
Word List 07




gradual [ˈgrædʒuəl]


a. 逐渐的,逐步的

This is a gradual process that takes place over time, perhaps years. 这是一个在一段时间内逐渐发展的过程,也许会持续好几年。

gradually(ad. 逐渐地,逐步地)


deceive [dɪˈsiːv]


vt. 欺骗,蒙蔽

I do not wish to deceive the young girl who loves me. 我不想欺骗这个爱我的小姑娘。

deceive oneself 自欺

deception (n. 欺骗,诡计);deceptive (a. 欺骗性的)

同根词:receive(vt. 收到);perceive(vt. 察觉)


vibrate [vaɪˈbreɪt]

v. (使)振动,(使)摇摆,(使)颤动

The engines make the small cabin vibrate. 发动机震得小屋子直颤。


verify [ˈverɪfaɪ]

词根记忆:veri(真实)+fy (使…)→使…以为是真的→证实,证明

vt. 证实,证明

The network will require Internet users to verify their identity by providing their credit card numbers. 该网站将要求互联网用户提供信用卡号码来验证其身份。


recollect [ˌrekəˈlekt]


v. 回忆,追想

Meg could still recollect meeting her husband for the first time. 梅格还能记起第一次与丈夫见面的情景。


ascertain [ˌæsəˈteɪn]


vt. 查明,弄清,确定

Did the doctor ascertain the cause of your pain? 医生查明你疼痛的原因了吗?


reservation [ˌrezəˈveɪʃn]

n. ①保留,保留意见

I promise all you ask without reservation. 我无条件地答应你所有的要求。

② 预订

I made a reservation for a flight to London Thursday. 我预订了星期四飞往伦敦的机票。

an airline reservation 预订航班


electrician [ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃn]

词根记忆:electr(电的)+ic+ ian→电工

n. 电气专家;电工

Our washing machine has broken. I’ll ring the electrician. 我们的洗衣机坏了,我要给电工打电话。


storage [ˈstɔːrɪdʒ]


n. ① 贮藏(量),保管,存储

The loft of our house is with large storage capacity. 我们家的阁楼能贮藏大量的物品。

② 库房

It’s quite strange that the door to the food storage was unlocked. 食品库房的门是敞开的,真是奇怪。

storekeeper(n. 店主)


commute [kəˈmjuːt]


vi. 乘公交车上下班,经常乘车(或船等)往返于两地;通勤

In this city, many people commute by means of the subway. 在这个城市,很多人乘地铁上下班。

n. (上下班)在两地之间坐车往返;通勤

People in this city have long endured lengthy commutes and poor living conditions. 这个城市的人们长期忍受着通勤时间长和居住环境恶劣的痛苦。


virgin [ˈvɜːdʒɪn]

n. 处女,未婚女子

a. 未经开发的;未经使用的;原始状态的

The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees was a real treasure-house which extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia. 这片原始森林中有着数不胜数且品类繁多的树木,从缅因州一直绵延至佐治亚州,是一座名副其实的宝库。


discard [dɪsˈkɑːd]


vt. 丢弃,抛弃

George is a helpless child who has been discarded by his parents. 乔治是个被父母抛弃的无助的孩子。

比较:discern(v. 辨别);disregard(v. 不管,不顾)


jog [dʒɒg]


v./n. 慢跑

Are you coming for a jog tomorrow morning? 明天早上你准备来慢跑吗?

trot(v. 快走,小跑 n. 小跑)


workout [ˈwɜːkaʊt]

n. 锻炼

mental workouts 脑力锻炼


cease [siːs]


n./v. 停止,终止

without cease 不停地,不断地 // The storm has ceased outside, and it is quiet inside the room. 外面的暴风雨已经停了,房间里非常安静。


dwarf [dwɔːf]

n. 矮子,侏儒

Jones was a dwarf of only 32 inches tall. 琼斯长得很矮,只有32英寸高。

a. 矮小的;发育不全的

The gardener had a rest under the dwarf trees of the garden. 园丁在花园里的矮树下休息了一会儿。

vt. ① (由于对比)使显得矮小

Our little boat is dwarfed by that big yacht. 我们的小船和那艘大游艇比起来显得很小。

② 使相形见绌

Though print and sales still dwarf their online and mobile counterparts, revenue from print is still declining. 尽管印刷版报纸上的广告销售收入仍然使在线媒体和移动端媒体相形见绌,但印刷版报纸的收益仍在不断下滑。

midget(a. 小型的);runt(n. 矮子)

giant(n. 巨人 a. 庞大的, 巨大的)

wharf(n. 码头)


pressure [ˈpreʃə]


n. 压(力);压强;强制,压迫

A lot of people go to bars to blow off pressure from work. 很多人去酒吧以释放来自工作的压力。 // under pressure 处于压力之下 // put pressure on 给…施加压力

atmospherical pressure 大气压

v. 向…施压

pressure those officials 对那些官员施压

press(v. 压);suppress(vt. 镇压;抑制);impress (vt. 印;留下印象);depress(vt. 使消沉);compress (vt. 压缩);express(vt. 表达)


undesirable [ˌʌndɪˈzaɪərəbl]


a. 不受欢迎的,令人不快的

Augustine cooked well, but he was otherwise undesirable. 奥古斯丁做饭倒是不错,不过就是不讨人喜欢。


formation [fɔːˈmeɪʃn]

n. ① 形成;构成

These efforts inspired the formation of independent women’s clubs. 这些努力促成了独立妇女俱乐部的形成。

② 编队,列队

fly in formation 编队飞行


corporation [ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃn]


n. 公司,企业;团体

corporation law 公司法 // corporation tax 企业所得税 // multinational corporation 跨国公司

corporate(a. 公司的,社团的;法人的)


helicopter [ˈhelɪkɒptə]

n. 直升(飞)机

We see a helicopter come up over the side of the stadium carrying snowflake. 我们看见一架直升机在体育场另一侧升了起来,卷起很多雪花。


bloom [bluːm]


n. ① 花(朵)

in full bloom 盛开;全盛时期;正在充分发挥(或发展) // The trees have beautiful blooms. 这些树上开满了美丽的花朵。

② 开花(期)

Roses in the park are in bloom. 公园里的玫瑰正值花期。

vi. 开花

The plants usually begin to bloom in spring. 这些植物通常在春天开花。


prescription [prɪˈskrɪpʃn]

n. 药方,处方

write out a prescription 开处方 // The school infirmary doesn’t stock prescription medicines at this time. 学校医务室里现在没有处方药。


increasingly [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli]

ad. 不断增加地,日益

The increasingly dull nature of many industrial jobs has killed the creativity of many workers. 许多行业的工作越来越单调乏味,这使得很多劳动者丧失了创造力。

increased(a. 增加的,增强的)


product [ˈprɒdʌkt]

n. ① 产品,产物

an end/finished product 成品 // home/domestic products 国内产品

② 乘积

The product of six multiplied by three is eighteen. 三和六的乘积是十八。

producer(n. 生产者,制作者)


decisive [dɪˈsaɪsɪv]

a. 决定性的

Is professional knowledge a decisive factor in job interview? 专业知识在求职面试中是决定性因素吗?

indecisive(a. 非决定性的)


acquire [əˈkwaɪə]


vt. 取得,获得;学到

acquire a habit 养成一种习惯 // Gradually we acquired experience in how to do the work. 我们逐渐获得了做这项工作的经验。


device [dɪˈvaɪs]


n. ① 装置,设备,仪器

The new medical device offers relief for patients with pain. 这种新的医疗设备能够缓解病人的疼痛。

② 手段;策略;诡计

The thief gained access to the basement by a subtle device. 小偷以巧妙的方式潜入了地下室。


grab [græb]


v. 抓;夺

grab sb. by the arm 抓住某人的手臂

n. (at)抓(住);夺(得)

The thief made a grab at my bag and I pushed him away. 小偷猛地抓住我的包,但被我推开了。


inspiration [ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn]

来自inspire(vt. 使产生灵感;鼓舞)

n. ① 灵感

The sculptors find their inspiration in neoclassical sources. 雕刻家们在新古典主义源泉中找到了灵感。

② 鼓舞,激励

The students read the works of famous philosophers for inspiration. 学生们通过阅读著名哲学家的作品来寻求激励。


reasonable [ˈriːznəbl]

a. ① 合理的,有道理的

be reasonable in one’s demand 合理要求 // Jack gave a reasonable excuse for his lateness. 杰克对自己的迟到给出了合理的解释。

② 通情达理的

The reasonable manager agreed Mary’s leave for the sickness of her mother. 玛丽因为母亲生病而请假,通情达理的经理答应了她。

③ 适度的

Nowadays advertising costs are no longer in reasonable proportion to the total cost of the product. 现在,广告成本与产品的总成本不成比例。

reasonably(ad. 合理地,适度地;相当地);unreasonable (a. 不合理的;不讲理的;过度的)

reasoned(a. 理性的);reasoning(n. 推理,论证)


bore [bɔː]

v. ①钻(孔),挖(洞),打眼,钻探

The workers bored through the mountain to make a tunnel. 工人们凿穿大山开掘出一条隧道。

② 烦扰,使厌烦

Susan was bored with her idle life at home. 苏珊厌倦了这种待在家里的懒散生活。

n. 讨厌的人;麻烦事

We all think he is a dreadful bore —he always tell lies. 我们都认为他是个极其讨厌的人——因为他总是说谎。

bored(a. 无聊的,烦人的);boredom(n. 无聊;厌倦);boring(a. 令人厌烦的)


assault [əˈsɔːlt]


n./vt. 袭击,攻击

Last night, two police officers were assaulted in a bar. 昨晚两名警官在酒吧遭到袭击。

attack(vt. 攻击,抨击)


gesture [ˈdʒestʃə]


n. 姿势,姿态;手势

Carl fisted in a victory gesture and began his speech. 卡尔在握拳做了一个胜利的手势后便开始演讲。

vi. 做手势;用动作示意

The professor gestured to the students to keep quiet in the class. 教授示意学生们在课堂上保持安静。


lung [lʌŋ]

n. 肺

It is a fact that most deaths from lung cancer are caused by smoking. 事实上,死于肺癌的大多数病例是由吸烟引起的。

lung cancer 肺癌


gum [gʌm]

n. ① 树胶

It’s hard to wash off the gum of this tree. 这种树的树胶很难洗掉。

② 口香糖

Nick unwrapped a stick of gum and popped it in his mouth. 尼克剥开一块口香糖,迅速放进嘴里。

chewing gum 口香糖


evacuate [ɪˈvækjueɪt]


vt. ① 疏散,撤出

The villagers were evacuated because of the danger of a flood. 因为受到洪水的威胁,村民们都被疏散了。

② 使丧失,夺去,剥夺

Fear evacuated their minds of reasons. 恐惧使他们失去了理智。


sophisticated [səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd]


a. ① 尖端的,复杂的,先进的

sophisticated technique 尖端技术 // The doctors used these sophisticated images to plan surgical procedures in detail. 医生们用这些复杂的图像来详细计划外科手术。

② 老练的,老于世故的

a sophisticated man 一个世故的人 // The politician spoke in a sophisticated voice. 那位政治家言辞老练。

complicated(a. 复杂的)

unsophisticated(a. 不懂世故的;单纯的)


transition [trænˈzɪʃn]


n. 过渡,转变;变革,变迁

Figuring out a way to accelerate that transition would make sense for them. 找到一种加速那种转变的方法对他们来说是有意义的。

transitional(adj. 变迁的;过渡期的)


triple [ˈtrɪpl]


a. ① 三部分的;三方的

Lewis won a golden medal in the triple jump in the Olympic Games. 刘易斯在奥运会中获得了一枚三级跳远金牌。

② 三倍的,三重的

The suspect was said to have triple features. 据说那个嫌疑犯有三重人格。


The company tripled its profits last year. 公司去年的利润增至三倍。


mono- 单一,独

ambi-, bi-, du-, di-, twi- 二,两,双

tri-, ter- 三,三次,三倍

tetra-, quadri- 四

quinque-, penta- 五

hexa-, sex- 六

hepta-, sept- 七

oct- 八

deca- 十

deci- 十分之一

demi-, hemi-, semi- 半


toll [təʊl]

n. ①过路(桥)费

If you want to cross the bridge, you’ve got to pay the toll. 如果想过这座桥,你必须缴纳过桥费。

② 伤亡人数,损失

The damage and death toll of the fire could be much worse. 火灾造成的损失可能更大,死亡人数可能更多。

③ 严重的不良影响

take a toll (on sb./sth.) 产生恶果;造成重大损失(或伤亡、灾难等)

④ 长途电话费

a toll-free number 不用付电话费的号码

vt. ① 征收(过路费)

The government set up stations to toll fees from the drivers for using the road. 政府设立收费站对使用道路的司机征收过路费。

② (缓慢而有规律地)敲(钟)

Church bells tolled the death of the bishop. 教堂为主教的去世鸣钟。


triangle [ˈtraɪæŋgl]


n. 三角(形)


teenager [ˈtiːneɪdʒə]

n. (13~19岁的)青少年

Making good friends is important to teenagers. 结交好的朋友对青少年来说非常重要。

teenage(a. 十几岁的)


uneasy [ʌnˈiːzi]


a. ① 不安的,焦虑的

be uneasy about the future 为前途担忧 // I was uneasy about the unreleased result of the competition. 我对尚未公布的比赛结果感到很不安。

② 不稳定的;紧张的

an uneasy city 动荡不安的城市


stroke [strəʊk]

n. ① 击,敲;报时的钟声

At the stroke of five, the workers left the plant. 当钟敲了五下的时候,工人们离开了车间。

② 一击,一划,一笔

These ducks swam in easy stroke. 这些鸭子自由自在地在水中游。

③ 一次努力

a bold stroke 一个大胆的举动

④ 中风

Grandmother couldn’t walk any more because of stroke. 由于中风,祖母再也无法走路了。

⑤ 抚摸

I tried to calm the frightened puppy with soft strokes. 我轻轻地抚摸着那只受惊的小狗,试图让它安静下来。

vt. 抚摸

As Mary bends to stroke the dog, he wags his tail. 当玛丽弯腰抚摸那只狗时,狗冲她摇了摇尾巴。


sprinkle [ˈsprɪŋkl]


vt. 洒,喷,淋

Mary sprinkled sugar on the cake. 玛丽把糖撒在蛋糕上。

spray(v. 喷射,喷洒)


alien [ˈeɪliən]

n. ① 外侨

an illegal alien 非法外侨

② 外星人

In this movie, the aliens were portrayed as our enemies. 在这部电影里,外星人被描绘成我们的敌人。

a. ① 外国的

alien culture 异族文化

② 相异的

alien from 与…相异 I bought an album alien from Mary’s. 我买了一本和玛丽那本不同的相册。

③ 不相容的

alien to 不相容的 Cruelty was quite alien to Ann’s nature. 残忍根本不是安的本性。

strange(a. 奇怪的;陌生的);foreign(a. 外国的,外来的)


consensus [kənˈsensəs]


n. (意见等)一致,一致同意

The panel had found a broad consensus that it would be “morally unacceptable to attempt to create a human child by adult nuclear cloning”. 专家小组已取得广泛的一致,认为“试图利用成人细胞核克隆技术来克隆人类的孩子是不道德的”。


insight [ˈɪnsaɪt]


n. 洞察力,见识

Politicians have keen insights into international affairs. 政治家对国际事务有着敏锐的洞察力。


resource [rɪˈsɔːs]


n. ① [pl. ]资源,财力

human resources 人力资源

productive resources 生产资料 // natural resources 自然资源 // finite resources 有限的资源 // tap resources 开发资源

② 办法,智谋,应变之才

The CEO is a man of great resources. 这位首席执行官是一个足智多谋的人。

recourse(n. 求援,求助)


superiority [suːˌpɪəriˈɒrəti]

n. 优越性,优势

superiority in 在…方面的优势 // Tom always shows a sense of superiority for his family background. 汤姆总是因为自己的家世而表现出一种优越感。

excellence(n. 优秀,卓越)

inferiority(n. 次等)


patience [ˈpeɪʃns]

来自patient(a. 忍耐的)

n. 耐心,忍耐

with patience 耐心地 // Are you trying my patience by letting me wait so long?你让我等这么久,是在考验我的耐心吗?


advocate [ˈædvəkət] [ˈædvəkeɪt]


n. 提倡者,鼓吹者,支持者

When Gore ran for President, his wife was his best advocate. 科尔竞选总统时,他的妻子是他最有力的支持者。

vt. 提倡,鼓吹

The report also advocates greater study of foreign languages, international affairs and the expansion of study abroad programs. 该报告还提倡加大学习外语和了解国际事务的力度,扩大海外留学项目的规模。


bunch [bʌntʃ]


n. 一串,一群,一帮,一伙

Miss Yang received a bunch of flowers from her admirer. 杨小姐收到了爱慕者送的一束花。


fashion [ˈfæʃn]

n. ① 流行式样(或货品);风尚,风气

in fashion 时兴,流行 // Short skirts are in fashion here. 现在这里很流行短裙。

② 样子,方式

after the fashion (of) 模仿… // Tom behaved in a very strange fashion today. 今天汤姆的举止很奇怪。

old-fashioned(a. 旧式的)

vt. 使成形,制作,塑造

Arizona had attempted to fashion state policies that ran parallel to the existing federal ones. 亚利桑那州试图制定州政策,欲与已存在的联邦法令并驾齐驱。


benign [bɪˈnaɪn]


a. ① (肿瘤等)良性的,无危险的

A benign tumour will not cause you any fatal harm. 良性肿瘤不会给你带来致命的伤害。

② 慈祥的,善良的

This old man has a benign countenance and is very kind. 这位老人慈眉善目,待人非常亲切。


contempt [kənˈtempt]

n. 轻蔑,藐视

contempt of court 藐视法庭 // in contempt of 对…不屑一顾 // Tom’s tone of voice is loaded with contempt. 汤姆的语气中充满了轻蔑。

contemptible(a. 可鄙的,卑劣的)


gasp [gɑːsp]


n. 喘息,气喘

After running three miles, my breath came in short, quick gasps. 跑完三英里后,我气喘吁吁、呼吸急促。

v. ① 喘息

Betty gasped and ran to catch up with her classmates. 贝蒂气喘吁吁地跑着赶上了她的同学。

② 气喘吁吁地说

gasp forth/out 喘着气说出(或发出) // The patient gasped out his last word and fainted. 病人喘着气说出最后一句话后就晕了过去。

grasp(n./vt. 抓住;掌握)


dew [djuː]

n. 露水

Occasional dew drops glitter in the grass. 露珠在草丛中时而闪闪发光。

Jew(n. 犹太人)


strain [streɪn]


n. ① 过度的疲劳,紧张

mental strain 精神紧张 // Nothing could persuade me to return to the kind of life Kelsey used to advocate and I once enjoyed: 12-hour working days, pressured deadlines, the fearful strain of office politics and the limitations of being a parent on “quality time”. 没有什么能说服我回到那种凯尔茜曾倡导的、我也曾钟爱的生活中去:每天工作12小时,压得人喘不过气来的最后期限,可怕而紧张的办公室权力斗争,为人父母的“最佳时间”的限制。

② 张力,拉力

The rope broke easily under strain. 绳子在拉力的作用下很容易断。

vt. ① 扭伤,拉伤

The football player strained a tendon in his leg during the game. 那名足球运动员在比赛时扭伤了腿上的肌腱。

② 拉紧,扯紧

strain every nerve 竭尽全力 // a strained laugh 勉强的笑 // Mother strained the lost boy to her breast after finding him. 母亲找到走失的儿子后把他紧紧地搂在了怀里。

vi. ① 尽力

I strained to understand what my professor was talking about. 我尽力去理解教授所讲的内容。

② 用力推,用力拉

He strained against the ropes that held the dog. 他使劲拉了拉拴狗的绳子。

③ 过度使用;使不堪承受

strained〔a. (气氛、形势等)紧张的〕

stretch(v. 拉伸,伸展);tense〔v. (使)拉紧;(使)紧张〕;endeavor(n./v. 尽力,竭力)


conception [kənˈsepʃn]

n. ① 概念,观念

We reason together, challenge, revise, and complete each other’s reasoning and each other’s conceptions of reason. 我们一起思考,一起怀疑、修正和完善彼此的推理过程,以及彼此对理性的理解。

② 设想,构想

Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost. 现代工业基于以最低成本生产出最多产品的构想。

preconception(n. 预想)


tuck [tʌk]


vt. 卷起;塞进

Mary lifted her blouse and tucked it into her jeans. 玛丽撩起短衫,把衣角塞进牛仔裤里。


antique [ænˈtiːk]


a. 古时的,古老的

The capacious living room was filled with antique furniture. 宽敞的客厅里摆满了古色古香的家具。

n. 古物,古董

In the late 1800s British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evan combed antique dealers’ stores in Athens, Greece. 19世纪末期,英国考古学家亚瑟·埃文爵士逐一搜寻了希腊雅典的古玩店。


accordance [əˈkɔːdns]

n. 一致,符合

in accordance with 与…一致;依照… The rights of children are protected in accordance with the law. 儿童的权利依法受到保护。


propagate [ˈprɒpəɡeɪt]


v. ① 传播;宣传

② 繁殖,增殖

propagation(n. 繁殖;传播)

produce(vt. 生产;繁殖);multiply(v. 增加;繁殖)


proximate [ˈprɒksɪmət]


a. (时间、顺序等)最接近的,最临近的 7dy+1wuZeRfahGKGV/77WOzOmxLhvtl8lBuVKBmrEXZMZcfsSHl+85GSWExbMI8c
