
2.1 The Role of Marketing Research

Marketing research is the process in which information about the environment is generated, analyzed, and interpreted for use in marketing decision making.

Marketing research is more than conducting surveys. This process includes problem definition, searching for and collecting information, analyzing data, and communicating the findings and their implications.

Marketing research can substantially increase the chances that good decisions are made. It can reduce the risks associated with managing marketing strategies.

The challenge of global market research is to recognize and respond to the important national differences that influence the way information can be obtained.

Company researchers may have to broaden their definition of competitors in global markets and realize competitive pressures that would not be present in the domestic market.

Managers can improve the quality of decision making by using marketing research to explore the desirability of various marketing alternatives.

Managers can use marketing research to find out why a plan backfired.

Marketing research also helps managers understand what is going on in the marketplace and take advantage of opportunities.

Companies need speed and agility to survive and to react quickly to changing customer behaviors.Understanding the market is crucial for effective marketing strategies.

All types of organizations use marketing research to help them develop marketing mixes to match the needs of customers.

The decision to enter international markets can be considerably helped by engaging in market research at every stage of the decision-making process.

The global marketing researchers have to scan international markets to identify and analyze opportunities, build a marketing information system to monitor environmental trends and developments, and combine the domestic and global market information to provide more marketing strategy alternatives.

Marketing research is an aid to decision making but does not substitute for it.

Too often, research reports become the final answer to problems.

Limitations of market research:First, the most carefully executed research can be fraught with errors.

Second, marketing research does not forecast what will happen in the future.

Third, decisions should incorporate prior knowledge and experience and other relevant factors.

Is it necessary to conduct marketing research anytime? No.The determination of the need for marketing research centers on: time constraints, availability of data, nature of the decision, and benefits versus costs.


Case Study Comparison










Pepsi Drinkers“Live for Now”

Pepsi has long pitched itself to a now-generation of youthful cola drinkers, those young in mind and spirit. Almost 50 years ago, the brand invited consumers to“Come Alive! You're the Pepsi Generation!”But recently, PepsiCo's flagship cola brand began losing some of its youthful fizz. The Pepsi brand was dropping from its perennial number-two position to number three, behind both Coca-Cola and Diet Coke. The embarrassing market-share slip sent a strong signal: The brand's positioning needed a pick-me-up.

To diagnose the issues behind the slide and find answers, PepsiCo launched an intense global consumer research effort. It set out to rediscover just what it is that makes Pepsi different from Coke. The company created a secretive, high-level research task force, and the group embarked on an exhaustive nine-month worldwide search for new consumer insights. It poured through reels of past Pepsi advertising. It fielded traditional focus groups, in-depth personal interviews, and lengthy quantitative surveys. Researchers and top executives participated in ethnographic studies,“moving in”with customers, observing them as they went about their daily lives, and immersing themselves in cultures throughout North and South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia.

The Pepsi research team discovered that the long-time iconic brand had lost sight of what it stood for and the role it played in customers' lives. Pepsi no longer had clear positioning that defined the essence of the brand, drove marketing and innovation, and fueled consumer engagement. In only the past few years, for example, Pepsi's positioning had jumped around from“Every Pepsi Refreshes the World”to“Summer Time Is Pepsi Time”to“Where There's Pepsi, There's Music.”So what does Pepsi mean to consumers? The research task force boiled its extensive findings down to two simple but powerful customer insights. Whereas Coke is timeless, Pepsi is timely. Whereas Coca-Cola drinkers seek happiness, Pepsi drinkers seek excitement. Coca- Cola stands for moments of joy and happiness, and for protecting the culture and status quo.In contrast, Pepsi stands for creating culture rather than preserving it, and Pepsi customers would rather lead an exciting life than a happy one. Whereas Coca-Cola means belonging, Pepsi embraces individuality.

Interestingly, such insights hark back to the old, youthful“choice of a new generation”positioning that built the Pepsi brand so powerfully decades ago. And despite its recent slide, Pepsi remains a formidable brand. Although it has never been the leading cola, Pepsi has always acted as if it were. Looking forward, the key will be to regain that boldness and swagger.

The result is a new global marketing campaign called“Live for Now.”Giving a kind of modern twist to the brand's classic“Pepsi Generation”positioning, the campaign provides a new rallying cry for the next generation of Pepsi drinkers.“Live for Now”is designed to shape culture, capture the excitement of the moment, and reestablish Pepsi's connection with entertainment and pop culture. The“Live for Now”campaign tells young consumers that there's nothing wrong with wanting something now, which is said by a senior PepsiCo India marketer.

(Source: Adapted from Gary Armstrong and Philip Kotler. Marketing: An Introduction (12th edition), Harlow: Pearson Education, Inc., 2015, pp.125-126)

Case Implications:

In the face of an increasingly changing market environment, we cannot find an unchangeable strategy to stand in an invincible position in competitions. Marketers have to adjust the marketing strategies as their environments change. Jianlibao once dominated the market, and Pepsi was very famous brand all over the world.Both of them must respond positively to the changes of consumer demands. Accurate market information is benefit for product designing and marketing planning. Marketing research can play a role in helping companies obtain a wealth of information about customers, competitors, middlemen, and other stakeholders, so that marketers can make good marketing decisions. oBNml72nELERyQAM2ZM76PLM005bJNSsxPpiCjG5hQx7SSxJH3azP1M9wAFMGYrN

