
10 要求加薪

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

paycheck n. 薪水 annually adv. 每年地

sales n. 销售额 strategy n. 策略

expect v. 期待 impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的



A: Sir, may I have a few words with you?

B: Come on in.

A: I think I deserve a higher paycheck because I've been here for more than two years.

B: You're reviewed annually by company, and your raise is tied to your performance. Please talk more about your job and performance rather than say,“I've been here for so long.”

A: That is not the only reason for sure. I have improved sales and customer service.

A: 经理,我能和您说几句话吗?

B: 请进。

A: 我已经在这里工作两年多了,我想我理应获得更高的薪水。

B: 公司每年都会对你进行评估,是否能加薪得看你的工作业绩。请多谈谈你的工作和表现,而不是“我在这待很久了。”

A: 那当然不是唯一的原因。我提升了销售业绩和客户服务。


A: I've had a great time working with my team and I think my marketing strategy has been brilliantly executed. I am just curious about if I can expect anything in return from the efforts.

B: True, your performance has been impressive so far.

A: I really put much time and efforts into my work.

B: Okay, I will think about giving you a raise.

A: I appreciate it very much.

A: 我跟我的团队合作愉快,而且我认为我的营销策略执行得相当好。我只是好奇我是不是可以期待我的努力能得到一些回报。

B: 的确,截至目前,你的表现一直令人印象深刻。

A: 我确实为工作付出了很多时间和精力。

B: 好吧,我会考虑给你加薪。

A: 非常感谢您。


01 如果你不答应我就走人!

I am quitting if you say no!

02 请问能帮我加薪吗?

May I please have a raise?

03 才工作一个月就要求加薪是不可能的。

It's impossible to ask for a raise after working for only a month.

04 工作表现决定年终奖。

Annual bonuses are based on performance.

05 你近期对公司有什么贡献?

What have you done for the company lately?

06 你的确值得拥有更高的薪水。

You truly deserve higher pay.

07 是时候给你加薪了。

It's about time to give you a raise.

08 不,我不会给你加薪。

No, I am not giving you a raise.

09 我要做些什么才能让它实现呢?

What can I do to make this happen?

10 为什么你应该加薪?

Why do you deserve a raise?

11 我认为我值得加薪。

I think I deserve a salary increase.

12 我倒是可以给你带薪假期。

I'll give you a paid vacation instead.


...rather than... 应该……而不是……

例1 You should work harder rather than complain to your co-workers.


例2 Do something rather than give it up.

你应该做些什么,而不是就这样放弃。 gBZNUTjvLeeVqWldEGhE3LAuemJ1xTRqXJ0cWkyUI6BoiCLgejGJV62X+lBs3Lo5
