
02 报告工作

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

smooth adj. 顺利的 translator n. 译者

copy n. (书、报、杂志等的)份、本、册 outline n. 大纲

reasonable adj. 合理的 adjustment n. 调整



A: The editing process has been very smooth. Every translator submitted his or her work on time. Our copy editor is now working on proofreading.

B: Is the whole editing thing working on schedule?

A: We are even ahead of schedule. Hopefully we will have a hundred thousand copies of the book printed a week earlier.

B: How are you going to use the time you save?

A: Being ahead of schedule means that we have more time to make the book perfect. We will spend the time on checking every little detail.

A: 编译的过程非常顺利。每一位译者都按时交稿了。我们的文字编辑正在校对内容。

B: 整个编辑工作都是依照计划表进行的吗?

A: 我们甚至超前了。我们有望提前一星期印刷10万册。

B: 那么你们要怎么利用省下来的时间?

A: 提前完成意味着我们有更多时间完善这本书。我们会把时间用在检查每一个细节上面。


A: Your group was supposed to give me the outline and objectives last week, but I didn't get your e-mail until yesterday. Bob, could you please explain why there was a delay?

B: We've been trying really hard to meet the deadline, but the deadline just came too soon. It really is an impossible mission for three people to finish so much work in no more than a week.

A: I don't think the deadline is not reasonable. I didn't ask you to complete an entire project. I only asked you to write an outline and objectives.

B: Yes, you are right. We're terribly sorry about the delay.

A: You have to learn how to make adjustments to busy schedule.

A: 你们这组应该上星期就把大纲和目标给我,但直到昨天我才收到你们的电子邮件。鲍伯,你能解释一下为什么会延迟吗?

B: 我们一直都非常努力想赶上截止日期,但截止日真的来得太快了。要在一个星期之内完成这么多工作,对于三个人来说真的是一项不可能的任务。

A: 我不觉得这个截止日期不合理。我并没有要你们完成一个完整的项目,我只要你们写出大纲和目标。

B: 是的,您说得对。我们对迟交感到非常抱歉。

A: 你们必须要学会如何适应忙碌的工作日程。


01 我最近在做初步评估。

I am working on the preliminary evaluation.

02 电子书阅读器扮演什么样的角色?

What role do e-book readers play?

03 我将重点放在用户体验上。

I put the focus on user experience.

04 一周后,我们会检测这一装置。

We will review the device after a week.

05 我们最常被问到的问题是:“这个多少钱?”

The question we are asked most often is, “how much is it?”

06 我做完了一份财务分析报告。

I've done a financial analysis.

07 向路人分发一份含有10个问题的问卷。

A 10-question survey was handed out to passersby.

08 我们最近收到太多关于掌上电脑的投诉了。

We've gotten too many complaints about our PDA recently.

09 结果与假设一致。

The results met the assumption.

10 调查显示大多数学生为了学习而去图书馆。

The findings show that most students go to the library to study.

11 你想到解决这个问题的方法了吗?

Did you come up with any ideas to solve the problem?

12 我认为这件事不会有什么好的结果。

I don't think it will lead to a good result.


be supposed to... 应当要……

例1 I thought we were supposed to provide feedback.


例2 I'm supposed to finish this project today.

我应当要在今天完成这个方案的。 MFO17goIGue4B5nKhsHSa0AYBGaUD8cnrwHOC1k6RtrPTasf9v734zp3AfkFWHlo
