中 a. 较小的,较少的,较次要的
例 a minor matter // Ruth was given a minor part in the new play.
中 n. 兼修学科
中 vi.(in)兼修
例 Pam minored in math besides majoring in English.
中 a. 传染性的,会蔓延的
例 The scarlet fever is highly contagious so you should keep your distance.
中 a. 守信的,忠实的;如实的
例 be faithful to // Lucy was always faithful to her husband.
中 a. 势利的
例 Everyone in this house was annoyed by his snobbish attitude.
中 n. 统计;统计学;统计数据
例 This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks, no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.
记 联想记忆:all(所有的)+oy→把所有金属都混在一起→合金
中 n. 合金
记 联想记忆:ridicul(e)(嘲笑,奚落)+ous→可笑的
中 a. 荒谬的,可笑的
例 That’s an absolutely ridiculous price for that dress.
中 n. ① 特产;特色菜
例 For lunch, we tasted the local Vietnamese specialty.
中 ② 专业;专长
例 French toast is my specialty.
acquisition ★
中 n. 获得;获得物
例 Tom’s newest acquisition is a luxurious Omega as his birthday present.
考 mergers and acquisitions // acquisition of Peter applies himself with great ardor to the acquisition of professional knowledge.
派 acquisitive(a. 可学到的)
记 词根记忆:manu(手)+script(写)→手写的→手稿
中 n. 手稿,原稿
例 finalize a manuscript // The 215-page manuscript , circulated to publishers last October, sparkled an outburst of interest.
中 n. ① 处理
例 The defendant was not satisfied with the final disposition of the case.
中 ② 天性;气质;性格;性情
例 While it is easy to ignore in our contact with the youth the effect of our acts upon their disposition , it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.
中 ③ 排列,部署
例 The disposition of troops is very important in the war.
中 n. ①敬礼;鸣礼炮
例 John waved and did a salute to the leaving premier.
中 ② 迎接,欢迎
例 The host lifted his cup in a salute.
中 v. 敬礼;向…致敬;问候
例 We saluted our deceased leader by dipping our flags.
同 greet(vt. 向…致意)
记 词根记忆:dis(表加强)+tort(扭曲)→歪曲,扭曲
中 vt. 歪曲,扭曲
例 distort history // The loss of both his parents at an early age really distorted his outlook towards life.
派 distorted(a. 歪曲的,扭曲的);distortion(n. 歪曲,扭曲)
同 twist(v. 拧,扭曲);contort(vt. 扭曲,歪曲)
参 同根词:contort(vt. 扭曲,歪曲);retort(v. 反驳)
中 n. 艰辛,辛苦
例 a life of toil // He succeeded after years of toil.
中 v. 艰难地进行,费力地做
例 Anyone who has toiled through SAT will testify that test-taking skill also matters, whether it’s knowing when to guess or what questions to skip.
记 词根记忆:prin(第一,首要)+cip(拿)+al→在学校拿主意的第一人→校长
中 a. 最重要的,主要的
例 The principal reason that I take the job was my need to keep my family.
中 n. ① 负责人;校长;首长
例 the principal of a college
中 ② 资本,本金
例 both principal and interest
派 principally(ad. 重要地;主要地)
记 词根记忆:con(共同)+vent(来)+ion→共同来遵守→惯例,常规
中 n. ① 大会,会议
例 Ron Reagan will speak in prime time at the Democratic National Convention on the importance of stem cell research.
中 ② 惯例,常规,习俗
例 social conventions // He freed music from hitherto prevailing conventions of harmony and structure.
中 ③ 公约,协定
例 But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.
同 conference(n. 讨论会,会议);congress(n. 代表大会;国会);session [n. (议会的)会议)]
记 词根记忆:graph(图;写)+ic(…的)→图表的
中 a. ① 生动的,形象的
例 The report gave a graphic description of the earthquake.
中 ② 绘画的;文字的;图表的
例 graphic designer
同 lifelike(a. 逼真的,栩栩如生的);vivid(a. 逼真的,生动的);pictorial(a. 绘画的;用图片表示的)
反 vague(a. 含糊的,模糊的);obscure(a. 模糊的;费解的)
中 n. 愤怒,愤慨
例 The decision to tax wealthy people more has aroused the indignation of the wealth.
同 fury(n. 狂怒,暴怒);wrath(n. 愤怒,大怒);rage(n. 狂怒,盛怒)
记 来自settle(v. 解决;定居)
中 n. ① 解决;决定;调停
例 reach a settlement
中 ② 居留区,住宅区
例 Surveys can cover a single large settlement or entire landscapes.
记 词根记忆:alter(其他的)+n+ate→换成其他的→交替的,轮流的
中 a. 交替的,轮流的
例 The designer was drawing a pattern of alternate circles and squares.
中 vi. 交替,轮流
例 Night and day alternate.
考 alternate between A and B The weather alternated between rain and sunshine.
派 alternation(n. 交替;轮流);alternately(ad. 交替地;隔一个地)
中 vt. ① 开拓,开发
例 Humans could exploit metallic minerals almost 10,000 years ago.
中 ② 运用;利用
考 exploit many alternative forms of media
记 词根记忆:dis(不)+ pute(思考)→想法不同→争论
中 n. 争论,辩论
考 in dispute
中 vi. 争论,争执
考 dispute with The couple disputed with each other about whether to travel.
派 disputable(a. 有争议的)
参 disrepute(n. 坏名声)
记 联想记忆:大选(poll)费用(toll)上涨幅度惊人
中 n. ① 民意测验
例 We’re conducting a poll among these people.
中 ② 政治选举,大选
例 The polls were to elect the nation’s President and vice president.
中 vt. ① 对…进行民意测验
例 The government polled the citizens about urban construction.
中 ② 获得…选票
例 Mr. Hill polled over 5,000 votes in the election.
记 词根记忆:trop(转)+ic→太阳来回转→回归线
中 n. ① 回归线
例 Our country lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the equator.
中 ② [pl.]热带
例 There are many kinds of plants and animals in the tropics.
记 词根记忆:turb(扰乱)+ulent→无秩序的
中 a. ① 吵闹的;狂暴的;汹涌的
例 No one dared sail on such turbulent waves.
中 ② 动乱的,无秩序的
例 But particularly when viewed against America’s turbulent past, today’s social indices hardly suggest a dark and deteriorating social environment.
参 tempestuous(a. 暴乱的)
implication ★
记 词根记忆:im(向内)+plic(折叠)+ation→内部有多重含义→含意,暗示
中 n. ① 含意,暗示
例 The implication of your statement is that I was wrong.
中 ② 可能的影响(或作用、结果)
例 It is hard, the state argues, for judges to assess the implications of new and rapidly changing technologies.
记 发音记忆:“嚼”→他下颌脱臼了,没法嚼东西→下颌
中 n. 下颌,下巴
例 Michael hurt his lower jaw when playing basketball.
记 联想记忆:一种产品若有独特性(peculiarity),不用宣传(publicity)也能流行(popularity)
中 n. ① 宣传,宣扬
例 The mayor’s publicity campaign has convinced many people to go to work by bus.
中 ② 公众的注意,名声
例 seek publicity
参 publicize(v. 宣扬);publicly(ad. 公然地)
approach ★
记 词根记忆:ap(表加强)+proach(接近)→接近
中 v. ① 靠近,接近,邻近
例 Let up on the gas as you approach an intersection.
中 ② 探讨;处理,对待
例 approach it instrumentally
中 n. ① 方法,途径
例 Historical particularism became a dominant approach to the study of culture in American anthropology, largely through the influence of many students of Boas.
中 ② 探讨;试探
例 The club has made an approach to an international firm for sponsorship.
同 near(vi. 接近)
记 词根记忆:de(表加强)+clare(看作clear,清楚)→说清楚→宣布,宣称
中 v. ① 宣布,宣称
例 I now declare this meeting open!
中 ② 断言
例 The young people declare that they know the meaning of life.
中 ③ 公布,发表,披露
考 declare oneself
respond ★
记 词根记忆:re(回)+spond(允诺,回答)→回答,答复
中 v. ① (to)回答,答复
例 When asked about the company’s future, the CEO responded that he remained optimistic.
中 ② (to)响应
例 Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates, whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care.
参 correspond(vi. 符合;协调)
optimistic ★
中 a. 乐观(主义)的
例 People remain optimistic about the economy’s long-term prospects.
考 optimistic attitude
派 optimism(n. 乐观主义)
记 词根记忆:host(敌人)+ile(属于…的)→敌对的,敌方的;怀有敌意的
中 a. 敌对的,敌方的;怀有敌意的
例 The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her hostile attitude toward customers.
派 hostility(n. 敌意,敌视)
记 本身为词根:登上
中 v. ① 登上,爬上(山、梯等)
例 mount the steps // mount a horse
中 ② 安装,装配;固定;镶嵌
例 The picture was securely mounted to the wall.
中 ③ 逐渐形成,增加
例 the challenge the computer mounts to television
中 n. ① 支架,底座,底板
例 The mirror was fixed to the wall with a sturdy mount.
中 ② (用于山名前)山峰
例 We have already climbed the Mount Everest.
派 mounting(a. 上升的,攀升的)
参 amount(n. 数量)
记 词根记忆:nav(船)+ig(驱动)+ation(表行为、状态)→开船→航海
中 n. ① 航海,航空
例 My father is an expert in navigation.
中 ② 导航,领航
例 This store sells the instruments used for navigation on a ship.
参 navigator(n. 航海家)
记 词根记忆:a+spir(呼吸)+e→渴望呼吸新鲜的空气→向往
中 vi. (after, to)向往,有志于
例 Women should aspire to be not only educated but independent as well.
decade ★
记 词根记忆:deca(十)+de→十年
中 n. 十年
例 This kind of electronic spying has been going on for decades.
中 v. ① 磨光,擦亮
例 Two servants polished the silver and the brass.
中 ② 使优美;润饰;改进
例 polish one’s English // Tom asked the teacher to polish his report.
中 n. 擦光剂,上光蜡
例 I’ll get the furniture polish to wax the floor.
中 a. 丰富的,充分的,充裕的;大量的
例 Mies held that elegance of architectural design was not reliant on abundant decoration.
考 abundant in This region is abundant in wildlife.
派 abundantly(ad. 大量地;充足地)
tradition ★
中 n. 传统,惯例
例 The old tradition of hospitality in this village has been retained.
派 traditional(a. 传统的;惯例的);traditionally(ad. 传统上;习惯上)
记 词根记忆:de(向下)+scent(爬)→向下爬→下降
中 n. ① 下降,降下
例 Passengers must fasten their seat belts before the plane’s descent.
中 ② 斜坡
例 It took us nearly two hours to follow the descent of the mountain.
中 ③ 血统,家世
例 Many Australians are of English descent.
同 decline(n. 下降;衰落)
反 ascent(n. 上升;提高)
参 decent(a. 正派的;体面的)
appropriate ★
记 联想记忆:ap+propr(看作proper,适当的)+iate→适当的
中 a. (to)适当的,恰如其分的
例 This kind of support, like all government support, requires decisions about the appropriate recipients of funds.
派 appropriateness(n. 适当);inappropriate(a. 不合适的,不适当的)
记 联想记忆:nu+clear(清除)→核能的威力足以清除地球上所有生物→核能的
中 a. ① 核心的,中心的
例 China used to be the nuclear civilization of the world.
中 ② 原子核的,核能的
例 nuclear reaction // nuclear energy // Ericsson grew up in Sweden, and studied nuclear engineering until he realized he would have more opportunity to conduct his own research if he switched to psychology.
记 发音记忆:“巧力”→推手推车要用巧力→手推车
中 n. ①手推车,小车
中 ② 〈英〉无轨电车;〈美〉有轨电车
中 n. 仁慈,怜悯,宽恕
考 at the mercy of... Perhaps it is humankind’s long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the idea of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating.
派 mercifully(ad. 宽厚地,仁慈地)
记 词根记忆:mono(单个)+ton(声音)+ous→一个声音的→单调的
中 a. 单调的
例 John decided to give up this monotonous work.
中 n. 电子
例 The physicist was trying to improve the electron microscope.
中 n. ① 接受;验收
例 I got my acceptance to Harvard University.
中 ② 承认,认可
例 But it takes collective scrutiny and acceptance to transform a discovery claim into a mature discovery.
参 同根词:acceptable(a. 可接受的,合意的);accepted(a. 公认的,承认的)
记 发音记忆:“娃弱死”→这个小孩子身体弱,谨防感染病毒而死→病毒
中 n. ① 病毒
例 a computer virus
考 smallpox virus
中 ② (精神、道德方面的)有害影响
例 Bob and Henry wanted to remove the virus of prejudice against each other.
click 点击
download 下载
surf 冲浪
server 服务器
homepage 主页
hacker 黑客
记 联想记忆:des(看作dis,分开)+pair(一对)→一对情侣被分开→绝望
中 n. 绝望
例 Knox is in a state of lovesick despair.
中 vi. 对…绝望
考 despair of After the traffic accident, Sam despaired of walking again.
记 词根记忆:in(入内)+trud(插入)+e→挤进来→闯入
中 v. ① 侵入,闯入,打扰
例 On the overturned provisions the majority held the congress had deliberately “occupied the field” and Arizona had thus intruded on the federal’s privileged powers.
中 ② 把(思想等)强加于
例 You had no right to intrude your opinions on the rest of us.
extrude 逐出
detrude 推下
ex (出)+trud (插入)+e→向外插入→逐出
de (向下)+trud (插入)+e→向下插入→推下
记 词根记忆:fac(做)+il+ity(表性质、状态)→(学习、做事的)才能,天赋
中 n. ① (学习、做事的)才能,天赋
例 He has a great facility for language.
中 ② [pl.]设备,设施;便利条件
例 communication facilities // The school has excellent sports facilities.
记 词根记忆:ex(出)+plic(折叠)+it→折叠后露出→详述的
中 a. ① 详述的,明确的
例 give explicit directions // The policeman gave me explicit directions on how to get there.
中 ② 坦率的
例 The critics were explicit in their criticism.
派 explicitly(ad. 明白地,明确地)
中 n. 水银,汞;【天】 [M-]水星
例 Scientists found out that aerial plants could curtail mercury poisoning.
记 词根记忆:magn(大)+ifi+cent→大场面→壮丽的,宏伟的
中 a. 壮丽的,宏伟的
例 What a magnificent sight it is!
记 联想记忆:en+cyclo(看作cycle,全套,全集)+ped(儿童)+ia→供儿童阅读的全套书→百科全书
中 n. 百科全书
例 Elliott opened up an encyclopedia and pointed to California on a map of the United States.
记 联想记忆:super(过分)+flu(流)+ous→富得流油的→过剩的,多余的
中 a. 过剩的,多余的
例 Her facial expression made words superfluous.
记 词根记忆:vari(变化)+ation(表状态)→变化;变异
中 n. ① 变化,变动
例 These animals can feel tiny variation in temperature.
中 ② 变种,变异
例 Some botanists found rich variation of butterfly in temperate or tropical regions.
记 发音记忆:“安客”→船到岸抛锚,客人便安心了→锚;抛锚
中 n. ① 锚
中 ② 主播
考 news anchor
中 v. ① 抛锚,停泊
例 We anchored our ship close to the shore.
中 ② 使扎根,使基于
中 v. ① 从(某处)离开,退出;辞职
例 quit school // The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional.
中 ② 停止,放弃
例 quit smoking/drinking
中 n. 光荣,荣誉;荣耀的事
例 Galileo’s greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the Earth.
记 来自spice(n. 香料)
中 a. ① 味道浓厚的;辛辣的;香的;多香料的
例 The spicy food burned my mouth.
中 ② 有刺激性的;有趣味的(尤指有些猥亵或丑事成分的)
例 Don’t tell such spicy joke!
记 词根记忆:geo(地)+logy(学科)→地质学
中 n. 地质(学)
例 Mary wasn’t interested in geology before she had some knowledge about it.
派 geological(a. 地质的);geologist(n. 地质学家)
参 methodology(n. 方法学,方法论)
记 词根记忆:multi(多)+ply→变多→增加
中 v. ① (by)乘,使相乘
例 You have to multiply the length by the width to get the area of the rectangle.
中 ② 繁殖
例 This experiment revealed the secret of how bacteria multiply in cream and butter.
中 ③ (使)倍增,增加
例 Andrew’s responsibilities were multiplied by his promotion.
consist ★
记 词根记忆:con(共同)+sist(站)→站成一排→由…组成,由…构成
中 v. ① (in)在于,存在于
例 Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews.
中 ② (of)由…组成,由…构成
例 Snowflakes in snowfall consist of broken fragments and clusters of adhering ice crystals.
参 同根词:persist(vi. 坚持);subsist(vi. 生存)