, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, was assembled in the United States. 2013年,美国组装了一架新飞机——波音787梦幻客机。

094 Bolivia/bə'lɪviə/ n. 玻利维亚

Bolivia post office玻利维亚邮局

例 Bolivia encouraged investment by foreign firms in order to exploit its oil and gas resources.玻利维亚鼓励外国公司投资,以开发其石油和天然气资源。

095 bolster/'bəʊlstə(r)/ v. 支持,支撑

bolster up援助,支持

Turkey tried to bolster its currency by raising its interest rate to attract funds.土耳其试图通过提高利率来吸引资金以支撑其货币。

096 boom/buːm/ n. 繁荣;(某种体育运动、音乐等)突然风靡的时期

v. 使兴旺

economic boom经济繁荣,经济腾飞

A major commodity boom occurred in the decade of the 2000s. 21世纪前十年出现了大宗商品的繁荣期。

097 boost/buːst/ v. 促进,推动

boost one's confidence提升某人的信心

We use local suppliers on construction projects, which boosts the local economy.我们在建设项目中使用当地供应商,这促进了当地经济的发展。

098 border/'bɔːdə(r)/ n. 边境,边界,国界

v. 接近;与 …… 接壤

border trade边境贸易

Under the impetus of the border trade, the RMB started circulation abroad spontaneously.在边境贸易的推动下,人民币开始自发地在境外流通起来。

099 boredom/'bɔːdəm/ n. 厌倦;令人厌烦的事物

relieve boredom排遣,解闷

In modern developed economies the dehumanising impact of production techniques has been acknowledged and procedures introduced to counteract boredom .在现代发达经济体中,人们已经认识到生产技术带来的非人性化的影响,因此引入了程序来消除厌倦情绪。

100 Botswana/bɒ'tswɑ:nə/ n. 博茨瓦纳(非洲中南部国家)

Botswana tourism博茨瓦纳旅游业

In 2012, the rate of inflation in Botswana was 7.5%. 2012年,博茨瓦纳的通胀率为7.5%。

101 bottleneck/'bɒtlnek/ n. 瓶颈

traffic bottleneck交通瓶颈

As GDP approaches the level of potential output, resource bottlenecks begin to cause increases in resource and product prices.随着GDP接近潜在产出水平,资源瓶颈开始导致资源和产品价格上涨。

102 bound/baʊnd/ adj. 注定的;受约束的;准备去往 ……

n. 界限

v. 限制;束傅

a north-bound train一列北行的火车

Since we all have different experiences, there is bound to be great variation between any two individuals' scales of preferences.由于我们每个人的经历不同,所以任何两个个体之间必然存在很大的差异。

103 boycott/'bɔɪkɒt/ n. 联合抵制

v. 联合抵制;拒绝购买;拒绝参加

boycott on sth.抵制某事(物)

There have been calls for boycotts of Chinese goods but they have all failed miserably.有人呼吁抵制中国商品,但他们都惨败了。

104 branch/brɑːntʃ/ n. 分支;分公司;树枝

branch company分公司

The number of banks and their branches in relation to the population in developing countries is far smaller than in developed ones.发展中国家银行及其分支机构的数量相对于人口的比例要远远低于发达国家。

105 brand/brænd/ n. 品牌,商标;类型

brand loyalty品牌忠诚度

Typical examples are Coca-Cola and Pepsi, both well-known brands of cola.典型的例子是可口可乐和百事可乐,这两个都是著名的可乐品牌。

106 brewery/'bruːəri/ n. 啤酒厂

Tsingtao brewery青岛啤酒厂

Building a local infrastructure, including a brewery , requires huge amounts of capital.建设包括啤酒厂在内的当地基础设施需要大量资金。

107 Bulgaria/bʌl'ɡeəriə/ n. 保加利亚

Romania and Bulgaria , both EU members, are hoping to join the area in 2012.罗马尼亚和保加利亚都是欧盟成员国,希望在2012年加入该地区。

108 bulk/bʌlk/ n. 大量;体积,容量

bulk buying大宗采购

It's cheaper to buy in bulk .批量购买更便宜。

109 bureaucracy/bjʊə'rɒkrəsi/ n. 官僚主义

excessive bureaucracy极度官僚主义

It is considered to be the country with the least amount of bureaucracy in the European Union.它被认为是欧盟国家中官僚风气最小的国家。

110 bureaucratic/ˌbjʊərə'krætɪk/ adj. 官僚(主义)的

bureaucratic organisations官僚组织

It is a bureaucratic system of decision-making.该决策体系具有官僚主义风气。 xI6cC4I9hYAk0DzZ1a+e+GvArpNHKK21EzEBucWAQBX/n+eGcKhPb9tKeuYifR/1
