
02 目标说明

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

appearance n. 外观 innovation n. 创新

launch v. 发布,推出 short-term adj. 短期的

intermediate adj. 中长期的 daunting adj. 令人怯步的



A: We are looking to achieve the following goals this year! Our first goal is to become one of the top five brands in Asia. Second, we want our products to be the best in quality, appearance, and everything we do! And don't forget we are always focusing on innovation. One of our goals is to increase the scale of innovation. We hope to launch more amazing new products while still trying to improve existing ones. Let each of us works harder to make these goals happen!

B: Come on.

A: 我们今年想达成以下目标!我们的第一个目标是要成为亚洲最好的五大品牌之一。第二,我们想要我们的产品在品质、外观以及我们能力所及的各方面都是最棒的!而且,绝对不要忘记我们永远都着重于创新。我们其中一个目标就是要扩大创新的规模。尝试改善现有产品的同时,我们还想要推出更多令人惊艳的新产品。就让我们大家一起更加努力工作达成这些目标吧!

B: 加油。


A: We lately found that the goals we set up last time were neither doable nor specific. Therefore, we have to make new ones. I came up with one. Our company has to bring the sales up by the end of June. That is a short-term goal for us to meet. If we are not able to reach a short-term goal like that, there's no chance that we can go any further.

B: Maybe we can also think of setting up an intermediate goal and plan how to meet it. The intermediate goal doesn't have to be daunting. It should be realistically achievable.

A: 我们最近发现上次我们设立的目标并不可行,也不够具体。因此,我们必须要制定新的目标。我想到了一个。我们公司必须要在6月底前提升销售额。这是我们要达成的短期目标。如果我们无法达成那样的短期目标,要继续前进根本不可能。

B: 或许我们还可以考虑设定一个中长期目标,然后计划如何达成。中长期目标不一定要制定得使人望而却步,应该要切实可行。


01 我们今年的目标是将市场占有率提高到20%。

We aim to raise our market share to 20% this year.

02 我们的目标是成为最具竞争力的企业之一。

Our goal is to become one of the most competitive enterprises.

03 我们想要在电子业继续保持优势地位。

We want to maintain dominance in the electronics industry.

04 我们期望成为最成功的公司之一。

We are looking to become one of the most successful companies.

05 我们计划在北京开设一家新的分公司。

We are planning to set up a new branch in Beijing.

06 我们计划通过开拓新市场来提高我们的利润。

We are planning to increase our profitability by expanding into a new market.

07 为了达成这个目标,每个人都要更努力。

In order to achieve this goal, everyone has to work harder.

08 要靠公司里的每一个员工,盈利才会增加。

It relys on every employee in the company to increase profits.

09 这份报告显示我们在产量方面有16% 的增长。我们期望做得更好。

The report shows a 16% growth in production. We are looking to do better.

10 我们最终的目标就是成为最佳。

Our ultimate goal is to be the best.

11 具体来说,我们的目标是通过提供更好的售后服务来增加最新产品的销售额

To be specific, our goal is to increase sales of our latest product by providing better after-sales service.

12 我们觉得制定一个短期计划也是必要的。

We also feel the need to make a short-term plan.


make...happen 让……实现

例1 I am determined to make my dream happen one day!我下定决心总有一天要实现梦想。

例2 We want to make the distant goal happen.我们想实现那个遥远的目标。 zWiBvawGUR/VwDlwU85gIF/76ChNbXnFw/GQmiUwq+NLi8CLw+i7C6EMmqYOLln+
