
02 询问、说明工作进度

关键词特搜!Words and Phrases

require v. 要求 submit v. 提交

deadline n. 期限 include v. 包括

previous adj. 先前的 brilliant adj. 英明的



A: Hey, how is your work going?

B: Not very well, to be honest.

A: What are you working on?

B: I am working on a report. The manager assistant requires me to submit it this coming Friday.

A: Friday? That is very near!

B: Exactly! I'm so worried that I am going to miss the deadline.

A: 嘿,你工作进展得如何?

B: 老实说,不是很好。

A: 你现在在做什么?

B: 我在写一份报告,经理助理要我在这个星期五交。

A: 星期五吗?就快到了!

B: 正是如此!我非常担心我无法按时交出。


A: Are you having any problem?

B: Yah, I really have no idea what I should include in this report. I didn't even start it yet!

A: How about you read one or two previous reports written by others? It might give you some ideas of how to begin.

B: Brilliant idea! I will try.

A: Good luck with your work!

B: Thanks a lot!

A: 你遇到了什么难题吗?

B: 嗯,关于有什么事项该写在报告里,我实在是毫无头绪。我甚至还没开始呢!

A: 你要不要先读一两篇别人以前写的报告?这样或许你就知道如何开始了。

B: 好主意!我会试试的。

A: 祝你工作顺利!

B: 多谢啦!


01 您希望我什么时候完成所有这些工作呢?

When do you want me to finish all these?

02 我快完成了,再给我5分钟。

I'm almost done. Give me five more minutes.

03 你能在期限内完成吗?

Are you going to be able to make the deadline?

04 这个项目的截止日期是下星期一。

This project is due next Monday.

05 这项任务必须要在7月16号前完成。

This task must be finished by July 16th.

06 我不认为你能赶在截止日期前完成,因为你动作实在太慢了!

I don't think you can meet the deadline because you are too slow.

07 我希望你把你的进度告诉我。

I hope you will inform me of your progress.

08 我正在努力。

I am working on it.

09 你的工作进行得如何?

How is your work going?

10 我的工作进行得相当顺利。

My work is going pretty well.

11 我能准时完成工作。

I am able to complete my work on time.

12 为什么会有延误?

Why is there a delay?


I have no idea... 我不知道……

例1 I have no idea how to use the fax machine.


例2 I have no idea what to talk about.

我不知道该谈些什么。 8wY3dB7e4jphC1iRFOy10ouYkR3gvor/tcZuq6ndVLjA/ttxva2qsUUNVF+eKRgL
