
01 开场致辞

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

expansion n. 扩张 absent adj. 缺席的

permission n. 批准 compose v. 构成

deduction n. 减除 pros and cons phr. 利弊



A: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. What we're going to discuss today is the future expansion plan. Is everyone here today? Just want to make sure.

B: Sir, I noticed that Peter is absent.

A: That's okay. Peter is absent with permission. He is now too sick to take part in the meeting. Alright, it seems that all the team members other than Peter are here. Let's get started.

A: 各位先生、各位女士,下午好。我们今天要讨论的是未来的扩张计划。每个人都到了吗?我只是想确认一下。

B: 老板,我发现彼得不在。

A: 那没关系,允许彼得缺席。他目前病得太严重,所以无法参与会议。好,看来除了彼得以外,所有团队成员都到齐了。开始会议吧。


A: If you guys have no other questions, we are going to start the meeting. I would like to go over the main points of the discussion in the very beginning. I believe everyone has today's agenda. Please turn to page one. First of all, we will have to compose a plan for cost deduction. Secondly, we will evaluate the pros and cons of this pan. Do you follow me so far?

B: No problem.

A: 如果你们大家没有其他问题的话,我们就要开始开会了。会议一开始,我想先看讨论的要点。我相信每个人都有今天的议程表了,请翻到第一页。首先,我们必须为缩减成本拟定一个计划。第二,我们会评估此计划的利弊。到目前为止你们能跟上吗?

B: 没问题。


01 首先我们要讨论的是广告。

The first thing we'll discuss is advertising.

02 我们今天将会讨论人员配置问题。

We'll discuss personnel allocation today.

03 我们先看一下讨论的要点,请翻到第2页。

Let's go over the main points of the discussion. Turn to page two.

04 确定所有人都在这。

Make sure everyone is here.

05 我们必须先等执行总裁过来。

We have to wait for the CEO to get here.

06 有其他选择吗?

Is there any alternative?

07 我说得清楚吗?有疑问吗?

Am I clear? Or are there questions?

08 你需要说快点,因为我们得开始开会了。是什么大问题?

You need to be quick, because we have to start the meeting. What's the big problem?

09 会议有望在下午4点前结束。

Hopefully the meeting will end by 4 p.m.

10 这次开会的目标是要达成协议。

The objective of the meeting is to reach an agreement.

11 你离题了。

You're off topic.

12 开会时请集中注意力。

Please stay focused during the meeting.


too...to... 太……以至于不能……

例1 The thing is that we are too busy to do that.


例2 I was too busy to read this book.

我当时太忙,所以无法看这本书。 K6LSkkyX6j2maRNhUf/Kaau9iL85LvbZAj1HWcx2dLOQlsiA45YAwWXjBXImktHQ
