
06 请教公事、设备问题

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

refund n. 退款 delay n. 延迟

satisfy v. 使满意 install v. 安装

recently adv. 最近 operation system n. 操作系统



A: Hi, Bibby. I have a few questions.

B: Yes?

A: I just received a customer complaint. This customer wants a full refund because she didn't get the package in a week. Should I give her a refund?

B: In that case, no, we don't offer refunds due to shipping delay.

A: Then what can I do to satisfy this customer?

B: You can give her a promotion code instead.

A: 嗨,毕比,我有几个问题想请教。

B: 什么问题?

A: 我刚收到一宗客户投诉。有位客人要求全额退款,因为她没有在一星期内收到包裹。我应该退款给她吗?

B: 这种情况的话,不应该。我们公司不因运送延迟而提供退款。

A: 那我该怎么做才能让这位客户满意呢?

B: 你倒是可以给她一个优惠代码。


A: Webber, are you free now?

B: Yes, I am. What's the matter?

A: My computer used to be fast, but now it is so slow. Is there something wrong with it?

B: Let me see. Did you install any software or hardware recently?

A: No, not at all.

B: Then there's probably something wrong with the operation system settings. I'll help you fix it.

A: 韦伯,你现在有空吗?

B: 是的,我现在有空。怎么了?

A: 我的电脑之前运行得很快,但现在非常慢。它是不是出了什么问题?

B: 让我看看。你最近安装了什么软件或硬件吗?

A: 不,完全没有。

B: 那可能是操作系统的设置出了问题。我会帮你修好它的。


01 你下次最好按照程序操作机器。

You'd better operate the machine according to the procedure next time.

02 我要如何防止电脑中毒呢?

How can I protect my computer from viruses?

03 你能告诉我怎么操作它吗?

Would you mind telling me how to operate it?

04 为什么这个程序无法在我的电脑上执行?

Why is this software not working on my computer?

05 我的外接式硬盘无法运作。

My external hard drive isn't working.

06 我该怎么回应难缠的客户呢?

How should I respond to a difficult customer?

07 我真的不知道该怎么办。

I am so unsure of what to do.

08 是你自己连接的电源插头吗?

Did you attach the plug yourself?

09 我不确定新格式跟旧格式有哪些不同。

I am not sure what the differences are between new and old formats.

10 将 U 盘弹出前不要随便拔出。

Don't unplug the USB without ejecting it first.

11 恐怕是你忘记插电源了。

I am afraid that you forgot to connect the power cable.

12 这台机器好像又坏了。

This machine seems to have broken down again.


Is there something wrong with...? 是……出了问题吗?

例1 Is there something wrong with the shipping?


例2 Is there something wrong with my order?

是我的订单出了问题吗? Dwseivc/77fW+FZpNwGYds1n1xQOZOFTgiZyKTpx6rMG5NeSSh7Kf3meUrjOsEA3

