
01 自我介绍

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

fluent adj. 流利的 valid adj. 有效的

certificate n. 证书 describe v. 形容

outgoing adj. 外向的 communication n. 沟通



A: Could you please briefly introduce yourself?

B: Sure! I was born in 1989 in Taipei. I just graduated from Tamkang University. I double majored in Economics and Accounting.

A: Do you speak any foreign language?

B: I am fluent in English, and I am able to handle daily conversation in Japanese.

A: Have you ever taken any language test?

B: I scored 920 on the TOEIC. Also, I have a valid JLPT certificate.

A: 可以请你做个简单的自我介绍吗?

B: 当然!我于1989年出生在台北。刚毕业于台湾淡江大学。我主修经济以及会计双学位。

A: 你有没有什么外语能力?

B: 我英文流利,日文的日常会话也没问题。

A: 你参加过什么语言能力测验吗?

B: 我的托业成绩是920分。另外,我有一张有效期限内的日本语能力试验合格证书。


A: How would you describe your personality?

B: I think I am a very outgoing person with a sense of humor.

A: Do you think you are a good communicator?

B: I think so. I do have good communication skills.

A: Tell us about your experience working with peers.

A: 你如何形容你的个性?

B: 我想我是一个十分外向的人,并具备幽默感。

A: 那你认为你是个擅长与人沟通的人吗?

B: 我想是的。我的确有不错的沟通技巧。

A: 跟我们说一下你与同事合作的经验。


01 请你简单地自我介绍一下。

Please briefly introduce yourself.

02 在期限内或在面临压力的情况下,你能较好地工作吗?

Can you work well under deadlines or pressure?

03 我擅长与人合作,且组织能力很好。

I am very co-operative and well organized.

04 你接受需要出差的工作吗?

Would you accept a job requiring travel?

05 我现居台北。

I am currently living in Taipei.

06 我非常擅长与人沟通。

I have very good communication skills.

07 我很会分配时间。

I'm good at managing time.

08 我有一年与不同文化背景的客户合作的经验。

I have one-year experience working with clients from different cultural backgrounds.

09 你有什么资格证书或证照吗?

Do you have any certificates or licenses?

10 我有驾驶执照。

I have a driver's license.

11 我之前在托福考试中拿到102分。下星期将参加托业考试。

I scored 102 on the TOEFL iBT. I am going to take the TOEIC test next week.

12 你的强项和弱项分别是什么?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?


Could you please...?能否请你……?

例1 Could you please tell us about your previous work experience?


例2 Could you please give us a self-introduction?

能否请你向我们做个自我介绍? 53X1ckeVFkPnTAgMf6dskyLqi/JCVGwL595oSPlWD43ySM/iXu1zp8Lf3nUNdxI6
