
Word List 3


blaze [bleɪz]

n. 火;光辉,闪耀;迸发,爆发 v. 燃烧,冒火焰;发光,放光彩;发怒

Nobody knew what had caused him to blaze out in anger. 谁也不知道什么事惹得他大发雷霆。

a/the blaze of表示“…的光芒;爆发”。

bleach [bliːtʃ]

v. 漂白,变白 n. 漂白,漂白法;漂白剂


I'd like to bleach my clothes till they are as white as snow. 我想把自己的衣服漂得像雪一样白。

bleak [bliːk]

adj. (指景物)荒凉的,裸露的;无望的,黯淡的;寒冷的,阴沉的


Choate drives his car through a scarred, bleak landscape. 乔特开车穿过一片满目疮痍的荒凉地区。

blend [blend]

v. 混合,混杂

The glorious afterglow seems to blend earth and heaven. 这灿烂的晚霞似乎将天地融为一体。

bless [bles]

vt. 为…祈福;为…祝福

be blessed with If you are blessed with a healthy body and healthy mind by getting into exercises like soccer, ice skating, jogging, running, swimming, cycling or anything that involves lots of activities, you can be confident that you are the “wealthiest”, thus the happiest man on the planet earth. 如果你 有幸 通过如足球、滑冰、慢跑、跑步、游泳、骑自行车或是其他活动量大的锻炼而 拥有 健康的体魄和心态,你就可以自信地说你是这个地球上“最富有”也因此是最快乐的人。

bless除了我们常见的God bless you. 的用法之外,也常以短语be blessed with 的形式出现,表示“受惠,在…方面有福”。

blessed [ˈblesɪd]

adj. 神圣的;受上帝恩宠的;带来愉快的

来自bless(v. 祝福,保佑)

blessing [ˈblesɪŋ]

n. 祷告;祝福;使人感到幸福的事情

来自bless(v. 祝福,保佑)

He would not do it without your blessing. 没有你的祝福,他不会去做。

blind [blaɪnd]

adj. 眼睛失明的,盲人的;盲目的,视而不见的,无识别能力的

Being colour-blind, Sally can't make a distinction between red and green. 萨莉是色盲,不能分辨红色和绿色。(2001)

blind的常见短语为be blind或go blind,都表示“失明”的意思。

blink [blɪŋk]

v. (星星)闪烁;眨眼睛

Linda blinked her eyes so as to keep back her tears. 琳达眨了眨眼睛,不让眼泪掉下来。

常用短语in a blink,表示“眨眼间”。

block [blɒk]

n. 大块;一排房屋,街区;障碍物 vt. 阻塞,拦阻,封锁


Your willpower is not like a dam that can block the torrent of self-indulgence. 你的意志力不像一座堤坝,无法阻挡自我放纵的洪流。(2013)

blockade(n. 封锁,堵塞,堵断;堵塞物,障碍物)

bloom [bluːm]

n. 花,开花;青春;香味 vi. 开花;繁盛,茂盛

The apple tree is about to bloom. 苹果树就要开花了。// Elizabeth has already lost her bloom. 伊丽莎白的青春美貌已经逝去。

blossom(n. 花;开花的状态 v. 开花;发展,繁荣,成长)

blot [blɒt]

n. 污渍;瑕疵,(名誉等上的)污点 v. 弄上污渍;(用吸墨水纸等)吸干;玷污

My shirt was blotted by some juice. 我的衬衣被果汁弄脏了。

bluff [blʌf]

v. 骗某人做某事;虚张声势 n. 虚张声势,吓唬 adj. (指人)粗率的,坦率的

I have never been bluffed in my life. 我一生之中从未被别人吓唬过。// call one's bluff I'll call your bluff. 我 接受你的挑战

词组call one's bluff指“(因料到对方不敢行动而)要求…摊牌,接受…的挑战”。

blunt [blʌnt]

adj. 钝的;(举止言谈等)生硬的,直率的;(感觉、理解方面)迟钝的 v. 把…弄钝,把…弄迟钝;使减弱

Tyler only found a pair of blunt scissors. 泰勒只找到了一把钝剪刀。// The bad weather will never blunt our enthusiasm for camping. 坏天气永远不会削减我们去露营的热情。

blush [blʌʃ]

n. 脸红 v. 感到羞愧

The blush of shame which it excited overpowered the sensation of fear which had produced his former paleness. 这件事引起的羞愧使他满脸通红,掩盖了他先前由于恐惧而呈现的苍白脸色。

boast [bəʊst]

v. 夸,自夸,夸口 n. 大话,自夸的话

Some of them boast too much about the advantage of the products. 他们中有的人过分夸大这些产品的好处。

boast的常见搭配是boast of/about,指“自夸,自吹自擂”。

bold [bəʊld]

adj. 大胆的,勇敢的;冒失的;醒目的,粗大的


It was a bold idea to build a power station in the deep valley. 在深谷里修建发电站是一个大胆的构想。// (as) bold as brass Fox walked in, bold as brass, and asked me to lend him £50! 福克斯走进来, 厚颜无耻 地要我借给他50英镑!

boldness(n. 大胆,勇敢;冒失)

boom [buːm]

v. 隆隆作响,发低沉声;迅速发展,繁荣 n. 隆隆声;繁荣;激增;帆的下桁;(横于河面阻挡原木漂走或船只航行的)重铁链,水栅,拦河埂

The spacecraft created a sonic boom that could be heard along much of Florida's eastern seaboard. 飞船发出的音爆甚至在佛罗里达东海岸的大多数地方都能听到。(2001)

bore [bɔː(r)]

v. 钻(孔);掘(地洞);使厌烦 n. 令人生厌的人(或事)

Carrie was bored with her idle life at home. 卡丽已经厌倦了待在家里的懒散生活。

bored(adj. 无聊的,无趣的;烦人的);boring(adj. 单调乏味的,令人厌倦的 n. 钻孔,打孔);boredom(n. 厌烦,厌倦;无趣味)

bother [ˈbɒðə(r)]

v. 烦扰,打扰 n. 麻烦,纠纷,吵闹;讨厌的人,麻烦的事

Middle-class families see their graduate offspring on the dole queue and wonder why they bothered paying school fees. 中产阶级家庭目睹自己刚毕业的子女排队领失业救济金,不禁思忖起自己当初为何要花钱供孩子上学。(2012)

bounce [baʊns]

v. (球)反跳,弹起;(人)跳(起);拍(球);使跳出;使撞击 n. 弹(力);跳跃

Catherine bounced the ball against the wall. 凯瑟琳把球扔到墙上让它反弹回来。

bound [baʊnd]

n. 界限;范围 v. 跳动;跳回,弹回 adj. 开往…的

Just at nightfall, when hope was about gone, I was picked up by a small brig which was bound for London. 当夜幕降临,眼看就要没了盼头的时候,一艘开往伦敦的双桅帆船搭救了我。(2016) // Your remarks exceeded the bounds of reason. 你的评论超出了理性的范围。

boundary(n. 界线,边界);boundless(adj. 无边际的,无限的)

boycott [ˈbɔɪkɒt]

n./vt. (联合)抵制

联想记忆:boy+cott(音似 cut,剃)→男孩子们剃头以示抗议→抵制

Most of the citizens boycotted the genetically modified food. 大多数公民抵制转基因食品。

常见的搭配有put sb./sth. under a boycott(对某人或某物实行联合抵制),boycott sb. (一般不与某人往来)。

brag [bræɡ]

n./v. 夸张,吹牛

Marty bragged that he had killed 2 bears. 马蒂吹嘘说他杀死了两只熊。

brag, boast

两词都有“夸耀”的意思,brag比boast语气更强,常指因为自己优越的能力、地位、成就等而夸口和吹嘘;boast比较常见,指对事情过分夸耀,如:He boasted too much of his achievements.

brain [breɪn]

n. 脑子;脑力,智能

eat/cudgel/rack one's brain Mr. Brown racked his brain trying to remember where he left the wallet. 布朗先生 绞尽脑汁 回想他把钱包落在了哪里。// have sth. on the brain The coach has winning on the brain. 教练 一心想 取得胜利。// brain drain The brain drain to Europe and America has been a serious problem for developing countries. 对于发展中国家来说, 人才 向欧美 外流 是个严重的问题。

brainless [ˈbreɪnləs]

adj. 笨的,没头脑的

来自brain(n. 脑子;脑力)

That was a pretty brainless thing to do. 那样做很愚蠢。

breach [briːtʃ]

n. 违反;绝交,不和;破洞,裂缝 vt. 违反;冲破,攻破


You will be sued for breach of contract! 你会因为违约而被起诉!// We've had the hull breached by the lifeboats. 我们的船身被救生艇撞了一个口子。


breakthrough [ˈbreɪkθruː]

n. (敌方防卫线的)突破;重大发现

来自词组break through (突破)

The invention of airbags was a breakthrough in automobile safety. 气囊的发明是汽车安全方面取得的一项重大突破。

breath [breθ]

n. 呼吸;空气的轻微流动

above one's breath He gave a lecture above his breath in front of the whole class. 他站在全班人面前 高声 演讲。// below/under one's breath Tom always speaks below his breath. 汤姆总是 低声 讲话。

breathe [briːð]

v. 呼吸;吐出;低语

Isabel enjoys breathing the early morning air at her window. 伊莎贝尔喜欢在窗前呼吸清晨的空气。

breathless(adj. 气喘吁吁的);breathtaking(adj. 激动人心的,惊人的,非凡的)

breed [briːd]

n. 品种,种类 v. 繁殖,育种;饲养;养育,培养,教养

Mosquitoes breed in swamps. 蚊子在沼泽里繁殖。// Compared with other breeds, these horses can run faster. 和其他品种相比,这种马跑得更快。


bridle [ˈbraɪdl]

n. 笼头,马缰 v. 给…套笼头;约束,控制;动怒

Every horse here has a bridle. 这里的每一匹马都套有笼头。// The project manager tried to bridle his anger. 项目经理努力抑制自己的怒火。

bridle的常见搭配是put a bridle on,意为“抑制,控制”。

brief [briːf]

adj. 简短的,简洁的;短暂的 n. 概要,摘要,短文

The book gives a brief outline of the course of his research up till now. 这本书简要概括了他到目前为止所做的研究。(2004)

in brief常用于连接两个句子,表示概括性总结,意为“简而言之”。

briefly(adv. 简短地);briefing(n. 情况的简要介绍,简报;基本情况介绍会)

bright [braɪt]

adj. 明亮的;晴朗的;鲜艳的;开朗的,愉快的;聪明的

The light you read by may be too bright for your computer screen. 你面对的电脑屏幕可能太亮了。(2003)

brighten〔v. (使)发光;(使)快活,(使)活跃〕

brilliant [ˈbrɪliənt]

adj. 光辉的,辉煌的;卓越的;聪颖的


For a brilliant speech, there are rules that you can put to good use. 对于一场精彩的演讲来说,有一些规律你可以很好地利用。(2013)

brilliance(n. 辉煌;聪颖,才华横溢,卓越)

brink [brɪŋk]

n. (峭壁、河流等的)边沿,边;(死亡、战争等的)边缘


on the brink of Just when she had been on the brink of despair, one of her rich customers had given her a handsome order. 正当她处 绝望的 边缘 之际,一位有钱的客户从她那里订购了数量可观的一批货。

brisk [brɪsk]

adj. 活跃的,轻快的;(空气等)清新的,令人爽快的;兴旺的,生气勃勃的 v. 使活泼,兴旺;活泼起来,兴旺起来


Peggy is enjoying the brisk winter air. 佩姬正享受着冬日的清新空气。// Sales are amazingly brisk. 销售出奇地火热。

brood [bruːd]

n. 同窝幼鸟;(同类或同种的)一伙,一组(事物) v. 孵(蛋);盘算

和breed(v. 繁殖)一起记

A white hen had a brood of chickens. 一只白母鸡生了一窝小鸡。// Jones stared out the window and brooded. 琼斯凝视着窗外,陷入沉思。


browse [braʊz]

v. 浏览(书刊);(牲畜)吃草


I like browsing through a magazine during breakfast. 我喜欢吃早饭时随意翻阅杂志。

bruise [bruːz]

n. (人体、水果或植物等碰撞后产生的)青肿或伤痕;(感情等方面的)挫伤 v. 使(皮肉)青肿,碰伤(水果、植物等);碾碎,捣烂(水果等);挫伤(感情等)

The little boy fell off his bike and bruised his knee. 小男孩从自行车上摔下来,擦伤了膝盖。

brunt [brʌnt]

n. 冲击,冲势;压力

bear/take the brunt of sth. I had to bear the brunt of her screaming and yelling. 我不得不 忍受 她的大喊大叫。

bear/take the brunt of sth. 意思是“承受某事的主要压力;首当其冲”,一般指不愉快的事情。

bubble [ˈbʌbl]

n. 泡,水泡,气泡 v. 吹泡,起泡

Annie blows a big bubble with her gum. 安妮用泡泡糖吹了一个大泡泡。

buckle [ˈbʌkl]

n. 皮带扣环;装饰用扣环 v. 用扣环扣住;(使)弯曲,扭曲;让步,屈服

Betty raised her hand to undo her belt buckle. 贝蒂抬起手解开了皮带的扣环。// Jefferson finally buckled under the excessive demands of the job. 杰斐逊最终被过量的工作压垮了。

表屈服时,buckle强调由于精疲力竭而屈服,与give up稍有不同。

budget [ˈbʌdʒɪt]

n. 预算;金额,预算拨款 v. 编制预算,安排开支


American astronauts will not return to the moon as planned if U.S. Congress passes President Obama's proposed budget. 如果美国国会通过了奥巴马总统的预算提案,那么美国宇航员将不能按计划返回月球。(2011听力)

bull [bʊl]

n. 公牛 adj. 公的;哄抬价格的,行情上涨的 v. 强行(使)…通过;从事投机使(证券等)价格上涨

联想记忆:芝加哥公牛队Chicago Bull

A jealous man is more dangerous than a blind bull. 妒忌心重的人比一头瞎公牛更危险。

词组bull market 是“多头市场,牛市”的意思。

bully [ˈbʊli]

v. 欺侮;强迫(做某事) n. 恃强凌弱的人


It is quite wrong for us to bully others. 欺负别人是极为错误的。

bump [bʌmp]

v. 碰撞;撞击;颠簸地行驶 n. 碰撞;肿块

bump into I bumped into Julia at the school gate last week. 我上周在校门口 碰见 了朱莉娅。// The car bumped down the mountain road. 汽车颠簸着沿山路下行。

buoy [bɔɪ]

n. 浮标,浮筒 vt. 使浮着;鼓励,支持

release buoy 失事浮标

buoy作“支持,振作,鼓励”讲时要接介词up,组成短语buoy up。

burst [bɜːst]

v. 爆裂,炸破,冲破;突然发生,突然发作;忽然出现 n. 爆发,突发;裂口

b urst out His strong sense of humor was such as to make everyone in the room burst out laughing. 他强烈的幽默感使得屋子里的每个人都 爆发出 笑声。(2002)

burst一般跟into或者out (of)连用,表示“爆发,突然发作”等意。

burst, erupt, explode

burst指某事物因为内部压力的增大而导致突然爆破,也可以用来表示人的感情突然释放;erupt一般指火山的爆发、岩浆的喷射等;explode指炸弹、火药等的爆炸,也可以指人的感情的突然爆发,如:explode with anger。

bust [bʌst]

n. 半身雕塑像;(妇女的)胸部 adj. 破产的,倒闭的

go bust His company went bust. 他的公司破产了。

butt [bʌt]

v. 以头(或角)冲撞,顶撞 n. 嘲笑的对象,笑柄;东西的一端;烟蒂

They all leaped to avoid her butt as she bustled into the house. 当她急匆匆地冲进屋子时,大家都跳开,避免被她撞到。// Michael lights another cigarette off the butt of the last one. 迈克尔用上一支烟的烟蒂点燃另一支烟。

calculate [ˈkælkjuleɪt]

v. 计算,核算;预测,推测


They were trying to calculate the number of days in a century. 他们试图去计算一个世纪有多少天。

calculation(n. 计算;计算的结果;谨慎计算,深思熟虑);calculator(n. 计算器)

calm [kɑːm]

adj. 安静的,镇静的;(天气)无风的;(海面)平静的 v. (使)平静,(使)宁静,(使)镇定

Some found British calm, reserved, open-minded, others thought they were insular and superior. 有些人认为英国人冷静、矜持、思想开放,而有些人则认为他们孤僻、高傲。

campaign [kæmˈpeɪn]

n. 有组织的活动;军事行动;竞选 vi. 参加运动,发起运动

They have been campaigning against discrimination for years. 他们参加反歧视运动很多年了。

campaign, champaign, champion, champagne


cancel [ˈkænsl]

v. 取消;删去,省略,划掉


Phone meetings get cancelled or reformed and camera-phones intrude on people's privacy. 电话会议被取消或者革新了,可视电话闯入了人们的私生活。(2006)

candidate [ˈkændɪdət]

n. 候选人;应试者,应考者


As often as not, employers do not choose the best candidate, they choose the candidate who makes a good first impression on them. 雇主通常不会选择最优秀的应试者,而是第一印象不错的人。(2004)

capability [ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti]

n. 能力;素质,潜能


Parker is an executive with good managerial skills and organiza-tional capabilities. 帕克是个有着良好管理技巧和组织能力的主管。

capable(adj. 有能力的,有才能的)

capability, capacity

capability指人完成工作或实现目的所具备的能力,也可以指某种胜任力;capacity指接受、吸收、容纳或完成某事物的能力,可用于人或物,常与of连用,如:The hall has a seating capacity of 500.

capacity [kəˈpæsəti]

n. 容量;能力;资格,地位


This will increase capacity to connect the cell towers to AT&T's main network. 这将增强基站与美国电话电报公司主网的连接能力。(2011听力)

capacity的常见搭配:①capacity for/of (…的能力);②capacity to do sth. (做某事的能力)。

capital [ˈkæpɪtl]

n. 首都;大写字母;资本,资金 adj. 首位的,重要的;资本的;可处死刑的


A large amount of capital is invested in all the branches. 一大笔资金投入到了所有分支机构。

capitalize [ˈkæpɪtəlaɪz]

v. 用大写字母写;为…提供资金


You should capitalize this report. 你应该用大写字母写这份报告。// capitalize on The cheats capitalized on the cupidity of the customers. 这些骗子 利用 了消费者的贪婪心理。

capitalism(n. 资本主义,资本主义制度);capitalist(n. 资本家,富豪;资本主义者 adj. 资本主义的)

capture [ˈkæptʃə(r)]

vt. 捕获;夺得,占领;赢得;引起(注意) n. 捕获;俘虏;战利品,缴获品


Harry's stories of foreign adventures captured my imagination. 哈里所讲的国外探险故事引起了我的遐想。

captive(n. 俘虏 adj. 被捕的,被监禁的)

cardinal [ˈkɑːdɪnl]

adj. 主要的,基本的;深红的 n. 深红色;基数;红衣主教


Equality and mutual benefit are the cardinal principle of international trade. 平等互利是国际贸易的基本原则。// The number 1 is a cardinal. 数字1是一个基数。

cardinal, essential, fundamental

cardinal常常形容事物赖以生存的主要因素;essential常与to, for连用,强调事物之间的不可分割;fundamental指某一事物的基础性的因素,如:The fundamental cause of his success was his diligence.

carefree [ˈkeəfriː]

adj. 无忧无虑的,无牵无挂的


Cherry led a carefree life in her childhood. 彻丽童年时过着无忧无虑的生活。

carve [kɑːv]

v. 切,把…切碎(或切成片);刻,雕刻


These lines are deeply carved into a flat, stony plain, and form about 300 intricate pictures of animals such as birds, a monkey, and a lizard. 这些线条深深地刻在一个平坦多石的平原上,构成了大约300幅复杂的动物图片,包括各种鸟、一只猴子和一只蜥蜴。(2010)


cast [kɑːst]

v. 投,掷,抛;投射(光、影等);投(票) n. 演员的阵容,演员表;铸造,铸型


The huge increase in oil prices in the 1970s cast a cloud over the development plans of many developing nations. 20世纪70年代猛涨的石油价格给许多发展中国家的经济发展计划蒙上了一层阴影。

casual [ˈkæʒuəl]

adj. 偶然的,碰巧的;随便的;临时的

The woman seemed glad of the unrushed company and casual conversation. 这位女士似乎很乐于与人从容相伴,随意交谈。(2019)


casualty(n. 意外或战争中的伤亡者)

catalog(ue) [ˈkætəlɒɡ]

n. (图书或商品等的)目录 vt. 为…编目录,把…编入目录


Internet links provided access to the card catalogues of all the major libraries. 网络链接为人们提供了获取所有主要图书馆目录卡片的途径。(2003)

catastrophe [kəˈtæstrəfi]

n. (突然的)大灾祸,大灾害


A catastrophe is imminent unless Dick returns soon. 迪克要是不马上回来,就要大祸临头了。

disaster, catastrophe

disaster指巨大的不幸带来了生命、财产的损失,如:The flood was the worst natural disaster to hit India for over 50 years.;catastrophe语气比disaster重,指灾难性的结局。

categorize [ˈkætəɡəraɪz]

vt. 将…归类

If you categorize the information you need to remember, you will find it much easier. 如果将需要记忆的信息归类,你就会发现这样更容易记住它们。

category(n. 类别,类型,种类)

cater [ˈkeɪtə(r)]

v. 供应伙食,为(宴会等)供应酒菜;提供娱乐节目;迎合,投合


Fifty is a lot of people to cater for! 供应五十人的伙食可够多的!


caution [ˈkɔːʃn]

n. 当心,谨慎;告诫,警告 vt. 警告,告诫


If you are going to work in a new area, again there are the papers—and the accommodation agencies, though these should be approached with caution. 如果你打算去新的地方工作,那么,有文件和住宿代理,当然在处理这些事情时要小心谨慎。(2005) // Jim was cautioned by his parents not to be rude. 父母警告吉姆不要那么粗鲁。


cautious(adj. 细心的,谨慎的)

cease [siːs]

v. 停止,结束

The writer ceased to be a member of the association. 这位作家不再是协会成员了。

celebrate [ˈselɪbreɪt]

v. 庆祝;歌颂


To celebrate its one hundredth anniversary, the university held a series of activities including conferences, film shows, etc. 这所大学为了庆祝成立100周年,举行了一系列的活动,包括开讨论会、放映影片等。(2015) // Odysseus's heroic exploits are celebrated in The Odyssey. 《奥德赛》史诗中歌颂了奥德修斯的丰功伟绩。

celebration(n. 庆祝;庆祝会,典礼)

celebrated [ˈselɪbreɪtɪd]

adj. 有名的,著名的

来自celebrate(v. 庆祝)

At the party the celebrated writer and his wife were conspicuous by their absence. 那位著名作家及其夫人未出席宴会,这引起了人们的注意。

celebrity(n. 名誉,名声;名人,名流)

ceremony [ˈserəməni]

n. 典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪


The opening ceremony is a great occasion. It is essential for us to be prepared for that. 开幕式是非常隆重的场合,我们必须准备一下。(2003)

ceremonial(adj. 仪式上的;礼仪上的 n. 礼仪;仪式,典礼)

certain [ˈsɜːtn]

pron. 某,某一,某种 adj. 确凿的,无疑的;一定的,必然的,确信的,有把握的


There are certain symbols which people in very different cultures recognize as representing peace. 有些特定的符号在不同文化背景下的人们眼里都代表着和平。(2016) // make certain of Make certain of your position in the firm before you argue with the director. 在和经理争辩之前,你首先要 弄清 自己在公司的地位。

certainly〔adv. 一定,必定;(表示同意)当然可以,没问题〕;cer-tainty(n. 确定性;确实的事)

challenge [ˈtʃælɪndʒ]

n. 挑战,邀请比赛;异议,质疑 vt. 向…挑战;对…表示异议,怀疑

We are likely to have conversations where we give information or opinions, receive news or comment, and very likely have our views challenged by other members of society. 我们可能会通过交谈提供信息和意见、接受消息和评论,社会上的其他成员对我们的观点也很可能有异议。(2004)

challenging [ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ]

adj. 有挑战性的;使人思考的;激发干劲的;困难的

Once upon a time the physical book was a challenging thing. 从前,完成一本实体书的制作是一件具有挑战性的事情。(2011)

champion [ˈtʃæmpiən]

n. 冠军;拥护者;战士 vt. 拥护,支持

The dancers include such famous names as Patricia Murray, one of the Irish dancing champions, and first-rate ballerina Claire Holding. 在舞者中,有很多名人,如爱尔兰舞蹈冠军之一帕特里夏·默里和一流芭蕾舞者克莱尔·霍尔丁。(2002听力) // Most people champion his new theories. 大多数人支持他的新理论。


championship〔n. 锦标赛;冠军身份(或称号);捍卫,拥护〕

chaos [ˈkeɪɒs]

n. 混乱状态


in chaos The living room was in chaos after the party. 聚会后客厅里一片 狼藉

chaotic(adj. 混乱的,纷乱的)

characterize [ˈkærəktəraɪz]

vt. 成为…的特征,以…为特征;描写(人或物)的特性,描绘


Albinism is characterized by the absolute or relative absence of pigment of the skin. 皮肤部分或全部缺乏色素是白化病的特征。

character〔n. 特性,性质,特征;(小说,戏剧等中的)人物,角色;字,书写符号,印刷符号〕;characteristic(adj. 特有的,独特的,表示特性的 n. [pl.]特性,特征,特色)

charismatic [ˌkærɪzˈmætɪk]

adj. 有魅力的;有号召力的;有神授能力的

来自charisma(n. 魅力)

Martin Luther King was a very charismatic speaker. 马丁·路德·金是一位极具号召力的演讲者。

charitable [ˈtʃærətəbl]

adj. 慈善的;宽厚的,慷慨的


People may pass up a rewarding career in charitable work or non-profitable organization, because they have to get a higher salary some-place else to pay off that debt. 人们可能会放弃有益的慈善工作或非营利组织的工作,因为他们必须在其他地方拿到更高的工资以偿还债务。(2016听力)

charity [ˈtʃærəti]

n. 慈善事业,慈善行为;施舍;慈悲,博爱

All the money raised by the concert will go to charity. 音乐会筹集的所有收入将全部用于慈善事业。

charm [tʃɑːm]

n. 魅力,魔力 v. 迷住,使…陶醉

Nine is usually thought of as a lucky number because it is the product of three times three. It was much used by the Anglo Saxons in their charms for healing. “9”通常被认为是吉利的数字,因为它是数字3的三倍。盎格鲁-撒克逊人常因其具有治愈的魔力而经常使用9。(2003)

charming(adj. 迷人的,有魅力的;令人高兴的)

charm, attract, enchant

charm指以一种魅力把人迷住;attract既可以指一般的吸引,也可以指引起异性的爱慕;enchant通常用来指被迷住的人觉得特别高兴或陶醉,如:The music enchanted us all.

charter [ˈtʃɑːtə(r)]

n. 宪章 vt. 租用


The aircraft belonged to Ecuadorian Airline, but it had been chartered by Air-France for the route from Bogota to Ecuadorian Capital, Quito. 这架客机属于厄瓜多尔航空公司,但由法国航空公司租用,执行从波哥大到厄瓜多尔首都基多的客运任务。(2000听力)

词组chartered flight表示“包机航班”。

chartered(adj. 特许的;持有特许证的)

chase [tʃeɪs]

n./v. 追逐,追击

Mel Fisher chased his dream and in the end managed to become one of the most famous professional treasure hunters of all time, and for good reason. 梅尔·费舍尔一直追逐他的梦想,最后终于成为史上最著名的寻宝专家之一,并且实至名归。(2017)

chase的意思与drive away, run after相似,既有在后方追逐的意思,也包含驱逐的意思。

chatter [ˈtʃætə(r)]

v. 喋喋不休;(鸟)啁啾,(松鼠等)吱吱叫;(溪流)潺潺作声;(机器)颤动;(牙齿)打战 n. 喋喋不休;啁啾;震颤声


The chatter of my classmates prevented me from listening attentively to the teacher. 同学们喋喋不休的说话声让我不能专心听讲。// The sparrows are chattering in the trees. 麻雀在树上啾啾叫。

谚语:Who chatters to you, will chatter of you. (对你说别人是非的人,也会说你的是非。)

chatterbox(n. 喋喋不休的人;话匣子)

cheat [tʃiːt]

n. 欺诈,骗取;骗子 v. 欺诈,骗取

This company's financial activity turned out to be a cheat. 这个公司的财务活动原来是一场骗局。

cheat通常指通过不被人发现的手段诈取钱财或占小便宜,通常都有利益纠葛。cheat的常见搭配有:①cheat on (对…不忠);②cheat sb. into (哄骗某人…);③cheat sth. of sb. (骗某人的东西);④cheat sth. out of sb. (骗某人的东西)。

cheer [tʃɪə(r)]

v. 使振奋,使高兴;为…喝彩,向…欢呼 n. 振奋;欢呼,喝彩


Cheer leading is not just about cheering. It practices special shouts, dances, and athletic shows. 拉拉队不只是喝彩欢呼,它还需要练习特别的呼叫、舞蹈和运动表演。(2005听力)


cheerful(adj. 快乐的;使人愉快的,使人振奋的)

cherish [ˈtʃerɪʃ]

vt. 珍爱;抱有(希望),怀有(感情)

Massive changes in all of the world's deeply cherished sporting habits are underway. 全世界受人热捧的运动习惯在发生巨大的改变。(2002) // You and I cherish the same ideals and follow the same path. 你我志同道合。

cherish, appreciate, treasure

cherish带有更强的喜爱或感情的成分,也常意味着亲密的交往或密切的关心;appreciate指鉴赏某事物的价值,尤其是美的价值;treasure指珍藏一种很宝贵的或对它寄托很多感情的东西,如:treasure sth. up in one's memory。

chew [tʃuː]

v. 咀嚼;深思,回味,体味


bite off more than one can chew We bit off more than we could chew when we started this business. 我们刚开始做这笔生意时太 好高骛远 了。

chew的常用短语是chew the fat/rag(聊天)。

chief [tʃiːf]

adj. 主要的,首要的;首席的,主任的 n. 首领,领袖;首长;头目

The remaining forests are home to half of the world's species thus becoming the chief resource for their survival. 剩余的森林是世界上半数物种的栖息地,因此变成了它们赖以生存的主要资源。(2002听力) // Talks between the government and chiefs of the German energy industry were to begin at 8:30 pm. 政府和德国能源行业领导人之间的会谈将于晚上八点半开始。(2002听力)

chiefly(adv. 主要地,首要地)

chill [tʃɪl]

n. 寒冷,寒气;寒战,寒意 v. 使变冷,使感到寒冷;使寒心;使扫兴


“I have not had the good fortune ever to meet your father,” the mother said, a slight chill in her speech. “我无缘见你父亲。”他母亲说道,声调有点儿冷冰冰的。

chilly(adj. 寒冷的)

choke [tʃəʊk]

v. (使)窒息,噎住;使塞住不通;抑制;使不能出声

The boys lost their heads with the delight of their new amusement, and choked with helpless merriment. 男孩们陶醉在这项新娱乐项目的快乐之中,笑得透不过气来。(2014)

choke常见搭配:①choke back (忍住,抑制);②choke off (抑制,劝阻);③choke up (哽咽,噎住;阻塞)。

chronic [ˈkrɒnɪk]

adj. (病症)长期未愈的,慢性的;极坏的,极差的


Health experts said chronic non-infectious diseases were the main causes of deaths, covering 60% of the total number of deaths. 健康专家称慢性非传染性疾病是致死的主要原因,占总死亡数的60%。

chronicle [ˈkrɒnɪkl]

n. 编年史,年代记 vt. 把…载入编年史,记载


The friar chronicled the knight's story. 这名修道士将骑士的故事编入了史册。

chronological [ˌkrɒnəˈlɒdʒɪkl]

adj. 按年代顺序排列的


There is a chronological difference but I never notice it. 我从没注意到时间顺序上的差异。

chuckle [ˈtʃʌkl]

v. 轻声地笑,窃笑

Peggy chuckles and sets to the task cheerfully. 佩姬咯咯笑着,高兴地开始她的任务。

chuckle, giggle

chuckle一般表示恬静的笑,通常是没有恶意的、轻松的笑;giggle指小孩发出压抑不住的笑,近乎傻笑,如:The children giggled at the clown's antics.

circulate [ˈsɜːkjəleɪt]

v. (使)循环;散布,流动;流通;巡回


We open the window to allow the air to circulate. 我们打开窗户让空气流通。

circular(adj. 圆形的,环形的);circulation〔n. 循环;流通,流传;(报纸、书刊的)销售量〕

circumstance [ˈsɜːkəmstəns]

n. [pl.] 情况,情形;环境;[pl.] 境况,境遇


under the circumstances Even under the worst of circumstances, we believe we are in control of our lives. 即使 最坏的 情况下 ,我们仍相信我们掌控着自己的生活。(2016) // under no circumstances Under no circumstances should we reveal our secret. 无论如何 我们都不应该泄露秘密。 2wB37froxUZ6Cvt75tlGqW5twagdfztSNVzt2l9loaTJpbpRyk+uEboVeBj3s796
