
Word List 1


abandon [əˈbændən]

vt. 抛弃,放弃;离弃(家园、船只、飞机等);遗弃(妻子、子女等)

The scientific community did not take long to scoff at and abandon von Daniken's theory. 没过多久,冯·德尼肯的理论就受到了科学界的嘲笑,并遭到摒弃。(2010)

abandon, surrender, resign

abandon主要指最终完全放弃,尤指放弃无形的东西,如:I abandoned the hope of being a doctor.;surrender是指经过斗争或抵抗后被迫放弃、投降,如:The captain had to surrender to the enemy.;resign是自愿放弃或没有经过斗争而做出牺牲,如:Peter decided to resign.

ability [əˈbɪləti]

n. 能力;才能,才智

来自able(adj. 有能力的)

There are many people of great ability who simply do not interview very well. 许多很有能力的人就是不能在面试中表现得很好。(2004) // to the best of one's ability They tackled the problem to the best of their ability. 他们 竭尽全力 解决这一问题。

abolish [əˈbɒlɪʃ]

vt. 废除,取消


The need to run the railways on time meant that local time was abolished, and clocks showed the same time all over the country. 列车运行准时的要求意味着当地时间被废除,而全国所有的时钟都显示同一个时间。

abolition(n. 废止,废除)

abolish, annihilate

abolish一般指取消或废除社会制度、习惯、法律等;annihilate主要指使用外力彻底破坏某事物,如:annihilate the enemy。

aboriginal [ˌæbəˈrɪdʒənl]

adj. (指人、动植物)土生土长的,原产地的;土著的,土人的


Aboriginal males have a life expectancy of just 55 years. 土著男子的平均寿命只有55岁。

abound [əˈbaʊnd]

vi. 大量存在,充满;富有,丰富


Opportunities for employment abound in this metropolis. 这个大都市里的就业机会很多。

abound常与in, with连用,表示“盛产,富于,充满”等。

abridge [əˈbrɪdʒ]

vt. 缩写,缩短


That university announced it would abridge its 18-week summer semester into 12 weeks. 那所大学宣布把18周的夏季学期缩短到12周。


abridgement(n. 缩短;删节)

abrupt [əˈbrʌpt]

adj. 突然的,出其不意的;陡峭的;粗鲁的,无礼的


She was very abrupt with me in our meeting. 在开会时,她跟我说话时的语气非常生硬。

abruptly(adv. 突然,猛然;粗暴地)


[ˈæbsənt] adj. 缺席的;茫然的;心不在焉的

[æbˈsent] vt. 使(自己)离开


There are countless others who, because of age, sickness or plain absent-mindedness, simply forget to pay for what they take from the shop. 有数不清的人会因为年老、疾病或是纯粹的心不在焉而在商店买东西时忘记付账。(2004)

absent常与from或in搭配,需要注意的是,be absent from指“缺席”,be absent in指“某人去某地了,不在此处”。

absence(n. 缺席;缺乏;不存在);absent-minded(adj. 心不在焉的)

absolute [ˈæbsəluːt]

adj. 绝对的;完全的;肯定的,确定的


Beauty cannot be measured by any absolute standard. 美是不可能用绝对标准来衡量的。

absolutely(adv. 绝对地;完全地)

absolve [əbˈzɒlv]

v. 免除(某人的)承诺(或责任等);赦免,免受惩处,宣告无罪


The lady was finally absolved from an obligation. 这位女士最终被免除了义务。

absolve经常和介词from, of搭配,都是“赦免;免除”的意思。

absorb [əbˈzɔːb]

vt. 吸收(水、热、光等);吸引(注意),使专心,使全神贯注


No matter how much I ate or had or experienced, it didn't satisfy me, because I wasn't really taking it in, wasn't absorbing it. 无论我吃了多少,拥有了多少或经历了多少,都不能使我满足,因为我没有真正领会它,吸收它。(2013)

absorb常与介词in连用,构成短语be absorbed in,表示“专心于某事”。

absorption(n. 吸收;专注);absorbing(adj. 引人入胜的)


[ˈæbstrækt] adj. 抽象的 n. 摘要,概括;抽象的概念

[æbˈstrækt] v. 提取;摘录…的要点;转移(注意等)


The scientist talked much about the abstract called system analysis. 这位科学家就系统分析这一抽象概念谈了许多。

absurd [əbˈsɜːd]

adj. 不合理的,荒谬的,可笑的

It was strange that she would entertain such an absurd idea. 她有如此荒谬的想法很奇怪。(2009)


absurd, foolish, silly, ridiculous

这四个词都有“愚蠢的,荒谬的”之意。absurd强调的是不符合人情或常识的,如:an absurd opinion;foolish一般指愚蠢的、可笑的,强调缺乏智慧和判断力;silly强调单纯、糊涂、没有想法,如:a silly boy;ridiculous意为“荒谬的,令人发笑的”,常会有鄙视的意味。

abundant [əˈbʌndənt]

adj. 大量的,充裕的,丰富的

be abundant in/with This area is abundant in petroleum deposits. 这个地区的石油储量 丰富 。// Because of its abundant natural resources, the United States appeared to be a “land of plenty” where millions could come to seek their fortunes. 由于美国拥有丰富的自然资源,它似乎是一个“富饶之国”,数百万人前来寻找赚钱的机会。(2018)

abundant通常和in或with连用,表示“丰富的,大量的”,意思相当于be rich in。

abundance(n. 丰富,充裕,大量)


[əˈbjuːz] vt. 辱骂;滥用;虐待

[əˈbjuːs] n. 辱骂;滥用;虐待;弊病,恶习


Although a great deal of the material communicated by the mass media is very valuable to the individual and to the society of which he is a part, the vast modern network of communication is open to abuse. 虽然媒体传播的许多信息对于个人及其所在的社会都很有价值,但这种大型现代通信网络还是很容易被滥用。(2000)

accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt]

v. (使)加速


Environmental problems may accelerate the pace of the car's development. 环境问题可能会加速汽车业的发展步伐。

access [ˈækses]

n. (接近或进入某地的)方法,通路;(使用某物或接近某人的)机会或权利 vt. 存取(计算机文件);到达;进入


There're other local facilities, such as post offices where you can save your money and have access to affordable low cost loans. 还有其他当地设施,比如邮局,你可以到那里存钱,也可以获得能负担得起的低利率贷款。(2012听力)

have access to是固定搭配,表示“有机会(或权利)接触,有机会(或权利)使用”,但需要注意的是for, with和in均不能与其搭配。

accident [ˈæksɪdənt]

n. 意外事件

词根记忆:ac(表示加强)+cid(切,杀)+ent (名词后缀)→不小心切了手→意外事件

The new measure will reduce the chance of serious injury in the event of an accident. 万一发生事故,这项新的措施将减小重伤的几率。(2013)

accidental(adj. 偶然的,意外的)

accommodate [əˈkɒmədeɪt]

vt. 容纳;提供…住宿;使适应,使适合;帮助解决(困难)


The city government is building more roads to accommodate the increasing number of cars. 市政府正在建造更多的公路来容纳越来越多的汽车。(2011)

accommodate oneself to意思是“使自己适应于”;而accommodate (sb.) with意为“向某人供应”。

accommodation(n. [常pl.]膳宿,住处;适应)

accommodate, adapt, conform

这三个词都有“适应”的含义,区别在于:accommodate强调在承认外部状况的条件下使自己与某物相适应,有时候暗示这种适应因能取悦别人而使自己运气更好,如:I will accommodate my plan to yours.;adapt主要指为了达到要求而做出变化;conform指符合或使之符合某一典范、准则等,如:The building must conform to the blueprint.

accompany [əˈkʌmpəni]

vt. 伴随,陪同;为…伴奏


Jane told me she needed someone to accompany her to the airport. 简告诉我她需要有人陪她去机场。

accompany常与介词with和by搭配,其中be accompanied by 表示“由…陪伴;同时发生”。

accompaniment(n. 伴随物;伴奏,伴唱)

accomplish [əˈkʌmplɪʃ]

vt. 完成,实现,达到(目的)

联想记忆:ac+compl(看作complete, 完成)+ish(使)→完成

The whole process would be accomplished in a subtle way. 整个过程应该以细致的方式来完成。(2006)

accomplishment(n. 完成;成就;造诣,技能);accomplished(adj. 熟练的;有造诣的,技术高超的)

accord [əˈkɔːd]

v. 符合,一致 n. 协调,一致


of one's own accord Carrie decided to go of her own accord. 卡丽是 自己决定 要去的。

accordance [əˈkɔːdns]

n. 符合,一致


in accordance with As a student, we should behave absolutely in accordance with the regulation. 作为学生,我们应该严格 遵守 制度。

according [əˈkɔːdɪŋ]

adv. 依照 adj. 相符的,一致的


The average age of the fleet of the seven large U.S. passenger airlines is about 14 years old, according to The Airline Monitor. 根据The Airline Monitor的报道,美国七大客运航空公司航班的平均飞行年限为14年左右。(2011听力)

according to最常出现在阅读理解的题干中,意思是“根据…”。

accordingly(adv. 相应地;因此,所以)

account [əˈkaʊnt]

n. 账,账目,账户;报道,记载,叙述;理由


on account of His mother retired early on account of poor health. 他的母亲 由于 身体不佳早早就退休了。(2014)

on account of 在意思上相当于due to和because of,意为“因为,由于”。

accountant(n. 会计师,会计)

accumulate [əˈkjuːmjəleɪt]

v. 积蓄,积累

词根记忆:ac(表示加强)+cumul(堆积)+ate (使)→使不断堆积起来→积累

A pile of books have accumulated on my desk. 我书桌上堆了一摞书。

accurate [ˈækjərət]

adj. 准确的,精确的

词根记忆:ac(表示加强)+cur(跑)+ate(…的) →跑了又跑,测量距离→准确的

The information must be clear, accurate, and expressed in a meaningful and interesting way. 信息必须清楚、准确,还要用一种有意义的、有趣的方式表达出来。(2013)

accuracy(n. 正确,准确)

accuse [əˈkjuːz]

v. 指责,谴责;控诉,控告


Police in India have arrested a city bank employee accused of cheating clients millions of dollars. 印度警方逮捕了一名城市银行的雇员,他被控诈骗了客户数百万美元。(2012听力)

accuse常与of搭配,accuse sb. of...表示“指责某人…”,后接原因。

accusation(n. 指责;起诉;罪名;谴责)

accustom [əˈkʌstəm]

vt. 使习惯


My time was my own after the afternoon board, Saturdays, and I was accustomed to putting it in on a little sail-boat on the bay. 每个星期六下午股市收盘后,时间就全部属于我自己了,我喜欢乘着小船到海湾里去消磨时光。(2016)

accustom最常用的短语就是accustom oneself/sb. to,表示“使自己或某人习惯于…;使自己或某人养成某种习惯”。

achieve [əˈtʃiːv]

v. 取得(成绩等);达到(目的),取得(胜利)

Participants can bring along their own decoration materials and use their imagination and creativity to achieve the best results. 参加者可以自带装饰材料,并运用他们的想象力和创造力来达到最好的效果。(2000)

achieve 强调经过某些努力或经历某些困难而取得成功。

achievement(n. 完成,达到;成就,成绩)

acid [ˈæsɪd]

adj. 酸味的;尖刻的 n. 酸(含氢的化学物质);迷幻药


Some people like acid foods. 有些人喜欢吃酸味食物。

acknowledge [əkˈnɒlɪdʒ]

v. 承认;告知收到(信件、礼物等);表示感谢

AT&T has acknowledged that it has faced some difficulties, particularly in big cities. 美国电话电报公司承认其面临着一些困难,尤其是在大城市。(2011听力)

acknowledgement〔n. 承认,接受;感谢;(表示收到某物的)回信,收条;(以微笑等方式)向人打招呼〕

acquaint [əˈkweɪnt]

vt. 使认识,使了解


You will have to acquaint us with the details. 你必须让我们了解细节。


acquaintance(n. 相识,了解;熟人)

acquire [əˈkwaɪə(r)]

v. 取得,获得,习得;学到(知识等)


The growth in telecommunications is giving more and more people access to the science that will help their country to develop or to acquire the medical knowledge that can fight disease. 电信业的发展正使得越来越多的人接触到有助于他们国家发展的科学知识,或者获得能抵抗疾病的医学知识。(2013听力)

acquisition(n. 取得,获得;得到的东西)

acquire, gain, obtain

这三个词都有“获得,占有,得到”的意思。acquire强调逐渐地、积少成多地去获得,对象是指最终得到的成果,如:Jane has acquired a working knowledge of English.;gain指通过极大的努力或奋斗而获得,如:No gains without pains.;obtain是比较正式的用语,强调在得到某物或达到目的时的计划性,如:He obtained the driving license.

activate [ˈæktɪveɪt]

vt. 使活动,使活跃,使积极;刺激,激化


This would trigger sensors to activate electrical capacitors inside the tank. 这将触发传感器启动坦克内部的电容器。

active(adj. 活跃的;主动的;在活动中的;现役的)

actual [ˈæktʃuəl]

adj. 实际的,现实的,事实上的


I'm not joking. Those were her actual words. 我没有开玩笑,那些都是她的原话。

actually(adv. 事实上)

acute [əˈkjuːt]

adj. 尖锐的;锐角的;激烈的,严重的;敏锐的;(疾病)急性的,(疼痛)剧烈的


Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people do. 敏锐的听觉帮助大部分动物比人类更早地预知暴风雨的来临。(2000) // In Beijing, Tianjin and other large cities the crisis is particularly acute. 在北京、天津和其他大城市中,这种危机特别严重。

adapt [əˈdæpt]

v. 适应,适合;改编,改写


Animals that could not adapt themselves to the changed environment perished and those that could survived. 那些不能适应环境变化的动物都灭亡了,能适应的则生存了下来。


adaptable(adj. 能适应新环境的;可改变的);adaptation(n. 改编;适应;改编本);adapter/adaptor(n. 适配器;转接器;改编者)

add [æd]

v. 加,增加;附言,补充说

Specifically, AT&T will add 2,000 new cell sites and upgrade existing cell sites with three times more fiber links than it had in 2009. 需要特别指出的是,美国电话电报公司将增加2000个新的蜂窝站,并用比2009年多出三倍的光纤链路来对现有的蜂窝站进行升级。(2011听力)

add的常用搭配是add up, add up to, add to。

addiction [əˈdɪkʃn]

n. 上瘾;入迷;沉溺

His addiction to the Internet is taking over his life. 他对网络的沉迷就要占据他的生活了。


addition [əˈdɪʃn]

n. 加,加法;增加物


in addition to In addition to his movie work, Francis is known as a champion of environmental causes. 除了电影事业外,弗朗西斯还是一位知名的环保卫士。

additional(adj. 附加的,追加的,另外的);additionally(adv. 此外,而且)

adequate [ˈædɪkwət]

adj. 适当的;充分的,足够的


Even if you are only going on a trip to another country, accidents can happen. So please make sure you have adequate travel insurance. 即使你只是去另外一个国家旅行,也有可能发生意外。所以请确保你有适当的旅游保险。(2002)

adhere [ədˈhɪə(r)]

vi. 黏附,黏着;坚持,遵循


Airlines flight service managers ensure that flight attendants adhere to personal appearance and preflight requirements. 航空飞行服务的经理们确保乘务员保持良好的个人形象,并遵守飞行前的各项要求。(2011听力)


adherence(n. 信奉;坚持)

adjacent [əˈdʒeɪsnt]

adj. 邻近的;毗连的

Our kitchen is adjacent to the dining room. 我们的厨房挨着餐厅。


adjust [əˈdʒʌst]

v. 整顿,调整,安排;使适应于(新环境等)


Adjusting to school life was less difficult than the pupil had expected. 适应学校生活没有这名学生想象得那么难。(2013)

adjust to是“适应”的意思,可以跟adapt to对比记忆。

adjustment(n. 调整,调节)

adjust, regulate

adjust指把东西或人调整到准确、适当的位置或状态,也可以用来指调整好与其他事物的关系以适应一种需要,如:adjust oneself to new conditions;regulate通常指把某事物调节、维持或控制在需要的状态下,如:regulate the traffic。

administer [ədˈmɪnɪstə(r)]

v. 管理,主管;执行,施行;给予,用(药等)

Scribes administered great empires by writing, their knowledge of recording and retrieving information essential to governing complex societies. 文士们通过书写来管理伟大的帝国,他们关于记录和检索信息的知识对管理复杂的社会是必不可少的。(2016)

administration〔n. (行政)管理;政府〕;administrative(adj. 管理的;政府的;执行的);administrator(n. 管理者;行政人员;执行者)

admire [ədˈmaɪə(r)]

v. 赞赏,钦佩,羡慕


I admired Barton for his determination. 我钦佩巴顿坚毅的性格。

would admire to do sth. 是“想要或喜欢做某事”的意思,跟would like to do sth. 相似。

admirable(adj. 令人赞叹的,令人钦佩的);admiration(n. 赞赏,羡慕)

admit [ədˈmɪt]

v. 允许…进入;承认;(指在某一范围内)可容纳(某人或某事)


Cindy admits that before the recession, she was a city girl with no interest in growing her own dinner. 辛迪承认,在经济衰退之前,她是一个对种菜吃不感兴趣的都市女孩。(2012) // admit of The evidence cannot admit of doubt. 证据确凿,不 置疑。

admit of表示“容许有…;有…可能;容有…的余地”。

admission(n. 进入许可;入会费;承认);admittedly(adv. 无可否认地)

adolescent [ˌædəˈlesnt]

adj. 青少年期的 n. 青少年

The healthy adolescent boy or girl likes to do the real things in life, to do the things that matter. 健康的青少年在生活中喜欢做实实在在、有切实意义的事。(2014) // The adolescent always respects parents who admit their mistakes. 青少年往往尊敬勇于承认错误的父母。


adolescence(n. 青春期)

adopt [əˈdɒpt]

v. 采用,采取(态度等);收养;接受某种习俗;正式通过


Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive attitude towards learning. 应帮助小学生让其对学习采取积极的态度。

adoption(n. 收养,领养;采用)

adore [əˈdɔː(r)]

vt. 敬慕,钟爱,崇拜;很喜欢

I adore Sunday lunch with all the trimmings: roast meat, along with lots of vegetables and sauces and other traditional accompaniments. 我喜欢包含所有配料的周日午餐:烤肉配上很多蔬菜和酱汁以及其他传统配料。(2013听力)


advance [ədˈvɑːns]

v. 前进,向前移;提前 n. 前进,进步;贷款;预付款

The speaker questions about everybody's access to technological advances. 说话者对每个人接触科技进步的途径提出了疑问。(2013听力) // in advance Twenty years ago, a Friday night would need to be arranged in advance. 20年前,每个星期五晚上的活动都需要 提前 安排。(2006)

advance常与in搭配,如in advance (of),表示“提前,事先;超过”。

advanced [ədˈvɑːnst]

adj. 在前面的;高深的,高等的,高级的;高龄的;先进的

来自advance(v. 前进)

Having students “discover” why a civilization as advanced as the Maya collapsed in the 9th century is one key goal for the leader of the Maya Quest expedition. 让学生发现像玛雅这样先进的文明古国为什么会在九世纪瓦解,是玛雅探险队领队的一个主要目的。

advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ]

n. 优势;益处,利益

联想记忆:advant(看作advance, 前进)+age(表示行为)→前进,进步→优势

take advantage of As my exams are coming next week, I'll take advantage of the weekend to catch up on some reading. 下周就要考试了,我要 利用 这个周末来补习一下阅读。(2004) // to one's advantage It is to your advantage to invest wisely. 明智地投资 有利

advantageous(adj. 有利的)

adventure [ədˈventʃə(r)]

n. 冒险,冒险的经历;奇遇


There are lots of names for these new forms of tourism: responsible tourism, nature tourism, adventure tourism, educational tourism and more. 这些新型的旅游有多种名称:责任游、自然游、冒险游、教育游等等。(2012听力)

adventurism(n. 冒险主义);adventurist(n. 冒险主义者);adven-turous(adj. 大胆的,富于冒险精神的;充满危险的)

advise [ədˈvaɪz]

v. 劝告,忠告,建议;通知


I understand that you manufacture computers, prepare software, and advise clients on how to use them. 我知道你们生产电脑、制作软件,并且就其使用方法给客户提供建议。(2005听力)

advise的用法一般是advise sb. to do sth.,表示“建议某人做某事”,注意它的名词advice不可数。

advice(n. 劝告,建议);advisable(adj. 可取的;明智的);adviser/advisor(n. 顾问;指导教授;劝告者);advisory(adj. 咨询的;劝告性的)


[ˈædvəkeɪt] vt. 拥护,提倡

[ˈædvəkət] n. 提倡者,拥护者


As advocate and activist Marian Wright Edelman says, “Service is the rent we pay for living...it is the true measure, the only measure of success”. 正如提倡家和活动家玛丽安·赖特·埃德尔曼所说的那样,“服务他人是我们付给生活的租金…这才是衡量成功真正的、也是唯一的标准。” (2010)

advocate 可与for, of等介词搭配,表示“提倡…;…的拥护者”。

affect [əˈfekt]

vt. 影响;感动,激起…的情绪;(疾病)侵袭;假装,装作


Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries. 尼古丁对心脏和动脉功能有负面影响。


affection [əˈfekʃn]

n. 爱,钟爱;爱慕;慈爱,友爱;影响;疾病;倾向


At an appropriate time this behavior might express the kind of affection that stimulates attachment and intimacy. 在适当的时机,这种行为可能会表达一种能激起爱慕与亲昵的情感。


affectionate(adj. 深情的,充满爱的)

affection, emotion, passion

这三个词都表示人的感情。affection指长辈对晚辈,比如父母对子女怀有的持久的感情;emotion含义比较广,没有任何感情色彩,如:Love, hatred, and grief are emotions.;passion表示强烈的、深沉的而且是无法控制的感情,有时也表示仇恨或气愤,如:He talked about it with a little passion.

affirm [əˈfɜːm]

v. 坚称,断言,肯定地说


Tom affirmed that he didn't cheat during the examination. 汤姆坚持表示自己没有考试作弊。

affirmative(adj. 肯定的 n. 肯定词;肯定的方式)


[əˈfɪks] vt. 使固定;贴上;签署,盖印章

[ˈæfɪks] n. 词缀


Alas, I have forgotten affixing a stamp on the envelope. 哎呀!我忘了在信封上贴邮票了。


affluent [ˈæfluənt]

adj. 富裕的,富有的


The world will need to double food production within the next three decades in order to feed a rapidly growing and increasingly affluent population, which is projected to grow from 7 billion people today to 9 billion. 在未来30年内,为了养活数量急速增长而且越来越富裕的人口(预计将从现在的70亿增长到90亿),世界的粮食产量需要翻一番。(2013听力)

afford [əˈfɔːd]

vt. 有足够的时间(或金钱等)去(做某事);负担得起

We can't afford a new car like that. 我们买不起那样的新车。

affordable [əˈfɔːdəbl]

adj. 买得起的;担负得起的;担得起…风险的

The government provided some affordable housing for the citizens. 政府为市民提供了一些能买得起的住房。

approachable, payable, affordable


aftermath [ˈɑːftəmæθ]

n. (指不幸的)事件的余波,余殃,后果


The mayor visited the region in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. 灾难发生后,市长第一时间视察了受灾地区。

aggressive [əˈɡresɪv]

adj. 侵略性的,攻击性的,爱寻衅的;有进取心的


Children become aggressive and nervous—cooped up at home all day, with nowhere to play. 孩子们整日被关在屋子里,没有地方玩耍,变得好斗和不安。(2001)

aggression(n. 侵略,侵犯);aggressor(n. 侵略者)

agony [ˈæɡəni]

n. 极度的痛苦;痛苦的挣扎

词根记忆:agon(斗争,挣扎)+y(表示结果) →痛苦的挣扎

I hope that I can forget all the agony that has gone past. 我希望能忘掉过去所有的痛苦。

agreeable [əˈɡriːəbl]

adj. 惬意的;爽快的;易相处的;适宜的,适合的

来自agree(v. 同意)

Caroline would have been more agreeable if she had changed a little bit, wouldn't she? 卡罗琳如果稍作改变会更好相处,不是吗?(2003)

alert [əˈlɜːt]

adj. 警觉的;敏捷的,灵活的;留心的 n. 警报 v. 向…发出警报

on the alert (for) Police warned the public to be on the alert for anyone acting suspiciously. 警方提醒群众 警惕 所有举止可疑的人。

alert作形容词时可单独使用,但作名词时一般都要和on连用,如on the alert (for),表示“警惕着,对…保持戒备(状态)”。

alien [ˈeɪliən]

n. 外侨,外国人;外星人 adj. 外国的,异邦的;敌对的

Everything seemed alien to him here. 这里的一切都让他觉得陌生。

alien常与介词to, from连用,表示“与…不相容或不同”。

alienate [ˈeɪliəneɪt]

vt. 使疏远,离间


Selina doesn't want to alienate her classmates. 塞利娜不想疏远她的同学。

alienation(n. 疏远,离间)

allege [əˈledʒ]

v. (在提不出证明的情况下)断言,声称


The suspect alleges that he was at home on the night of the crime. 嫌疑犯辩称案发当晚他在家中。

allege有以下三种句型结构:①allege to do sth.; ②allege + n.; ③allege + 从句。

allegedly(adv. 据称;据指控)

allocate [ˈæləkeɪt]

vt. 分配,配给


Please allocate a room to us for storage. 请给我们分配一个房间来储藏物品。

allocation(n. 分配,配给)

allot [əˈlɒt]

vt. 分配,配给,分摊


Our budgets have failed to allot enough money for schools. 我们的预算没能给各个学校拨足够的资金。

allow [əˈlaʊ]

v. 允许;让…得到,同意给予;考虑到;承认;同意其为正当

Interconnectivity allows for the possibility of a reading experience that was barely imaginable before. 网络互联让人们有机会获得之前几乎无法想象的阅读体验。(2011) // allow for The journey usually takes 3 weeks, but you should allow for delays caused by bad weather. 旅行通常需要三周,但是你应该 考虑到 恶劣天气所造成的延误。

allow的句型结构是allow sb. to do sth., 多用于被动语态。

allowance [əˈlaʊəns]

n. 津贴,补助;承认,认可

make allowance(s) for... Catherine's parents can't make allowance for any fault of hers. 凯瑟琳的父母无法 容忍 她犯任何错误。

词组make allowance(s) for... 表示“考虑到…,体谅到…;体谅,谅解”。

alone [əˈləʊn]

adj. 单独的;孤独的 adv. 独自;只有,仅仅

A new study from the University of New South Wales has discovered that during the working week, Australian fathers only spend an average of just over a minute each day alone with their children. 新南威尔士大学的一项新的研究发现,在工作日期间,澳大利亚的父亲们平均每天单独陪伴孩子的时间只有一分多钟。(2010听力)

alone, lonely

alone强调独自一人的事实,也可以用来指单独一人的心情,只能用作表语,如:I was alone in the house.;lonely强调在孤独时渴望有人陪伴。

aloof [əˈluːf]

adj. 冷淡的,冷漠的,疏远的

In most people's eyes, Clinton was an aloof figure. 在大多数人眼里,克林顿是个冷漠的人。


alter [ˈɔːltə(r)]

v. 变动


Personal behaviour could be altered through techniques to supplement old routines. 个人行为可以通过加入旧习惯的方法来改变。(2013)


[ɔːlˈtɜːnət] adj. 交替的,轮流的,交错的

[ˈɔːltəneɪt] v. (使)交替,(使)轮流

This is an alternate universe. 这是个风水轮流转的世界。

alteration(n. 改变,变更,更改);alternative〔adj. 两者(或两者以上)选一的;选择性的 n. 取舍;替换物;可供选择的方法〕

amaze [əˈmeɪz]

vt. 令(人)惊愕,使(人)惊叹

The fact that they went back home amazes me. 他们已经回家的事实让我感到惊讶。


amazing(adj. 令人惊愕的,使人惊叹的);amazement(n. 惊愕,惊异)

ambiguity [ˌæmbɪˈɡjuːəti]

n. 模棱两可,含糊,不明确

There was an element of ambiguity in Dean's reply. 迪恩的回答有些模棱两可。

ambiguous(adj. 模棱两可的,意义不明确的)

ambition [æmˈbɪʃn]

n. 志向,抱负,雄心;野心,奢望


My ambition is to hold an important job one day. 我的目标是将来有一天拥有一份举足轻重的工作。

ambitious(adj. 有雄心的,野心勃勃的;劲头十足的)

amenable [əˈmiːnəbl]

adj. 顺从的,顺服的;会接纳的

That amenable child has become a little strange these days. 那个温顺的孩子最近变得有点奇怪。

amend [əˈmend]

v. 修改,修正,改进


The law has been amended to include women. 这条法律已经修改,将女性也包括在内。

amendment(n. 修改,修正,改进)

amiss [əˈmɪs]

adv. 错误地;不顺当地 adj. 错误的,有缺陷的;不合时宜的


Nothing has ever gone amiss since he took charge of the company. 这家公司自他接管以来还未出过问题。

ample [ˈæmpl]

adj. 足够的,充裕的;宽敞的,广大的

The company offers ample opportunities for talented people. 这家公司给有才能的人提供足够的机会。


amplify [ˈæmplɪfaɪ]

v. 详述;放大(声音等),增强(音量)


The effect of the taxes is amplified further when the revenue is used to fund initiatives that help smokers quit or persuade teens not to start. 当这笔税费作为帮助吸烟者戒烟或劝阻青少年不要开始吸烟的活动经费时,税收的作用就被进一步放大了。(2015)

amplifier(n. 放大器,扩音器)

amplify, expand


amuse [əˈmjuːz]

vt. 逗…乐;(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐

Every family member except Marriam was amused. 每个家庭成员都被逗乐了,除了玛丽亚姆。(2017)


amusement(n. 喜乐,兴趣;娱乐;文娱活动)

analogy [əˈnælədʒi]

n. 相似,类似;类推,类比,比拟


You should get the argument based on a correct analogy. 你应该基于一个正确的类推来得出这个论点。

analysis [əˈnæləsɪs]

n. 分析,分解

For example, trained observers obtain a very large amount of information about a star mainly from the accurate analysis of the simple lines that appear in a spectrum. 例如,训练有素的观察者主要通过对显现在光谱上的简单线条进行准确分析,获得有关某一星球的大量信息。(2010)

analytic(al)(adj. 分析的;分解的)

analyze [ˈænəlaɪz]

vt. 分析

He closed his eyes and held the two versions of La Mappa to his mind's vision to analyze their differences. 他闭上眼睛,脑海中想象着这两个版本的地图,以便分析它们的不同之处。(2017)

angular [ˈæŋɡjələ(r)]

adj. 尖锐的;有角的;角形的;(指人)瘦骨嶙峋的

Here, everything is composed of sharp and angular surfaces. 这里的所有东西都是由锋利、有角的表面构成的。

annex [ˈæneks]

vt. 吞并(土地等),兼并;添加

The islands were annexed by the US in 1898. 美国在1898年吞并了这些岛屿。

announce [əˈnaʊns]

v. 宣布;预告;广播,播音;通报,宣告…的来临


In 1997, the Swiss banks announced they had signed a pact with the Swiss National Bank. 1997年,瑞士的银行宣布它们已经与瑞士中央银行签订了协议。(2000)

announce 作“宣布”讲时,可与declare通用。

announcement(n. 宣布;通告;预告);announcer〔n. (无线电)广播员;(戏剧)报幕员〕

annoy [əˈnɔɪ]

v. 使烦恼,使生气;打搅

His remarks were such as to annoy everybody at the meeting. 他的话引起了所有与会人士的气愤。(2005)

注意:“Please don't annoy me.” 不是“别打搅我”,而是“烦着呢,别理我”的意思。

annoyance(n. 烦恼;使人烦恼的事)

annoy, bother, disturb, irritate


annual [ˈænjuəl]

adj. 每年的,年度的


The annual salary is 59,926 dollars. 年薪是59926美元。(2011听力)

annual相当于yearly, one-year。

annul [əˈnʌl]

vt. 宣告(婚姻、条约、契约等)无效,废除,撤销

Their marriage was annulled last month. 上个月他们的婚姻宣布结束。

anonymous [əˈnɒnɪməs]

adj. 无名的,匿名的


The mayor received an anonymous letter. 市长收到一封匿名信。

antecedent [ˌæntɪˈsiːdnt]

adj. 先前的,先行的 n. 前例,前事


A group of artists proclaimed Picasso as their antecedent. 一群艺术家宣称毕加索是他们的先驱。

anticipate [ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt]

vt. 预料;先发制人;先于…做


In Switzerland, if you were simply to anticipate a traffic light, the chances are that the motorist behind you would take your number and report you to the police. 在瑞士,如果你在绿灯未亮前先行,很有可能你后面的驾驶员会记下你的车牌号并报告给警察。(2004)

anticipation(n. 预期,期望)

anticipate, foresee


Man errs so long as he strives.


——德国诗人、剧作家 歌德
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet and dramatist) e3E0doC7zMpsmmEoeLLSr8UUvuO/DsfMdDjpQpTDBUejNSrMtfTij2Tn7iCCXNaj
