
05 同事闲聊/团购

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

lately adv. 最近地 telecommunication company n. 电信公司discount n.

折扣 group-buying n. 团购

minimum n. 最低限度 normal adj. 正常的



A: Hey, I heard that you got a new smart phone.

B: Yah, it was released lately.

A: Looks gorgeous! Did you spend a lot of money on your fancy smart phone?

B: Not really. My sister is working for a telecommunication company, so she can get a discount.

A: What discount can she get for you?

B: Almost 40% off, so I bought it without any hesitation.

A: 嘿,我听说你买了一部新的智能手机。

B: 对啊,最近刚上市。

A: 看起来美极了!这部很炫的智能手机花了你很多钱吗?

B: 还好。我姐姐在一家电信公司上班,所以她能享有折扣。

A: 她能帮你拿到多少折扣呢?

B: 将近6折,所以我毫不犹豫地买下了。


A: Andy, as to the camera you mentioned last time, I was thinking that maybe you can do group-buying on that. There is a Canon camera group-buying going on right now on an online forum.

B: Sounds great! How many people are required for a group purchase?

A: A minimum of 25 people is needed for the group-buying. There are at least 20 people on the list now, and I am one of them. Would you like to join us? You can save up to 30% off the normal cost.

B: I will think about it. Thanks for the information!

A: 安迪,关于你上次提到的那台相机,我在想你或许可以参加团购。现在在一个在线论坛上,正在进行佳能相机的团购。

B: 听起来很不错!那团购需要多少人加入啊?

A: 最少要25个人才能达到团购标准。现在起码有20人在名单里了,我也是其中之一。你愿意加入我们吗?你最高能拿到正常价格的七折优惠。

B: 我会考虑一下的,谢谢你提供的信息!


01 多少人才能达到团购标准啊?

How many people are required for a group purchase?

02 如果我们一起买的话,可以省下很多钱。

We can save a lot of money if we buy together.

03 团购的话有几折优惠?

What discount can team buyers get?

04 这次团购将于2月10日截团。

This group-buying will be closed on the 10th of February.

05 这个团购将从5月10日持续到5月17日。

The group-buying will run from May 10th to May 17th.

06 我听说大学生能享有特别优惠。

I heard that there is a special discount for college students.

07 那里的家电8折出售。

The household appliances there are 20% off.

08 这款商品打折吗?

Can I get a discount on this item?

09 今天那个超市有促销活动。

There is a promotion in the supermarket today.

10 会便宜许多!

It will be a lot cheaper!

11 非常谢谢你分享这个信息。

Thank you so much for sharing this information.

12 你订的东西已经寄出了。

Your item has been shipped.


I was thinking that... 我在想……

例1 I was thinking that I probably need an iPhone case.

我在想我可能需要一个 iPhone 的保护壳。

例2 I was thinking that maybe you can join us.

我在想或许你可以加入我们。 jOvWhnSC34TAoEpgygMLIox7V8EUBKXENRdxrCii/wbRTU5q3TKaDHMHJ6/6JLzt
