
07 谈论经济形势

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

double v. 使加倍 exactly adv. 确切地

affordable adj. 负担得起的 competitor n. 竞争者

compare v. 比较 relatively adv. 相对地



A: Originally, we planned to double the number of our stores at the end of 2015.

B: Is there any change in the plan we made?

A: I am afraid so. We have to either cancel or amend the whole plan.

B: So what exactly is the matter?

A: We simply can't ignore the impact of higher oil price on economy. Due to the higher oil price, doubling our stores is no longer an affordable plan.

A: 我们原本计划在2015年底让我们的商店数量增加一倍。

B: 我们之前做的计划有什么变动吗?

A: 恐怕是有的。我们只能取消或者修改整个计划。

B: 所以究竟是什么问题?

A: 我们完全无法忽视油价上涨对经济造成的冲击。因为较高的油价,让商店数量倍增这一计划已经不再是我们可以负担的了。


A: We made a competitor analysis. We list four companies that we are competing with. These four companies also sell sports clothing as we do. Compared to our competitors, the diversity of our product range is relatively higher.

B: What are our weaknesses?

A: Customers are not satisfied with the service provided by us. Therefore, in order to succeed over our competitors, we must improve our customer service.

A: 我们做了一份竞争对手的分析报告。我们列出了和我们竞争的四家公司,这四家公司和我们一样销售运动服饰。和竞争者比较之下,我们产品系列的多样性相对较高。

B: 那我们的弱势是?

A: 客户不满意我们提供的服务。因此,要胜过我们的竞争对手的话,我们就得改善顾客服务。


01 经济必须在美国经济回暖后才会复苏的想法并不正确。

It's wrong to assume that economy will not recover until America rebounds.

02 经济状况不佳可能是造成社会动荡的根源。

Bad economic conditions may be responsible for the social unrest.

03 美国是最大的商品进口国。

The United States is the largest importer of goods.

04 事实证明美国的劳动力市场成长有限。

This fact indicates limited progress in the United States labor market.

05 欧洲需要积极的工业政策。

Europe needs an active industrial policy.

06 这个国家的经济状况非常糟糕。

The economic position of the country is disastrous.

07 经济因素决定一个社会能有多少进步。

Economic factors determine the progress that a society can make.

08 经济会回升。

The economy will pick up.

09 很明显地,增长比大家所预期的来得缓慢。

It is obvious that the growth has been slower than anyone wanted or expected.

10 近年来,全球的经济形势非常好。

In recent years, the global economic situation was very good.

11 整体来说,中国经济情况仍然良好。

The China's economy remains in good shape overall.

12 欧洲复兴需要更长的时间。

Europe needs a longer-term renewal.


no longer... 不再……

例1 The stock market is no longer what it used to be.


例2 The strategy is no longer needed.

不再需要这种策略了。 M2esye8WoIp2eWS7bej+IYv+ns45/QJGGp/2uZZN0xWOpHduCOYujAlwAP7MlDbu
