
03 迟到/请假

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

director n. 主任 sick leave n. 病假

totally adv. 完全地 request v. 请求

supervisor n. 主管 approval n. 准许



A: Hello, may I speak to the director, please?

B: Just a second. Here she is coming now.

A: Hello, this is Lisa. I don't feel well. I guess maybe I've caught a cold.

C: I am sorry to hear that you are sick. Did you go to see a doctor?

A: Not yet. I am wondering if I can use my sick leave to take a day off.

C: No worries, that's totally fine. Have a good rest.

A: 喂,请问主任在吗?

B: 请稍等,她正要过来。

A: 喂,我是丽莎。我觉得不舒服,我想我可能是感冒了。

B: 很遗憾听到你生病了。你看过医生了吗?

A: 还没。不知道我能不能请一天的病假。

B: 别担心,当然没问题。好好休息吧。


A: Hi, how can I help you?

B: I have to go out of town to attend a family funeral. Can I request a funeral leave?

A: Of course you can. Here is a Leave Request Form. Please complete this form.

B: To whom should I submit?

A: After you fill out the form, please give it to your supervisor for approval.

B: Okay, I see. Thank you.

A: 嗨,有什么我能帮忙的吗?

B: 我得出远门参加亲人的丧礼。我能请丧假吗?

A: 当然可以。这是请假单,麻烦你填写。

B: 要交给谁呢?

A: 填完单子后,请把它交给你的主管请他准假。

B: 好的,我知道了。谢谢你。


01 接下来一星期我可以请丧假吗?

Can I take funeral leave for the next week?

02 谢谢您的允许。

Thank you for your permission.

03 我得照顾受伤的女儿。

I have to look after my injured daughter.

04 我需要请接下来几天的事假。

I need to take personal leave for the next few days.

05 我感到抱歉,但我真的需要好好休息。

I'm sorry, but I really need a good rest.

06 我请了一星期的假。

I have a week off.

07 我在前往公司途中发生了车祸。

I had a car accident on my way to the office.

08 请问我可以请半天假吗?

Is it okay if I take a half day off?

09 我现在在休年假。

I am on annual leave.

10 我病得太严重,以致无法出席会议。

I was too ill to attend the meeting.

11 由于一些私人因素,我明天可能会晚到公司。

I'll be late for work tomorrow for some personal reasons.

12 昨天没能上班,我感到非常抱歉。

I am so sorry that I was off work yesterday.


I am sorry to hear... 我很遗憾听到……

例1 I am sorry to hear your father has passed away.


例2 I am sorry to hear about your illness.

我很遗憾听到你生病的消息。 NdPAlkXZJWZIDnCw+n0BR/7DtGvc9UpTfGnm40FCzZOFocP2O6jCUTNHqWGOwRmP
