
03 就任新职/环境介绍

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

employee n. 职员 definitely adv. 势必

unsure adj. 不确定的 familiarize v. 使熟悉

environment n. 环境 available adj. 可用的



A: Please welcome our new employee, Mr. Wang.

B: Hello, everyone! My name is Mike Wang. It is my great honor to be part of the team. I will definitely try my best to do my job well.

A: Feel free to ask questions if you are unsure of anything.

B: Yes. Thank you.

A: Mr. Wang is going to work with you from now on. Since he is new here, there should be a lot of things he is not familiar yet. Please always give him a hand.

B: Thank you for your kind introduction.

A: 请欢迎公司的新职员,王先生。

B: 大家好,我的名字是王迈可。能成为这个团队的一份子是我相当大的荣幸。我一定会尽我所能将我的工作做好。

A: 如果有任何不确定的地方,请尽管问。

B: 好的,谢谢您。

A: 王先生今后将与大家共事。由于他是新来的,一定会有许多还不熟悉的事情。请各位多帮他忙。

B: 谢谢您的体贴介绍。


A: How are you, Mr. Wang? My name is Jamie Chen. I will help familiarize you with the work environment.

B: Thank you very much.

A: This is the working area, please come in and have a look.

B: Looks very nice.

A: Each employee has a personal computer. If you need to copy or scan any document, we have copiers and scanners available to office staff. And you can easily find them in the copy room.

A: 王先生您好,我的名字是陈杰米。我会帮助您熟悉公司环境。

B: 非常谢谢你。

A: 这是工作区域,请进来看看吧。

B: 看起来很不错。

A: 每位职员都配有一台个人电脑。如果您需要复印或是扫描任何文件,公司有可供职员使用的复印机和扫描仪。您很容易就可以在复印室找到它们。


01 他是相当出色的谈判高手。

He is an outstanding negotiator.

02 让我们欢迎新进的团队成员!

Let us all welcome our new team members!

03 我非常高兴能成为营销部的经理。

I am so pleased to be the manager of the Marketing Department.

04 能与大家共事是我的荣幸。

It is my great honor to work with you all.

05 如有过失,愿各位不吝指教。

Please feel free to point out my mistakes.

06 让我给您介绍一下周围环境吧。

Let me introduce the surroundings to you.

07 你最好熟悉一下这里的设施。

You'd better familiarize yourself with the facilities here.

08 进入办公大楼需要出示你的身份证件。

You'll need to show your ID to enter the office building.

09 在复印室里,你会发现复印机就在你的左手边。

Inside the copy room, you will find the printer on your left.

10 进入会议室后,请向委员会介绍一下你自己。

When you enter the meeting room, please introduce yourself to the committee.

11 洗手间就在那边。

The restroom is over there.

12 非常感谢您的介绍。

Thank you for your introduction.


It is my great honor to... 我很荣幸能……

例1 It is my great honor to have this opportunity.


例2 It is our great honor to introduce our new CEO.

我们很荣幸介绍我们新的总经理。 iJjOkCkJvFFN3UcdZsyd2WnxIolm3wsIi40WvSI71GrRz2OLaRippmD8kTlER6yE

