
06 临时提议

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

move on phr. 继续进行 enhance v. 提升

program n. 计划 interrupt v. 打断

relaunch v. 重新发行 nowadays adv. 时下



A: Let's move on. The next subject is how we should enhance the productivity of our workers.

B: I'm sorry to hold the meeting up. Can I ask you about the worker safety training program? We all know that worker safety is always first, but we haven't discussed it in any detail.

A: Well, are there any other thoughts before I comment on that?

C: May I come in here? To his question, I will say, we've got no choices at all. We're limited by tight budget.

A: 我们继续进行吧。下一个议题—我们应当如何提升员工的生产力。

B: 很抱歉打断会议进行。我可以向您询问有关员工安全训练计划的问题吗?我们都知道员工安全永远是第一位的,但我们从未详细地讨论这件事。

A: 那么,在我发表针对这个事项的意见之前,有谁有其他想法吗?

C: 我可以插句话吗?针对他提出的问题,我只能说我们别无选择。我们被紧缩的预算限制了。


A: Could I just interrupt for a moment?

B: Yes, Karen. Do you want to add something?

A: I am wondering if we can relaunch the fiction range with new modern cover. Based on one of the reports, people nowadays prefer reading books that look cool. In other words, they actually judge books by their covers.

B: I think Karen has made a very good point. Karen, thanks for bringing it up.

A: 我可以打断一下吗?

B: 当然了,凯伦,你想要补充些什么吗?

A: 我在想我们是否能搭配现代感的新封面,重新发行小说系列。根据其中一篇报告指出,现代人更喜欢阅读看起来很时尚的书籍。也就是说,他们其实是用书的封面来评判书。

B: 我觉得凯伦提出了一个很好的论点。凯伦,谢谢你将它提出来。


01 有人能想到更好的点子吗?

Can anyone think of a better idea?

02 我可以补充一下吗?

May I add something?

03 我建议我们的员工旅游去香港。

I suggest we go to Hong Kong for our staff trip.

04 是时候安排员工旅游了!

It's time to arrange a staff trip!

05 既然还剩下一些时间,那我们就多谈一点下一个计划吧。

Since we still have some time left, let's discuss our next plan a little more.

06 我想引进新的技术和设备。

I'd like to introduce new technology and equipment.

07 从今以后,我们必须提高我们的工作效率。

We have to improve our work efficiency from now on.

08 我刚刚想到一个改进它的方法!

I just came up with a way to improve it!

09 我们真的应该雇用一名新的设计师。

We really should hire a new designer.

10 这肯定会有成效!

It's definitely going to work!

11 我们现在应该思考的是在什么时间以什么形式重组才是必要的。

We should now think about when and what kind of reorganization is necessary.

12 换别的话题吧。

It's okay to jump to another subject.


hold...up 延迟……;打断……

例1 I didn't mean to hold the meeting up.


例2 We're sorry for holding up the process.

我们为拖延进度感到很抱歉。 VR8WUAeCL+8G++KEMSbh7fu1zpdVv5/z8LF7N2D3ZR0lJILCmnYdtgEG3edId8Tc

