
Word List 03




association [əˌsəʊʃiˈeɪʃn]

n. ① 协会,团体

research associations 研究协会 // an alumni association 校友会

② 联合;联系;交往

I benefited much from my association with Tom. 与汤姆的交往使我受益匪浅。

③ 联想

My hometown offers me many happy associations. 故乡给我种种美好的联想。


periodical [ˌpɪəriˈɒdɪkl]

n. 期刊,杂志

a. 周期的,定期的

The manager turns periodical reports to the board of directors. 经理定期向董事会提交报告。

regular(a. 规则的;定期的)


review 评论

editorial 社论

columnist 专栏作家

front page 头版

title 标题

journal 学报


testify [ˈtestɪfaɪ]


v. 证明;证实

testify in court 出庭作证

testify to 作为某事的证据,证实 His nervous behaviour testified to his guilt. 他紧张不安的举动证明他是有罪的。

attest(v. 证明);substantiate(v. 证明,证实)


prolong [prəˈlɒŋ]


vt. 拉长,延长

The President prolonged his visit by a week for some reasons. 由于某些原因,总统将访问延长了一个星期。

prolonged(a. 延长的;拖延的)

elongate(v. 伸长,拉长);extend(v. 延展,延长)

shorten〔v. (使)缩短〕


hum [hʌm]


v. ① 哼(曲子)

Henry often hums the tune to his son. 亨利经常给儿子哼那首曲子。

② 发嗡嗡声

The mosquito hummed around me so that I couldn’t go to sleep. 蚊子在我身边嗡嗡叫着,搞得我无法入睡。

③ (with)忙碌;活跃,充满活力

The whole place was humming with life when we arrived. 当我们到达时,那里到处生机勃勃。

n. 嗡嗡声;嘈杂声

Marty started to hear a low hum in the distance. 马蒂开始听到远处传来一阵低沉的嗡嗡声。

buzz(vi. 发出嗡嗡声)


batch [bætʃ]


n. 一批,一组,一群

The second batch of wine was better than the first. 第二批酿的酒比第一批要好。


angle [ˈæŋgl]


n. ① 角


Seen from this angle , the mountain was like a camel. 从这个角度看,那座山像只骆驼。


algorithm [ˈælɡərɪðəm]

n. 算法,计算程序

It is not enough to say that the algorithms DeepMind develops will benefit patients and save lives. 仅仅说深度思考公司开发的算法将造福患者和拯救生命是不够的。


prayer [ˈpreə]

n. 祈祷,祷告;祷文

Mary says her prayers every night before going to bed. 玛丽每晚睡觉之前都要祷告。


proposal [prəˈpəʊzl]

来自propose(v. 提议,建议)

n. ① 提议,建议

Many a delegate to the conference was in favor of the chairman’s proposal. 许多与会代表都赞成主席的提议。

② 求婚

Mary accepted Jack’s proposal this morning. 玛丽今天早上接受了杰克的求婚。


redeem [rɪˈdiːm]

vt. ①赎回

Jack finally redeemed his watch from the pawnbroker. 杰克最终从当铺老板那里赎回了手表。

② 挽回

He has a chance to redeem himself after yesterday’s mistake. 他有一个机会可以弥补昨天的过失。

③ 救赎

He prays to be redeemed by Jesus Christ from his past sins. 他祈求上帝将他从过去的罪孽中救赎出来。


legacy [ˈlegəsi]


n. ① 遗产

John’s father left a legacy of one thousand pounds. 约翰的父亲留下了1000英镑的遗产。

② 遗留之物

The invasion left a legacy of hatred and fear. 入侵留下了仇恨和恐惧。


malignant [məˈlɪgnənt]

a. ① 恶毒的;恶性的

It was the malignant brain tumor that led to Kate’s paralysis. 恶性脑瘤使凯特瘫痪了。

② 致命的

A highly malignant kind of cancer was discovered by experts last month. 上个月,专家发现了一种非常致命的癌症。


recall [rɪˈkɔːl]

vt. ① 回忆,回想

recall one’s schooldays 回忆起学生时代 // I remember her face, but I can’t recall her name. 我记得她的长相,但想不起她的名字了。

② 撤销,收回

Is there any chance to recall what I said? 我还有机会收回我所说的话吗?

n. 召回令;回收令


coincide [ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd]


vi. (with)和…一致,相符,相同

Our tastes in many aspects coincide with each other. 我们在很多方面的品位都一致。

agree(vi. 与…一致)


clockwise [ˈklɒkwaɪz]


a. 顺时针方向的

The nuns walked around the courtyard in a clockwise direction every morning. 那些修女们每天早上绕着院子按顺时针方向行走。

anticlockwise/counterclockwise (a. 逆时针方向的)


latitude [ˈlætɪtjuːd]

n. 纬度;自由度

The test of any democratic society, lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude , however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be. 检验任何民主社会的标准不是看它能够如何有效地控制言论,而是看它是否给人以最大限度的思想自由和言论自由,无论有时产生的结果可能是多么的可疑或使人不快。

freedom (n. 自由,自主);liberty (n. 自由,自由权)

比较:altitude(n. 高度);multitude(n. 多数);attitude(n. 态度)


equator 赤道

longitude 经度

meridian 子午线

South Pole 南极

North Pole 北极

tropic of Capricorn 南回归线

tropic of Cancer 北回归线


spectator [spekˈteɪtə]


n. 观众;旁观者

I wasn’t a participant in the fabulous performance, merely a spectator. 我没有参加那场精彩的演出,仅是个观众而已。

onlooker(n. 旁观者);bystander(n. 看热闹的人,旁观者)


invest [ɪnˈvest]

v. 投资

invest...in 投资 The investor wanted to invest his money in movie. 那位投资者想把钱投资到电影上。

investor(n. 投资者);investment(n. 投资);disinvestment (n. 撤资)


fluid [ˈfluːɪd]

词根记忆:flu(流)+ id(有…性质的)→流动的

a. 流动的;液体的

fluid capital 流动资本 // Water is the same substance whether in solid, fluid or gaseous state. 不管水处于固体、液体还是气体状态,它都是同一物质。

n. 流体,液体

The engineer measured the pressure of the fluid flowing in the pipe. 工程师测量了管道中流动液体的压力。


investment [ɪnˈvestmənt]

n. 投资,投资额

To take advantage of this tool, some impoverished countries will have to get over their outdated anti-colonial prejudices with respect to foreign investment. 为了利用这一工具,一些贫穷的国家将要重新审视它们过时的对外国投资的反殖民主义偏见。


inflation 通货膨胀

monopoly 垄断

currency 货币

finance 财政

revenue 税收

deficit 赤字

unemployment 失业

depression 萧条

prosperity 繁荣


fellowship [ˈfeləʊʃɪp]


n. 伙伴关系;友谊;团体

Tom tried to promote good fellowship with Joanna. 汤姆努力增进与乔安娜的友谊。 // fellowship in misfortune 患难之交


interim [ˈɪntərɪm]


n. 间歇;过渡期间

I happened, in the interim , to learn all you would have told me. 中间休息时,我碰巧知道了所有你本该告诉我的事情。

a. 暂时的,临时的

Kate took the clerk job as an interim position while she looked for a better one. 凯特暂时做店员工作,而她同时在找更好的工作。

temporary(a. 暂时的,临时的);meantime(n. 同时,其间);interval(n. 间隔)


limited [ˈlɪmɪtɪd]

a. 有限的,被限制的

If the natural resources are used economically, we can slow down the present drain on the limited energy supply. 如果能节约地利用自然资源,那么我们目前对有限的能源供应的消耗速度就会减慢。

limitedly(ad. 有限地;受限制地);unlimited(a. 无限的;无约束的)


organ [ˈɔːgən]

n. ① 器官

There are 80,000 people in the United States waiting for an organ transplant every year. 美国每年有八万人在等待接受器官移植。

② 机构

By law, the board is the company’s most powerful organ. 从法律上来说,董事会是公司的最高权力机构。

③ 风琴

Someone is playing the organ —Mozart’s Requiem. 有人在用风琴演奏莫扎特的《安魂曲》。


rare [reə]

a. ① 稀有的,难得的,珍奇的

Years ago, male teachers were as rare as male nurses. 几年以前,男老师就像男护士一样少见。

② 稀薄的,稀疏的

The air is rare in high altitudes. 海拔高的地方空气稀薄。

rarity(n. 奇事;稀有)


instrument [ˈɪnstrəmənt]

n. ① 工具,仪器,器械

Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are closing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon. 天体物理学家正使用南极陆基探测器及球载仪器来越来越近地观测这些云系,也许不久就会报告他们的观测结果。

strategic instruments 战略工具 // measuring instruments 测量工具

② 乐器

The piano, his favorite musical instrument , sometimes is horribly out of tune. 他最喜欢的乐器——钢琴,有时也会严重走调。


handful [ˈhændfʊl]


n. ① 一把,一小撮

Chandler pulls out a handful of coins and drops them on the table. 钱德勒掏出一把硬币丢在桌子上。

② 少数

Only a handful of people are on the street. 街上只有少数几个人。


archive [ˈɑːkaɪv]


n. 档案;档案室

open-access archives 开放存取档案

vt. 把…存档,把…归档


conceal [kənˈsiːl]


vt. 隐藏,隐瞒

conceal sth. from sb. 向某人隐瞒某事 Jane made efforts to conceal those facts from her mother. 简竭力向母亲隐瞒那些真相。


individual [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl]


a. ① 个人的;单独的

individual effort 个人的努力 // Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it. 因此,在美国的经济体系中,个体消费者的需求、商人试图使其利润最大化的欲望,以及个人想使其收入最大化的欲望,这些因素共同决定了应该生产什么,以及如何利用资源来生产。

individual interest 个人利益

② 独特的

n. 个人,个体

The rights of the individual are considered to be the most important in a free society. 在自由社会里,个人权利被认为是最重要的。

individual initiative 个人创业 // highly creative individuals 十分有创造力的人

individuality(n. 个性;特性);individually(ad. 个别地)


argument [ˈɑːgjumənt]

n. ①争论,辩论

After a long argument , we decided where to go for our holiday. 经过长时间的争论,我们把度假的地方定下来了。 // She is neutral in this argument ; she doesn’t care who wins. 她在这场辩论中保持中立,不在乎谁赢谁输。

② 论据,论点

Support your argument by quote, please. 请引用事实来支持你的论点。


nitrogen [ˈnaɪtrədʒən]


n. 氮

Nitrogen is indispensable to the growth of plants. 氮是植物生长不可缺少的元素。


hop [hɒp]


vi. ① (人)单足跳跃,单足跳行

Mike hopped in a taxi and hurried to his office. 迈克跳上出租车,飞快赶往办公室。

② (鸟、昆虫等)齐足跳跃,齐足跳行

The birds came hopping round my window. 鸟儿们飞到我的窗前跳来跳去。

n. ① 蹦跳

Joe took a big hop in the dark and found himself in a pool. 黑暗中,乔跳了一大步,结果跳进了水池。

② (飞机的)短程航行

It’s a short hop from London to Paris. 从伦敦到巴黎是短途飞行。

leap(n./v. 跳,跳跃);bound(n. 跳跃 vi. 跳跃,跳跃着前进)


knob [nɒb]


n. 门把手,(球形)把手;旋钮

This machine has lots of knobs on it. Which one starts it? 这台机器上有许多旋钮,哪一个是启动它的呢?


array [əˈreɪ]


n. 一系列,大量

The placid lake is surrounded by a dizzying array of brightly colored wildflowers. 这个平静的湖周围长着许多令人眼花缭乱、绚丽多彩的野花。

vt. 排列

The desk of the manager is arrayed with several tall stacks of folders. 经理的桌子上摆放着好几摞堆得高高的文件夹。


lawn [lɔːn]


n. 草地,草坪


correspond [ˌkɒrəˈspɒnd]


vi. ① 通信

correspond with 通信 I have been corresponding with Mary since she went abroad. 自从玛丽出国后我和她一直保持通信。

② 符合,一致

correspond with 符合,一致 Ellen’s job doesn’t correspond with her interests. 埃伦的工作与她的兴趣不符。

③ 相当于,对应

correspond to 相当于,对应 Though promoted, Bill’s expenses still didn’t correspond to his incomes. 虽然升职了,比尔还是入不敷出。


protein [ˈprəʊtiːn]


n. 蛋白质

Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrients—notably, protein —to feed expanding tissues. 长高——很少持续到20多岁——需要卡路里和营养物,特别是蛋白质,来为器官的增长提供营养。


outrage [ˈaʊtreɪdʒ]


n. ① 暴行,骇人听闻的事件

The government won’t allow this kind of outrage to continue in the country any more. 政府绝不允许这种暴行在国内持续下去。

② 愤慨

When the Foreign Minister heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage. 外交部长获悉此事后义愤填膺。

vt. 激怒

The terrorist’s attacking outraged the government and the people. 恐怖分子的袭击激怒了政府和群众。

indignation(n. 愤慨,义愤);offend(v. 引起憎恨,引起不快)


justice [ˈdʒʌstɪs]


n. ① 正义;公平

Law is a discipline which encourages responsible judgment. It provides opportunities to analyze such ideas as justice , democracy and freedom. 法律是一门鼓励进行责任判断的学科。它为分析像正义、民主和自由这样的概念提供了机会。

② 审判;司法;法律制裁

The criminals were finally brought to justice. 罪犯们最终受到了法律的制裁。

③ 法官

Merely helping a gift-giver gain access to other officials, unless done with clear intent to pressure those officials, is not corruption, the justices found. 法官们裁决,只是帮助送礼者接触其他官员,除非出于向那些官员明确施压的目的,否则并不构成贪污罪。


estate [ɪˈsteɪt]


n. 地产,房地产

personal estate 动产

real estate 房地产,房地产所有权


pregnant [ˈpregnənt]


a. ① 怀孕的,妊娠的

The pregnant woman prepared for motherhood. 这位孕妇做好了做母亲的准备。

② 充满的

Thomas used to be an artist pregnant with creative ideas. 托马斯曾经是一位充满创造性想法的艺术家。


significance [sɪgˈnɪfɪkəns]

来自significant(a. 有意义的,重大的)

n. 意义,重要性

Because our conscious mind is occupied with daily life we don’t always think about the emotional significance of the day’s events—until, it appears, we begin to dream. 因为清醒时我们的头脑被日常生活占据了,所以不会总想着白天发生的事情的情感意义,直到我们开始做梦时,这种情感意义才显现出来。


innovation [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn]


n. 创新,革新,改革

It seems antithetical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation. 在与创造性和创新性同一背景下讨论习惯似乎是矛盾的。

technological innovation 技术革新

reformation(n. 改革, 革新)

innovator(n. 革新者,改革者)


hypocrisy [hɪˈpɒkrəsi]


n. 伪善,虚伪

There is a heavy note of hypocrisy in Edward’s behavior. 爱德华表现得很虚伪。

hypocritical(a. 虚假的,伪善的)


warfare [ˈwɔːfeə]


n. 战争(状态);斗争;冲突

More and more companies are engaged in constant warfare for dominance in the market for cell phones. 越来越多的公司参与到抢占手机市场主导地位的战争中。

hostility(n. 敌对,对抗);war(n. 战争);conflict(n. 冲突;分歧)

peace(n. 和平)


ultimate [ˈʌltɪmət]


a. ① 最后的,最终的

in ultimate 到最后 // the ultimate authority 最高权威

② 根本的,基本的

an ultimate principle 基本原理 // Hard work is the ultimate source of success. 努力工作是成功之本。

ultimately(ad. 最后,终于;根本)


variable [ˈveəriəbl]


a. ① 易变的,多变的

variable weather 多变的天气 // a variable temper 反复无常的脾气 // British weather is probably most variable in the spring. 英国春季的天气可能最多变了。

② 可变的,变量的

The total costs of our company include variable costs. 我们公司的总成本中包括可变成本。

n. 变量

You missed a variable so you got a wrong answer. 你漏掉了一个变量,所以得出了错误答案。


latent [ˈleɪtnt]


a. 潜在的,潜伏的,不易察觉的

latent capital 潜在资本 // a latent infection 潜伏性传染病 // latent period 潜伏期


balance [ˈbæləns]

联想记忆:bal(看作ball,球)+ ance→球操选手需要很好的平衡能力→平衡

v. (使)平衡

You must ensure you have enough income to balance your expenditure. 你必须要保证自己收支平衡。

a well-balanced diet 营养均衡的饮食

n. ① 天平,秤

The chemist weighed the drug with the balance. 药剂师用天平称了药物的重量。

② 平衡,均衡

A balance between supply and demand was achieved. 供求达到了平衡。

③ 差额,结余,余款

David has a balance of $1,000 in the bank. 戴维的账户余额为1000美元。

balanced(a. 平衡的);counterbalance(n. 平衡力 vt. 使平衡;抵消)


aid [eɪd]

vt. 帮助,援助,救援

We aided the flood victims by providing food, clothes and medicine. 我们援助那些遭受洪灾的灾民,为他们提供了食品、衣服和药物。

n. ① 帮助,援助,救护

first aid 急救

② 助手;辅助物,辅助设备

A cane is an aid for elderly people. 拐杖方便老年人行走。


extraordinary [ɪkˈstrɔːdnri]


a. 非常的,格外的

A discovery of extraordinary significance made by the researchers shocked everyone greatly. 研究人员做出的一项重大发现震惊了每一个人。


gymnasium/gym [dʒɪmˈneɪziəm]/[dʒɪm]


n. 体育馆,健身房

Dad turned my room into a gymnasium 20 minutes after I moved out! 我刚搬出去20分钟,爸爸就把我的房间变成了健身房!

gymnastics(n. 体操)


laundry [ˈlɔːndri]


n. ① 洗衣;洗衣房(店)

laundry service 洗衣服务 // Danny sent all his dirty clothes to the laundry. 丹尼把自己所有的脏衣服都送到了洗衣房。

② 待洗衣物,所洗衣物

There’s not much laundry this week. 这个星期要洗的衣物不多。

③ 洗熨

laundry resistant 耐水洗的


classification [ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]

n. 分类,分级

Classification always requires the arrangement of the same kind of information, often into lists or columns. 分类工作总是要将同类的资料加以整理,往往是将它们列成表格或分成几栏。


mutual [ˈmjuːtʃuəl]


a. 相互的,彼此的;共有的

mutual benefit 互惠互利 // Vera and Helen have a mutual dislike for each other. 薇拉和海伦互相不喜欢对方。

mutual fund 共有基金

mutually(ad. 相互地;共有地)


muscle [ˈmʌsl]

n. 肌肉;体力

The man tried with the exertion of every muscle of the body and still couldn’t remove the rock. 那个男人用尽了全身力气,还是无法搬走那块大石头。


avail [əˈveɪl]


n. 效用,利益;帮助

of/to no avail 不起作用,没有用 The advice we got was of no avail. 我们得到的建议毫无用处。

v. 有益于,有助于;利用

avail (oneself) of 利用 We avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our heartful gratitude to you. 我们借此机会向你们表示衷心的感谢。


captive [ˈkæptɪv]


n. 俘虏

The captive falls in love with her captor. 这名女俘虏爱上了逮捕她的人。

a. 被俘虏的,被监禁的

The police managed to rescue the captive hostages. 警察设法救出了被俘的人质。

同根词:captivate(vt. 迷住,迷惑);capture(vt. 捕获,俘虏)


postpone [pəˈspəʊn]

词根记忆:post(后,在后)+pon(放) +e→放到后面→推迟,延期

vt. 推迟,延期

The sports meeting was postponed one day because of the weather. 运动会因为天气原因被推迟一天举行。


universal [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl]

来自universe(n. 宇宙)

a. ① 普遍的,全体的;通用的

The new reforms have not met with universal approval within the country. 新改革在国内没能获得普遍认可。

② 宇宙的;全世界的

The travel agency is planning to have a universal travel. 旅行社正在计划搞一次环球旅行。

universalize(vt. 使一般化,使普遍化);universally(ad. 普遍地;到处)


handle [ˈhændl]

n. 柄,把手,拉手

He grasped the handle of the door and shook it. 他抓住门把手,晃了晃。

vt. ① 处理,对待;操纵

Anna advised her daughter how to handle a family problem. 安娜告诉自己的女儿应如何处理家庭问题。 // When the skills mismatch is in the broader economy, though, the focus usually turns to government to handle. 然而,当技能不匹配出现在更广泛的经济领域时,焦点通常会转向政府来处理。

② 触,摸

Don’t handle the goods in the shop. 请勿触摸商店里的商品。 3YlAxR3i4MiL8zTIEbW9ylr+8PWSwEHT9Z4iF8JemCwZ9xywiFMYioFpLMliwBJg

