
02 转接电话/记录留言/传话

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

representative n. 代表 engaged adj. 忙碌的

extension number n. 分机号码

put someone through to phr. 帮某人转接

cancel v. 取消 appointment n. 约谈



A: Good afternoon, the Customer Service Office.

B: Hello, may I speak to the Customer Service Representative?

A: Certainly. Hold on please. Sorry. I am afraid the line's engaged. Would you like to call back later?

B: Of course.

A: You can dial the extension number # 07.

A: 下午好,这里是客服办公室。

B: 你好,我可以跟客服代表谈话吗?

A: 当然没问题,请您先别挂断电话。很抱歉,电话现在占线中。您可以稍后再来电吗?

B: 当然。

A: 您可以直拨分机号码 # 07。


A: This is Caron Butler of IBM. Could you please put me through to Miss Shen?

B: Just a moment. I'm sorry but the line is not free right now. Would you like to leave a message?

A: Yes, I would like to. Could you tell her that I have to cancel the appointment on May 1st?

B: No problem, please give me a second to write it down. And what's your phone number please?

A: 我是 IBM 的卡隆·巴特勒,能帮我转接沈小姐吗?

B: 稍待片刻。不好意思,目前电话占线中。您愿意留个言吗?

A: 好的。可以请你告诉她我不得不取消5月1日的预约吗?

B: 没问题,请给我点时间记下来。那么请问您的电话号码是?


01 我将您的电话转给吴先生。

I'll transfer you to Mr. Wu.

02 我马上为您转接到他的新分机。

I will connect you to his new extension right away.

03 他今天不在公司。

He is out of the office today.

04 我能留言吗?

Can I take a message?

05 现在没有占线,我会替您转接。

The line is free now. I will put you through.

06 她一回来我就把留言转达给她。

I will give her the message as soon as she gets back.

07 请问您的名字怎么拼?

Could you spell your name please?

08 可以请您转告她我打了很多个电话吗?

Could you tell her that I called several times?

09 我直拨电话给她。

I dialed her direct.

10 什么时候回电给您比较好呢?

When is a good time to call you back?

11 她目前无法接听电话。

She is currently unable to answer the phone.

12 不好意思,可以请您再说一次吗?

Sorry, could you please repeat that?


Give me a second to... 稍待我……

例1 Please give me a second to look it up.


例2 Just give me a second to type this.

等我输入一下这个。 vYYQtSlarv3dp/OFqG921uc65vTxKabcFbmjhaNzzuccl7PyT8NSsI8c2Odl22Hh
