
07 向上司提出建议

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

budget deficit n. 预算赤字 direct cost n. 直接成本

inventory n. 库存 promotion activity n. 促销活动

give out phr. 发放 doable adj. 可行的



A: As I mentioned earlier, the company is now focusing on reducing budget deficits. I want to hear from you.

B: If I may add my two cents...

A: I would love to hear your two cents!

B: We can cut direct costs to reduce total costs.

A: Could you be more specific?

B: Now we seem to have too much inventory on hand. We probably need to figure out the right amount for us.

A: 我先前提过,现在公司正致力于如何降低预算赤字。我希望听听你们的意见。

B: 我能提供我的浅见吗?

A: 非常乐意听听你的意见!

B: 我们可以砍掉一些直接成本来压低总成本。

A: 你能说得更具体些吗?

B: 似乎我们现在手上的库存过多,或许我们需要弄清楚正确的库存量。


A: I have a suggestion for the promotion activity in June.

B: Please go ahead.

A: How about using free samples to introduce our new product? Free samples may be given out to passersby on the streets.

B: But we have done similar things before.

A: Maybe this time we can send free samples by mail.

B: Frankly, I do not think that's doable.

A: 关于六月的促销活动,我有一个建议。

B: 请说。

A: 用免费样品来介绍我们的新产品怎么样?可以在街上向路人分发免费样品。

B: 但我们以前也用过类似的方法。

A: 或许这次我们可以用邮寄的方式来送免费样品。

B: 老实说,我觉得那样不可行。


01 就部分产品提供折扣怎么样?

How about offering a discount on some products?

02 为什么不改用海运呢?

Why not use ocean freight instead?

03 很好,我会采纳你的建议。

Good, I will take your advice.

04 你们大家有什么建议吗?

Do you guys have any suggestions?

05 关于降低间接成本,我有一些主意。

I've got some ideas on reducing overhead costs.

06 不,我不会考虑那项。

No, I won't take that into consideration.

07 如果你有什么主意,那就提出来吧。

If you have any ideas, please bring them on.

08 你的建议的确有道理。然而,我不认为可行。

Your suggestion does make sense. However, I don't think that's doable.

09 依我拙见,我觉得我们应该设定一些小而可行的目标。

In my humble opinion, I think we should set small achievable goals.

10 你对这个问题的看法是什么?

What's your viewpoint on this issue?

11 我在想,我们是否能通过提供售后服务来提高业绩。

I was wondering if we could increase sales by offering after-sales service.

12 我希望各位都能养成提出建议的习惯。

I wish everyone could form a habit of making suggestions.


be focusing on... 专注于……

例1 I'm now focusing on my work.


例2 She is focusing on developing relationships with cooperated clients.

她致力于与合作客户建立关系。 S8KES0krWZH07ZKFK2/sxb8EVIveLVQUvi6w82OCYX1Y3IHSEwzjUPKLTcYxFRzo

