
09 激励下属、同事

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

blame v. 责怪 depressed adj. 情绪低落的

encouragement n. 鼓励 stressful adj. 有压力的

co-worker n. 同事 seek v. 寻求



A: How could I have been so stupid? I shouldn't have done that.

B: Blaming yourself does not help. Let it go! At least you've learned that you must be extra careful while dealing with ATMs.

A: Yah, I've learned a lesson.

B: It's not the end of the world when you get things wrong. There is simply no need to be so depressed.

A: Thank you for your encouragement.

A: 我怎么会这么笨呢?我真不该犯那种错。

B: 责怪自己对事情没有帮助。别放在心上了!至少你已经知道操作自助提款机的时候应当格外谨慎。

A: 是的,我引以为戒。

B: 不是当你做错事情就是世界末日了,你完全不需要这么情绪低落。

A: 谢谢你的鼓励。


A: Jack, how's everything?

B: Pretty good.

A: Are you used to working in this place?

B: I felt very stressful at first. Now I'm getting used to the pace of my work.

A: That's good. All the co-workers are really friendly and willing to help. Please feel free to seek help from anyone.

B: Thank you so much.

A: 杰克,一切如何?

B: 不错。

A: 开始习惯在这边上班了吗?

B: 一开始压力非常大。现在我已经慢慢习惯工作节奏了。

A: 那很好。这里所有的同事人都很好,而且乐于伸出援手。需要帮助时请不要跟大家客气。

B: 非常感谢。


01 没关系,别自责。

It's alright. Don't blame yourself.

02 我能做什么来弥补这件事吗?

What can I do to make it up?

03 你今天看起来很沮丧。

You seem very down today.

04 你的努力会有回报的。

Your efforts will be rewarded.

05 我看得出来你在进步。

I can tell that you are making progress.

06 你表现得太棒了。

You did a wonderful job.

07 多大的赞美!谢谢你,我受宠若惊。

What a compliment! Thank you. I am flattered.

08 我很欣赏你总是能以专业的态度解决疑难或回答问题。

I highly appreciate that you are always available to solve problems or answer questions in a professional manner.

09 别紧张,尽力而为。

Take it easy, and do your best.

10 做得真好!我真以你为傲!

Good job! I am so proud of you!

11 毕竟,犯错乃人之常情。

After all, to err is human.

12 你应该要相信自己有足够的能力完成这项任务。

You should be confident in your ability to complete the task.


I am getting used to... 我逐渐习惯……

例1 I am getting used to speaking English.


例2 I am getting used to writing e-mails.

我逐渐习惯写电子邮件了。 SyCKYk2Gl4zirBNjpeXCtxYM03R39Yq/+JzgcnJydvq8TZL8hWKIzcEmJKL/EfxL
