
11 提出辞呈

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

resignation n. 辞职 position n. 职位

fulfill v. 达到 accept v. 接受

current adj. 目前的 make up one's mind phr. 下定决心



A: Come on in.

B: Sir, as I mentioned in the e-mail I sent you, I would like to talk with you about my resignation.

A: Yes, I've received the mail. Could you please tell me what makes you feel like quitting?

B: In fact, another company has offered me a position as manager. I consider this opportunity as the best way to fulfill my personal goals, so I make a decision to leave.

A: I see.

A: 请进。

B: 老板,正如我在发给您的电子邮件中提到的,我希望能跟您谈谈辞职的事。

A: 是的,我收到了你的邮件。可以请你告诉我,是什么让你想要辞职的吗?

B: 事实上,另一家公司给我提供了经理的职位。我认为这个工作机会是让我达成个人目标的最佳途径,所以我决定要离开。

A: 我了解了。


A: Is it possible for you to change your mind?

B: Sorry, I am afraid not.

A: Well, what if we pay you more?

B: Thank you for your kind offer, but I won't be accepting. Money is not the reason why I am resigning from my current job. Staying is not an option anyway, to be honest.

A: It seems you've made up your mind. Good luck with your new career!

A: 有可能让你改变心意吗?

B: 很抱歉,恐怕不能。

A: 那么,如果我们支付你更多薪水呢?

B: 谢谢您的好意,但我无法接受。钱并不是我辞掉现在这份工作的原因。坦白说,留下来完全不在我的选择里。

A: 看来你心意已决,祝你新工作顺利。


01 请接受我的辞呈。

Please accept my resignation.

02 是不是有其他公司给你更好的工作?

Have you been offered a better job by another company?

03 老板,我想跟你预约个时间讨论一件重要的事。

Sir, I would like to make an appointment with you to discuss an important matter.

04 我已经决定是时候递交辞呈了。

I've decided it's time for me to submit my resignation.

05 我想要辞职。

I would like to quit this job.

06 如果能升职或加薪的话,我愿意留下。

I would stay for either a promotion or a salary increase.

07 老板,我能跟您谈谈吗?

Can I have a word with you, boss?

08 在这里工作的经历整体来说不错。

The overall experience here has been good.

09 我希望能亲自跟您谈谈。

I would like to have a talk with you in person.

10 希望您不会觉得我是在针对您。

I hope you won't take it personally.

11 我工作到5月的最后一天,你没问题吧?

Does it work for you if my last day is the last day of May?

12 有公司提供我驻中国的工作,年薪5万美元。那真的很吸引我。

I was offered US$50,000 a year to work in China. That's really attractive to me.


Is it possible...? 有可能……吗?

例1 Is it possible for you to give me increased benefits?


例2 Is it possible for her to assist me?

她有可能协助我吗? swS1iDpJmtcl1ys2k62ftDhqFVH4f4Gwiu/i5FgGzW6dW6FrBZQtHdq3TxUf0Adu
