
08 展望未来

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

measurable adj. 可预见的 achieve v. 达到

existing adj. 现存的 ambitious adj. 有野心的

satisfied adj. 满足的 reputation n. 声誉



A: Last time, I asked each of you to write some specific and measurable business goals. Is there anyone who wants to share his or her goals with us?

B: May I?

A: Go ahead.

B: As a sales representative for our company, my goal is to increase sales by 15% in next eight months.

A: Sounds good, but you didn't say how you're going to achieve that goal yet.

B: I plan to increase sales through our existing customer base.

A: 上一次,我要你们每一个人写些具体并且可预见的经营目标。有没有哪位愿意和我们分享一下他或她的目标?

B: 我可以分享吗?

A: 请说。

B: 身为本公司的业务代表,我的目标是在接下来的8个月里增加15% 的销售额。

A: 听起来不错,但你还没有说你要如何达成这个目标。

B: 我计划通过现有的客户群来提高销售额。


A: The next goal is not merely to keep our company running as smooth as possible, but also make it one of the best companies. We have to be more ambitious. We can't just be satisfied with our current performance. In next three years, we are determined to meet following goals. First of all, to have a higher market share. Secondly, to establish a rock-solid reputation.

B: I'm totally agree with you.

A: 下一个目标不仅仅是尽可能地保持公司运作顺利,还要让它成为最棒的公司之一。我们必须要更有野心。不能只是满足于现在的业绩。接下来3年,我们决心达成以下目标。第一,要有更高的市场占有率。其次,要建立坚若磐石的声誉。

B: 我完全同意你的看法。


01 让我们想想接下来该做什么。

Let's think about what we should do next.

02 是时候加入一些新鲜血液和新点子了。

It is time for some fresh blood and new ideas.

03 我们在过去的8个月都是赤字。

We've been in the red for the past eight months.

04 我们这一整年都在盈利。

We've been in the black all year.

05 我们现在是盈利的。

We're making money.

06 目前我正在做未来规划。

Currently I am working on future plans.

07 这些是我们3年内想要达到的目标。

These are the goals we want to meet in three years.

08 我们的中长期计划包含动机训练及教育训练。

Our intermediate plan includes motivational training and educational training.

09 为了要成功,我们必须要知道我们的业务走向。

In order to succeed, we have to know where our business is going.

10 目的是要让公司获利。

The aim is to make the company profitable.

11 开拓市场是发展经济的一个重要环节。

Expanding the market is one of the key links in developing the economy.

12 我相信我们明年能获得更多成就。

I believe that we can achieve more next year.


As a... 身为……

例1 As a manager, I feel the need to motivate our employees.身为一个主管,我感觉到激励员工的必要性。

例2 As a good team member, I've always been willing to share my experience.

身为一个好的组员,我总是乐意分享自身经验。 D4DRotBhvLJWM9+fjO5JVhOQdyxgDUtP11l409tplG2E8mlpvb7NCu8EZzL+oTi0
