
Word List 5


congregate [ˈkɒŋɡrɪɡeɪt]

v. 集合,聚集


Those five girls usually congregate in a group. 那五个女生通常聚集在一起。


congregation〔n. 聚集,集会;人群;(教堂中的)会众〕

congruent [ˈkɒŋɡruənt]

adj. 一致的;和谐的;相合的;全等的

I believe my competence is extremely congruent with the require-ments of the company. 我相信我的能力绝对符合公司的要求。

congruence/congruency(n. 一致;和谐;相合;全等)

conquer [ˈkɒŋkə(r)]

v. 征服,战胜,占领;克服(困难等),破除(坏习惯等)


Her dream is to conquer the whole world. 她的梦想就是征服全世界。

谚语:To conquer or to die. (不成功便成仁)。

conqueror(n. 征服者;胜利者);conquest(n. 征服;战利品,征服的土地)

conscience [ˈkɒnʃəns]

n. 良心,天良


for conscience(’s) sake You should send it back for conscience's sake. 为了问心无愧 ,你得把东西送回去。 // have a guilty conscience I might have a guilty conscience if I tell a lie. 如果撒谎,我会 感到内疚 的。

conscientious [ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs]

adj. 审慎正直的;本着良心的;认真的


He is far from conscientious about his work. 约翰做事很不认真。

conscientiously(adv. 认真地,诚心诚意地)

conscientious, conscious


conscious [ˈkɒnʃəs]

adj. 有意识的,自觉的;神志清醒的


I have been and always will be conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. 我一直也将永远履行我作为公民的道德义务。(2005)

consciousness(n. 意识,知觉;觉悟,自觉)

consecutive [kənˈsekjətɪv]

adj. 连续的,连贯的


It has been raining for three consecutive days. 雨已经连续下了三天了。

consent [kənˈsent]

n./vi. 同意,答应


His parents finally gave their consent to the marriage. 他父母终于同意了这桩婚事。

consent后一般接to,句子结构为:consent to sth.。

consequence [ˈkɒnsɪkwəns]

n. 结果,后果;重要(性)


International officials warn that the disease will have disastrous political, social, and economic consequences in many developing countries. 国际官员警告,这种疾病会给很多发展中国家的政治、社会和经济造成灾难性的后果。(2003听力)

consequence 的固定搭配是in consequence,表示“因此,结果”。

consequence, aftermath, result


consequent [ˈkɒnsɪkwənt]

adj. 随之而来的,由…所导致的


Global warming and the consequent climatic changes affect us all. 全球变暖以及随之而来的气候变化影响我们每一个人。

consequently(adv. 因而,所以)

conserve [kənˈsɜːv]

v. 节约使用;保存


Different areas have different ways to conserve water. 不同地区有不同的储水方法。

conservation〔n. 保存;(森林等自然资源的)保护;资源保护区〕;conservatism(n. 保守,守旧性;保守主义);conservative(adj. 保守的;拘谨的,谨慎的 n. 因循守旧者,保守者;保守党党员)

considerable [kənˈsɪdərəbl]

adj. 值得考虑的;值得重视的,重要的;相当大(或多)的


This vital change of physical position of the apemen brought about considerable disadvantages. 猿人身体姿势的重大改变带来了相当多的坏处。

considerate [kənˈsɪdərət]

adj. 关切的,体贴的;替人着想的,考虑周到的


What we need here is a clerk who is careful and considerate. 我们这儿需要的是一个细心并且考虑周到的职员。(2000听力)

considerate, considerable


considering [kənˈsɪdərɪŋ]

prep. 就…而论,照…来说

The trip today is expensive considering inflation. 考虑到通货膨胀,今天的行程费用很高。 (2014 听力)

consist [kənˈsɪst]

v. 由…组成,由…构成;在于,存在于


A caste system consists of ranked groups, each with a different economic specialization. 种姓制度包括不同等级的群体,每个群体专门从事不同的经济行业。(2010)

consist常与介词of和in搭配,consist of表示“由…组成,包括”,consist in表示“在于…”。

consistent [kənˈsɪstənt]

adj. 坚固的,坚实的;一致的,连贯的,始终如一的


We need to be consistent in our policy. 我们在政策上要前后一致。


consistency〔n. 一贯,前后一致;稳定性;(液体的)浓度〕

consolidate [kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt]

v. 巩固;统一,合并


Several small businesses consolidated to form a large powerful company. 几家小企业合并成了一家实力雄厚的大公司。

conspicuous [kənˈspɪkjuəs]

adj. 显著的,引人注目的


Peter was conspicuous for his queer jeans. 彼得因为他那条古怪的牛仔裤引起了人们的注意。

conspicuous, prominent, noticeable


constant [ˈkɒnstənt]

adj. 坚定的;坚贞的;永恒的;经常的,不断的


constant interruptions 无休止的干扰

constantly(adv. 永恒地;经常地,不断地)

constitute [ˈkɒnstɪtjuːt]

vt. 构成,组成


Fifty states constitute this country. 这个国家由50个州组成。

constitution(n. 宪法;体质,体格;构造,结构);constitutional(adj. 体格的,体质上的;构成的;符合宪法的,宪法所规定的)

consult [kənˈsʌlt]

v. 找…商议;找(医生)诊治;翻阅,查阅(书籍、地图等)

Each student has a tutor whom they can consult on any matter whether academic or personal. 每个学生都有一位指导教师,学生可以向其询问任何问题,无论是学业上的还是个人的。

consult的固定搭配:①consult about sth. (商议某事);②consult with sb. (与某人商议);③consult for (为…作咨询)。

consultant(n. 顾问;医院的高级顾问医师);consultation(n. 请教,咨询;磋商)

consume [kənˈsjuːm]

v. 消费,耗尽;烧毁;吃光,饮尽


We consumed 5 bottles of beer at dinner. 我们晚饭时喝光了五瓶啤酒。

consumer(n. 消费者);consumption〔n. 消费(量),消耗〕

contact [ˈkɒntækt]

n. 接触,联系;交往 v. 接触,联系


For those who are far away, keeping in contact with friends and family would be impossible without the Internet. 对于那些相距甚远的人而言,如果没有互联网,他们就没办法与朋友和家人保持联络了。(2012听力) // make contact with sb./sth. We would like to make contact with you in order to make a deal about buying some products of your company. 我们想与贵公司 联系 ,以便就采购贵公司的一些产品达成交易。

make contact with sb. 的意思是“与某人交谈、会晤、取得联系”。

contagious〔adj. (接触)传染的〕

contaminate [kənˈtæmɪneɪt]

vt. 污染,玷污

Water was contaminated by the chemicals. 水被化学物质污染了。

contamination(n. 污染)

contemporary [kənˈtemprəri]

adj. 当代的;同时代的,同年龄的 n. 同期的人,同辈


The Turner Prize is an award for a British contemporary artist. 特纳奖是表彰英国当代艺术家的奖项。(2018)


[kənˈtent] adj. 满足的,满意的

[ˈkɒntent] n. 容量,含量;内容


He emptied the contents of the bag onto the table. 他把袋子里的东西都倒在了桌上。

句式结构:be content to do sth. (乐于做某事)。

contented(adj. 满意的,知足的)


[kənˈtest] v. 争夺,竞争

[ˈkɒntest] n. 争夺;竞赛,比赛


Cheerleaders have their own contests every year at local, state and national levels. 拉拉队每年有自己的比赛,分为地方、州和国家三种级别。(2005) // Betty contested the other two players for the first place. 贝蒂与其他两名参赛者争夺冠军。


contestant(n. 竞争者,选手)

continue [kənˈtɪnjuː]

v. 继续;接着说

The pressures of competition in the life of an American begin in childhood and continue until retirement from work. 美国人生活中的竞争压力始于童年,一直持续到退休。(2018)

continue to do和continue doing都有“继续做某事”的意思,它们的差别在于前者指中断后继续做另一件事,后者指中断后继续做同一件事。

continuity(n. 连贯性,连续性,持续性);continuous(adj. 持续的,不间断的,连续的);continual(adj. 多次重复的,频繁的;持续的,不间断的)


[ˈkɒntrækt] n. 契约,合同

[kənˈtrækt] v. 订立合约,签订合同;(使)收缩;得病,感染疾病


We have to contract with you for this business. 我们必须和你签订这笔交易的合约。// Family members of infected people and medical workers who care for them have been most likely to contract the illness. 被感染的病人的家属和照料他们的医护人员最有可能感染该疾病。(2009)

contract“收缩,缩小”这个意思不常见,主要指内部收紧,使尺寸、体积、范围逐渐减小。“签订合同”可以用sign a contract表示,也可用make a contract with sb. 表示。

contraction(n. 收缩,缩小;缩略字);contractor(n. 承包商,承建商)

contradict [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt]

v. 否定;反驳;与…产生矛盾


Charles did not contradict his teacher's comment. 查尔斯没有反驳老师的意见。


contradiction(n. 矛盾);contradictory(adj. 相互矛盾的;爱反驳别人的)

contrary [ˈkɒntrəri]

adj. 相反的,相对的;对抗的 n. 反面


Contrary to what one would expect, this kind of shop-lifter is rarely poor. 与人们想象的相反,这类商店扒手很少是穷人。(2004) // on the contrary I don't think it is boring. On the contrary, I like this kind of movie. 我不觉得它无聊, 相反 ,我喜欢这种类型的电影。

contrary的常用短语搭配:①contrary to (与…相反);②to the contrary (相反,与此相反)。


[ˈkɒntrɑːst] n. 对比,对照

[kənˈtrɑːst] v. 使对比,形成对照


This specialisation of labour was in marked contrast to the rural means of production. 劳动的专业化与农村的生产方式形成鲜明的对照(有显著的不同)。(2014)

contribute [kənˈtrɪbjuːt]

v. 捐助,捐赠;投稿;贡献,对…作出贡献


The Students' Union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival next semester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and suggestions as to how it should be organized or what should be included. 你们大学的学生会正计划在下学期举办一次艺术节,他们邀请学生就如何组织和应该包括些什么内容来发表自己的意见和建议。(2005) // I contributed many times to the publishing house but all of my articles were refused. 我多次向出版社投稿,但都被退了回来。


contribution(n. 捐款;投稿;贡献);contributor(n. 投稿者;捐助者)

control [kənˈtrəʊl]

v. 控制,抑制 n. 控制,支配,调节,抑制

They believed that the ankh could control the flow of the river and make sure that there was always enough water. 人们相信安可能够控制河水的流量,确保河中总是有足够的水量。(2016) // out of control The fire is out of control now. 现在火势 失去 控制

in control的意思是“指挥,管理,支配”,与in charge of相近。

controversial [ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃl]

adj. 引起争论的,有争议的


People are now moving towards solving many controversial issues. 人们现在正在试图解决很多有争议的问题。

controversy(n. 争论,辩论)

convenient [kənˈviːniənt]

adj. 便利的,方便的;合适的


New technology always makes our lives convenient. 新科技总是让我们的生活更加便利。

convenience(n. 便利;方便的时候,适当的机会;便利设施)

convention [kənˈvenʃn]

n. (传统性的)习惯;代表大会,定期大会


The new generation will not be inhibited by outmoded social conventions. 新时代的人不会被陈旧的社会习俗所约束。

conventional(adj. 习惯的;常规的)


[kənˈvɜːs] v. 交谈

[ˈkɒnvɜːs] adj. 相反的,逆的 n. 相反的事物


They got lost in the forest and went in the converse direction. 他们在森林里迷路了,走到了相反的方向上。

conversation(n. 会话,闲谈)


[kənˈvɜːt] v. 改变,转变;改变…的信仰;兑换

[ˈkɒnvɜːt] n. 改变信仰的人,皈依者


The deserted building has been converted into a shopping mall. 那栋废弃的楼房被改成了一家商场。


conversion(n. 转变,变换;信仰的改变;兑换)

convert, transform

convert主要用来表示某物为了起某种作用而发生的细节、属性上的变化,如:Iron is converted into steel.;transform表示形式、外表或本质的彻底改变,如:transform heat into power。

convey [kənˈveɪ]

v. 运输,运送;传达,传递


A speech that conveys knowledge and enhances understanding can inform us. 一场传达知识、加强理解的演讲可以让我们获得信息。(2013)


[kənˈvɪkt] v. 证明…有罪,宣判…有罪,定罪

[ˈkɒnvɪkt] n. 被判入狱的罪犯


What is more, the police would visit you; and you would be convicted. 更严重的是,警察会去找你,然后你将会被定罪。(2004)

convict的常用搭配是convict sb. of (doing) sth.,表示“判决某人犯某罪”。

conviction(n. 定罪;信念,坚信)

convince [kənˈvɪns]

v. 使确信,使信服;说服


I have managed to convince myself that if it weren't for my job I would immediately head out for the open spaces and go back to nature in some sleepy village buried in the country. 我成功地说服自己,如果不是为了工作,我立马就出发去旷野,在一个沉睡于乡间的安静村庄回归大自然的怀抱。(2001)

convince表示已经说服了,有了一个确切的结果,而不像try to persuade这样似是而非。

convincing(adj. 有说服力的,令人信服的)

cooperate [kəʊˈɒpəreɪt]

v. 合作,协力


All the nations around the world should cooperate with each other and develop together. 世界各国应该相互合作,共同发展。


cooperation(n. 合作,协力;合作的意愿);cooperative〔n. 合作社,合作商店(或企业等) adj. 合作的,协作的;有合作意向的,乐意合作的〕

coordinate [kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪt]

v. 调节,协调,统筹


You must coordinate your movements when dancing. 你跳舞时动作必须协调。


cope [kəʊp]

v. (成功地)对付,应付

The following two situations can enable us to clearly see how a positive attitude helps us cope with unpleasant things. 以下两种情况可以让我们清楚地看到,积极乐观的态度如何帮助我们应付让人不开心的事情。(2003)

词组cope with表示“同…对抗;应付”。

cordial [ˈkɔːdiəl]

adj. 热情友好的,热诚的


Our meeting with that company was cordial. 我们和那家公司开会时的气氛很友好。

corporal [ˈkɔːpərəl]

adj. 肉体的,身体的


We are planning the corporal works these days. 我们这几天正在计划搞人体艺术。

correct [kəˈrekt]

adj. 正确的;(行为、礼貌等)恰当的 v. 改正,纠正


He is the only person who knows the correct way to shut the machine down. 他是唯一一个知道如何关这台机器的人。

correction(n. 订正,修正;惩戒)

correspond [ˌkɒrəˈspɒnd]

v. 符合,一致;相当,相应;通信


I'd like to find a job corresponding with my interests. 我想找一份与我的志趣相符的工作。

表示“与…相符、一致”时,correspond可接with和to;另外correspond with还可表示“与…通信”,correspond to则是“相当于…,等于…”的意思。

correspondence〔n. 符合,一致;相当,相应;通信(联系)〕;correspondent〔n. 通信者,(新闻)通讯员,记者〕

corrupt [kəˈrʌpt]

adj. 腐败的,贪污的;腐烂的,污浊的 v. 腐蚀,使腐坏;贿赂;损坏;破坏


The next morning, when I turned my computer back on, it informed me that a file had been corrupted and Windows would not load. 第二天清晨,当我重新打开电脑时,它提醒我文件已被损坏,Windows系统无法加载。(2009)

corruption(n. 贪污,腐败;讹误)

cost [kɒst]

n. 成本,价格,费用;代价 v. 使花费,值(多少钱);付出代价,使丧失;估计…的成本

Text messages cost carriers less than traditional mobile voice transmissions, and so they cost users less. 短信比传统的移动通话传输花费要低,因此用户使用起来也更经济实惠。(2014) // at all costs You see a fancy has occurred to me and I want to realize it at all costs. 你知道我突然有了一个设想,我要 不惜一切代价 将它实现。// at the cost of Being blind had forced me to discover the blindness in my soul; at the cost of pain I tasted again the sweetness of life. 失明迫使我去探索心灵中的黑暗, 付出 痛苦的 代价 后,我再次品尝到了生命的甜美。

costly(adj. 昂贵的,代价高的;价值高的,豪华的)

counsel [ˈkaʊnsl]

n. 辩护律师;(专业)意见,忠告 v. 劝告,提供意见

Your teacher can give you some vocational counsel. 你的老师可以给你提出一些就业指导意见。

counsel有两种句式:①counsel sb. to do sth. 〔(当面)劝某人做某事〕;②counsel one's doing sth.〔(不当着某人的面)建议某人做某事〕。

counsel(l)or(n. 顾问;律师)

counterattack [ˈkaʊntərətæk]

v. 反攻,反击


They seized a good opportunity to counterattack and succeeded. 他们抓住了一个很好的机会进行反攻,并取得了成功。

counterattack是个复合词,可以接on, 表示“对…反攻”。

counterpart [ˈkaʊntəpɑːt]

n. 相对应的人(物)


The London Stock Exchange discusses a $2 billion bid for its Italian counterpart, say sources quoted by Reuters. 路透社援引消息称,伦敦证券交易所讨论以20亿美元的价格竞标意大利证券交易所。

courteous [ˈkɜːtiəs]

adj. 有礼貌的,谦恭的


The boy appeared to be very courteous. 这个男孩看起来很有礼貌。

courtesy(n. 礼节,礼貌)

coward [ˈkaʊəd]

n. 怯懦;胆怯者


He was too much of a coward to tell the truth even to his closest friend. 他太懦弱了,以致于那个真相他连最好的朋友都不敢告诉。(2001)

cowardly(adj. 怯懦的,胆小的)

cozy(cosy) [ˈkəʊzi]

adj. 温暖舒适的,安逸的

We booked a cozy and cheerful room in the hotel. 我们在这家旅馆预订了一间温暖舒适、令人愉快的房间。

crack [kræk]

v. (使)破裂;砸碎 n. 裂缝;爆裂声

I knew that losing our money had cracked me wide open. 我知道失去我们的钱让我彻底崩溃了。(2013)

crack down意为“竭力取缔,严厉打击”。

crafty [ˈkrɑːfti]

adj. 狡猾的,狡诈的

来自craft(n. 手腕,技巧)

Wood always looks at others with a crafty expression on his face. 伍德看着别人的时候,脸上总是带着狡诈的表情。

crafty, sly, cunning

三个词都有“狡猾的”之意。crafty指诡计多端的;sly指善于欺骗的、不诚实的,如:a sly fox;cunning强调聪明机智,通常不顾道德标准,如:Cunning men pass for wise.

crash [kræʃ]

v. 碰撞;坠落;发出撞击(或爆裂)声;失败,垮台 n. 碰撞;坠落;撞击声,爆裂声;失败,垮台

The buses crashed through a metal railing and hung precariously over Interstate 5 for several hours before tow trucks pulled them back on the road. 公共汽车撞穿了一个金属栏杆,在5号州际公路边摇摇晃晃地悬了几个小时,直到拖车将其拉回路上。(2010听力)


crawl [krɔːl]

n./v. 爬,爬行,匍匐前进;缓慢地移动,徐徐前进

The heavy traffic crawled through the narrow tunnel. 拥挤的车辆慢吞吞地穿过狭窄的隧道。

create [kriˈeɪt]

v. 创造,创作;引起,产生,造成


Pressure to excel often creates stress, and many students are not learning how to effectively handle this stress. 迫使自己超越别人往往会导致压力,很多学生并没有学会如何有效处理这种压力。(2014)

creation(n. 创造,创作;作品);creative(adj. 有创造性的;创作的);creativity(n. 创造力;创造);creature(n. 创造物;生物,动物)

credible [ˈkredəbl]

adj. 可信的,可靠的


Jack presents credible information to convict the defendant's crime. 杰克提供了可靠的证据证明被告有罪。

credit [ˈkredɪt]

n. 信任;信用,赊欠;声望;荣誉;学分;(银行)存款,债权 v. 相信,信任


If you can't afford to pay cash, buy it on credit. 如果不能支付现金,你就赊购吧。// be a credit to Sophia is a credit to her family. 索菲娅为家庭增光。

creditor(n. 债权人,债主)

credulous [ˈkredʒələs]

adj. 轻信的,易受骗的


She is not a credulous person who believes what shopkeepers say. 她不是一个轻信店主的话的人。


creed [kriːd]

n. (宗教)信条,教义


It is not so easy for John to abide by the creeds. 对于约翰而言,要遵守这些教义可不是件容易的事。

creep [kriːp]

v. 爬行;蹑手蹑脚地走,悄悄地走

I crept along the corridor in order not to waken her. 我蹑手蹑脚地穿过走廊,以免把她吵醒。

creep, crawl

creep通常指四肢着地、偷偷地爬行,主要用于形容人或其他四肢动物的动作;crawl强调的爬行贴近地面,通常指无腿或有许多腿的动物的动作,如:Worms and snakes crawl.

crinkle [ˈkrɪŋkl]

n. 皱纹 v. (使)起皱

和wrinkle(n. 皱纹)一起记

The crinkle shows that she is very old. 皱纹表明她已经很老了。

词组crinkle (up) one's nose是“皱起鼻子(表示困惑、不赞成)”的意思。

cripple [ˈkrɪpl]

n. 跛足的人,残疾人 v. 使…残废;使…受损害

Belle was crippled in a car accident. 贝尔在一次车祸中成了残疾人。

谚语:He that lives with cripples learns to limp. (近朱者赤,近墨者黑)。

crisis [ˈkraɪsɪs]

n. [pl. crises] 危机;危急存亡之际,决定性时刻;转折点

During the economic crisis, they had to cut back production and lay off workers. 经济危机期间,他们不得不削减生产量,解雇工人。(2015)

crisp [krɪsp]

adj. 脆的,硬而易碎的;清新的,爽快的;(态度等)干脆明确的

His reply to me is crisp and assured. 他给我的答复干脆而肯定。

criterion [kraɪˈtɪəriən]

n. [pl. criteria] 标准,准则


Loyalty is the true criterion of friends. 忠诚是评判朋友的真正准则。

critical [ˈkrɪtɪkl]

adj. 批评(性)的,评论(性)的;对…表示谴责的;紧要的,关键性的;危害的


Furthermore, he is not only critical of the work of others, but also of his own. 此外,他不仅对他人的作品持批判态度,对自己的作品也是如此。(2010)

critic(n. 批评家,评论家);criticism(n. 评论文章,评论;批评,指责,非难)

criticize [ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz]

v. 批评;评价,评论;挑剔


This mother had rarely criticized any of her children. 这位母亲很少批评她的任何一个孩子。

criticism(n. 批评,批判)

criticize, blame, condemn

criticize是评价或批评,一般指不利的评价,但不是故意非难,感情上比较中立;blame意为“责备,责怪”,指认为某人应对某件不好的事负责,如:He blamed the accident on the other driver.;condemn是强烈的谴责。

crouch [kraʊtʃ]

v. 蹲伏,蜷缩

She crouched by the fire to get warm. 她蜷缩在火堆旁取暖。

crucial [ˈkruːʃl]

adj. 极重要的,决定性的,关键性的


The stone chip is thought to be the most important tool because it was crucial to the development of mankind. 碎石片被看成是最重要的工具,因为它对于人类的发展来说具有决定性意义。

crude [kruːd]

adj. 天然的,未加工的;粗野的,没有教养的;赤裸裸的 n. 原油


crude oil 原油 // Bill's crude behavior annoyed his teacher. 比尔粗鲁的行为惹恼了老师。

cruel [ˈkruːəl]

adj. 残忍的,残酷的;令人痛苦的

Finning is a cruel practice in which the shark's fins are lopped off, and the live shark is thrown back to sea. 割鱼鳍是一种残忍的做法,鲨鱼鳍被割下来后,依然活着的鲨鱼又被扔回海里。(2016)

cruelty(n. 残忍,残酷;[pl.]残酷的行为)

cruise [kruːz]

v. 巡航,游弋;旅行,漫游

联想记忆:汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)在巡游(cruise)

The government sent the police to cruise around the sea waters. 政府派警察在这片海域周围巡游。// From anywhere between US$8.52 and $9.50, you can use the canal bus or a water taxi to cruise the “Venice of the North”. 你从任何地方出发,花上8.52到9.5美元就可以乘坐运河公交或水上出租车游览“北方的威尼斯”。(2008)

cruiser(n. 巡洋舰;有船舱的游艇)

crumble [ˈkrʌmbl]

v. 弄碎,粉碎;崩溃,瓦解

和rumble(v. 发隆隆声)一起记:帝国轰隆隆地瓦解了

The stone actually crumbled into dust in his hand. 石头竟然在他手里碎成了粉末。


crush [krʌʃ]

v. 压碎;压服,压倒 n. 压碎;(水果的)汁

与形近词crash(v. 坠落,撞毁)一起记

Her package had been badly crushed in the post. 她的包裹在邮寄过程中被压坏了。

cue [kjuː]

n. 提示,暗示


If you leave running shorts on the floor at night, that'll be a cue to go running in the morning. 如果你晚上把跑步短裤放在地板上,它会暗示你早上去跑步。(2013)

on cue表示“恰好在这时候”。

cultivate [ˈkʌltɪveɪt]

v. 耕作;栽培(植物),养殖(鱼类等);培养,修习,陶冶(思想、感情等)


The symbolism may come from the fact that the olive tree takes a long time to produce fruit, so olives could only be cultivated successfully in long periods of peace. 橄榄树象征和平可能是由于橄榄结果的时间很长,因此唯有在长期和平的环境中才能成功培育出橄榄。(2016) // The farmers have cultivated the soil for years. 农民们已经在这块土地上耕作好几年了。

cultivated(adj. 有教养的,有修养的,文雅的)

cunning [ˈkʌnɪŋ]

n./adj. 狡猾(的),狡诈(的);灵巧(的);熟练(的)

We found out that Mike was a cunning cheater. 我们发现迈克是一个诡计多端的骗子。

cunning不全是贬义用法,也可表示“灵巧的,巧妙的”,其固定句式搭配是show much cunning at doing sth.,表示“做某事很灵巧”。

curb [kɜːb]

n. 勒马的链条(或皮带);控制;路边 v. 给(马)装上勒马链,勒住(马);控制,约束


The aim of the agreement was to prevent the improper use of the country's bank secrecy laws, and its effect was to curb severely the system of secrecy. 该协议的目的是防止对国家银行保密法的滥用,其作用在于严格地约束保密系统。(2000) // You must keep a curb on your behavior. 你必须控制住自己的行为。// Several days later, I was bringing our garbage bins back from the curb when I noticed an envelope taped to one of the lids. 几天后,我把垃圾箱从路边拿回来时注意到一个垃圾箱盖上夹着一个信封。(2009)

词组keep a curb on表示“控制…”。

curb, restrain, inhibit

三个词都有“制止,控制,约束”的意思。curb强调以突然、严厉的方式控制、抑制;restrain指使用某种强迫手段或通过劝说来约束或制止,常用搭配是restrain sb. from doing sth.;inhibit强调抑制、控制某种情感、欲望等,如:Thirst inhibited the desire to eat.

curiosity [ˌkjʊəriˈɒsəti]

n. 好奇,好奇心;珍品,奇物

联想记忆:curi(看作care,关心)+o(音似:all)+sity(音似:city) →“家事、国事、天下事,事事关心”→好奇心

First of all, it seems that a successful scientist is full of curiosity—he wants to find out how and why the universe works. 首先,一个成功的科学家似乎总是充满了好奇心——他想弄清宇宙运行的方式和原因。(2010)

out of curiosity是固定搭配,表示“出于好奇”。

curious [ˈkjʊəriəs]

adj. 好奇的,有求知欲的;奇特的,不寻常的

Loneliness is a curious thing and it is very difficult to get rid of. 孤独是一种很奇特的东西,人们很难摆脱这种感觉。(2000)

curiosity〔n. 好奇(心);奇品,珍品,古玩〕

curse [kɜːs]

n./v. 诅咒,咒骂


It is better to light one candle than curse the darkness. 点上一根蜡烛总好过咒骂黑暗。


cursed(adj. 可憎的,可恶的,讨厌的)

custody [ˈkʌstədi]

n. 监护权;监管;扣留,监禁

The elderly woman moved with her deliberate slowness back to her daughter's custody. 老妇人小心翼翼地回到女儿的照管之下。(2019)

in custody是常用搭配,表示“被拘留”。

cynical [ˈsɪnɪkl]

adj. 愤世嫉俗的,(对人性或动机)怀疑的


He was getting harder and more cynical about life. 他变得更加冷酷和愤世嫉俗。

damn [dæm]

adj. (表示愤怒、厌烦、失望等)该死的,可恶的 v. 指责,谴责;咒骂 n. 咒骂;丝毫,一点点

Her report is damned by her boss. 她的报告被老板批得一无是处。// Can't you give a damn about it? 你难道不能对这件事上点心吗?

damn常用在口语中表咒骂,如:God damn it!

damned(adj. 打入地狱的,该死的,糟糕的,讨厌的 adv. 非常)

damp [dæmp]

adj. 潮湿的;沉闷的 n. 潮湿,湿气 v. 使潮湿;使沮丧;减低,减弱,抑制


Ann had to damp every crazy thought. 安不得不抑制住每一个疯狂的想法。

dawn [dɔːn]

n. 黎明,拂晓;开端 v. 破晓;开始;展现

It could offer all the year round, from the dawn of Monday to the night of Saturday. 它可以全年供应,从星期一的清晨到星期六的夜晚。(2000)

daze [deɪz]

v. 使茫然;使眼花缭乱;使惊奇 n. 迷乱,恍惚


I am dazed by what has just happened. 刚才发生的一切让我感到茫然。// The sudden news left him in a daze. 那个突然的消息使他神志恍惚。

dazzle [ˈdæzl]

v. 耀眼;使惊奇,使倾倒 n. 闪耀,耀眼

The dazzle of headlights lit the road ahead. 汽车前灯耀眼的光照亮了前方的路。

decay [dɪˈkeɪ]

v. (使)腐败,(使)腐烂;(使)衰弱 n. 腐烂,腐朽;衰退,衰败

The doctor told me that my teeth were decayed. 医生说我长了虫牙。// The old tree was in decay. 那棵老树已经腐朽了。

decay表示从完好健全的状态变弱,主要强调腐败、衰弱的阶段。固定搭配有go to decay和fall into decay,意思是“腐朽,凋谢”。

deceive [dɪˈsiːv]

v. 欺骗,欺诈


Anthony deceived the young girl who loves him. 安东尼欺骗了那个爱他的年轻女孩。

deceive指有意隐瞒或歪曲真相以获得某种利益,固定搭配是deceive sb. into doing sth. 表示“欺骗某人做某事”。

deceit(n. 欺骗,欺诈;骗术);deceitful(adj. 欺诈的,不诚实的);deception(n. 欺骗;诡计,骗局);deceptive(adj. 欺骗的,虚假的,容易使人上当的)

decent [ˈdiːsnt]

adj. 体面的,正当的;严肃的;高雅的;和气的,过得去的,宽容的


I will try my best to make my parents live a decent life. 我会努力让父母过上体面的生活。// The young employee has a decent quality—he is totally honest. 这个年轻的雇员品质不错,他非常诚实。(2009)

indecent(adj. 不体面的;下流的)

decide [dɪˈsaɪd]

v. 决定;解决,判决;使下决心,使决定


He decided to speak to his boss's mother about his problems at work, rather than to go directly to his boss. 他决定去跟老板的母亲讨论工作中遇到的问题,而不是直接去找老板。

decidedly(adv. 下定决心地;毅然决然地);decision(n. 决定,抉择;判决;果断;决心);decisive(adj. 坚决的,果断的;有决定作用的;明确的)

declare [dɪˈkleə(r)]

v. 宣告,公告;表明,断言;申报(纳税品等)


Three friends had declared bankruptcy and weren't sure where or how they were going to live. 三个朋友已经宣布破产,他们不确定要住在哪里,该如何生活。 (2013)

declaration(n. 宣告,宣言,布告)

decline [dɪˈklaɪn]

v. 衰退,下降,减少;拒绝,婉辞 n. 下降,减少;衰退;衰落期


When invited to talk about his achievements, he refused to blow his own trumpet and declined to speak at the meeting. 当被邀请谈论自己的成就时,他拒绝自吹自擂,并谢绝在大会上发言。(2008)


reduce, decline


decode [ˌdiːˈkəʊd]

v. 破译(密码),解密


The group decoded the message successfully. 那个小组成功破解了这一情报。

decorate [ˈdekəreɪt]

v. 装饰,装修,粉刷


Boys and girls decorated their classroom with pictures. 班里的男孩和女孩们用照片装饰教室。

decoration(n. 装饰,装饰品,装潢);decorative(adj. 美观的,装饰的)

A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.


——美国演员 巴里穆尔(J. Barrymore, American actor) UqWl8F5dgkhjuKXCZIAF8g6k1nRmf7rZS+hiLWBBTEMLBpIqdvd6GxGIHUemFqa5
