
08 指导同事/指出错误

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

encounter v. 遭遇 unfortunately adv. 不幸地

efficiently adv. 有效率地 extremely adv. 极度地

apologize v. 道歉 stand out phr. 引人注目



A: Are you encountering any difficulties?

B: Unfortunately, yes.

A: What's the problem?

B: I have too much work to do. I'm getting anxious because I am not able to do so many things at once.

A: There is no need to be so anxious. Just focus on one thing at a time. Next time you can make a schedule. An appropriate schedule allows you to efficiently use your time.

A: 你遇到什么困难了吗?

B: 没错,正是如此。

A: 怎么了?

B: 我有太多工作要做了。我因为自己没办法立即处理这么多事而感到很焦虑。

A: 没必要这么紧张。一次专注在一件事上就好了。下次你可以做个工作计划表,一份安排妥当的工作计划表能让你有效地运用时间。


A: I've noticed many spelling errors in your presentation.

B: I am extremely sorry about that. I didn't have enough time to double check the spelling.

A: Besides spelling errors, some slides are not well organized.

B: I apologize for all the errors. I am so ashamed.

A: It's okay, but you have to remember that spelling errors really stand out in PowerPoint presentation. And a poorly organized presentation will not only annoy audience but also make you look unprofessional.

A: 我注意到你的简报中有许多拼写错误。

B: 真的非常抱歉,我当时没有足够的时间仔细检查。

A: 除了拼写错误以外,有几张幻灯片组织得不是很好。

B: 我为所有错误道歉,我感到十分羞愧。

A: 没关系,但你要记得,拼写错误在简报里是非常显眼的。而缺乏条理的简报不仅会令听众厌烦,也会让你显得不专业。


01 我们的同事都很友好。

Our coworkers are very friendly and nice.

02 你似乎有点紧张。

It seems that you are a little nervous.

03 如果你需要帮助,请尽管找我。

Come see me if you need any help.

04 犯不必要的语法错误只会让你看起来不够专业。

Making unnecessary grammatical mistakes just makes you look less professional.

05 任何一个细节都请再检查一次。

Please double-check every single detail.

06 谢谢你解决我的问题。

Thank you for solving my problem.

07 你似乎忘记回复客户的电子邮件了。

It seems you forgot to reply to the client's e-mail.

08 有一个地址你打错了。

You typed an incorrect address.

09 我承诺不会再犯同样的错误了。

I promise I won't make the same mistake again.

10 我希望这些建议能帮你走上正轨。

I hope these suggestions will get you on the right track.

11 你喜欢在这里工作吗?

Are you enjoying your work here?

12 请试着放松。

Please try to relax.


There is no need to... 没有必要……

例1 There is no need to make yourself stress out.


例2 There is no need to feel frustrated.

没必要感到沮丧。 K6LSkkyX6j2maRNhUf/Kaau9iL85LvbZAj1HWcx2dLOQlsiA45YAwWXjBXImktHQ
