
04 提案

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

regular adj. 普通的 out of date phr. 过时的

profitable adj. 获利的 trend n. 趋势

a plenty of phr. 大量的 shipping fee n. 运费



A: I would like to propose that we should start creating smart phones. Apparently regular cell phones are out of date. It won't be profitable for us to produce regular cell phones anymore.

B: Are you suggesting us to stop producing regular cell phones? What's your plan instead?

A: Exactly. Instead of producing existing products, we should follow the trend and give it a try. It is for sure that people will not go back to use regular cell phones because of limited functions. And I think it is very important to put most of the emphasis on Internet browsing. The reason is that people nowadays are very dependent on the Internet and they want to have Internet to access anywhere and any time.

A: 我想提议,我们应该开始研发智能手机。很明显普通手机已经过时了。我们再继续生产普通手机是不会获益的。

B: 你是建议我们停止制造普通手机吗?那你的替代方案是什么?

A: 正是。我们应该跟随市场趋势并做出尝试,而不是生产既有产品。人们肯定不会再回去使用普通手机,因为功能有限。而且,我认为把重心放在网络浏览上是非常重要的。原因是现在人们很依赖网络,他们想要随时随地都能上网。


A: Hello, everyone. My name is Thome Yorke of RD, which is known as a package delivery company. I will be talking about the proposal I made. I was informed that your company keeps receiving a plenty of customer complaints regarding shipping. Some of the customers complained that the shipping fee is too much. Others complained about the slow shipping. Regarding this issue, you might need an entirely new way of shipping. We will provide one-day shipping and three-day shipping. We are also able to do the tracking number thing. You and your customers will have tracking number to check things like “where is my package right now” and “when exactly will I get it”. If you sign with us for more than two years, we'll offer special prices for your company so that you can reduce shipping fee.

B: OK, please give me a quotation.

A: 大家好,我的名字是托姆·约克,服务于 RD 公司,一家货运公司。我要跟大家谈谈我的提案。我被告知贵公司陆续收到大量关于货物寄送的客户投诉。有些客户抱怨运费太贵,有些则抱怨到货速度太慢。关于这个问题,你们可能需要全新的运货方式。我们将提供一天到货和三天到货的服务。我们还能提供货物追踪码。你们和你们的客户都会有追踪码,可以确认像是“我的包裹现在到哪儿了”“我何时可以拿到”这样的事。如果贵公司和我们签两年以上的合约,我们会给你们提供特价,如此一来你们便可以降低运费。

B: 好的,请给我一份报价单。


01 我认为你的提案不太妥当。

I think your proposal is not quite right.

02 那听起来是个好主意,让我好好想一想。

That sounds like a good idea. Let me sleep on it.

03 你觉得这个提案怎么样?

What do you think of this motion?

04 就让我们展开这个新方案吧!

Let's get the ball rolling on this new project!

05 我希望这个提案能通过。

I hope this proposal will be passed.

06 或许我们有点会错意了。

Perhaps we have a slight misunderstanding.

07 这个提案存有争议。

There's a controversy over this proposal.

08 我已经研究过潜在客户的需求,并集思广益想出了满足这些需求的方法。

I have studied my potential clients' needs and brainstormed ways to meet them.

09 你并没有充分说明你的客户会如何从中获益。

You didn't demonstrate the full scope of how your client will benefit from it.

10 我赞成那一点。

I will say yes to that.

11 你的销售提案需要更加简洁。

Your sales proposal needs to be more concise.

12 谢谢你们聆听我的提案。

Thank you for listening to my proposal.


some...; others... 有些……,有些则……

例1 Some people agreed; others disagreed.


例2 Some people prefer option 1; others prefer option 2.

有些人喜欢选项1,有些人则偏好选项2。 sycKyuu6Ki9m5LGygMG6kPXgFdEj5J0yO2TQ04Orrv0UW+pcO07IyY90uKfGIhjX
