
Unit 3


01 开始 bgein__________

02 初学者 bginneer__________

03 开始 beingning__________

04 在…的后面 beinhd__________

05 相信;认为 bieleve__________

06 铃;钟 blle__________

07 属于 bloeng__________

08 在…的下面 eblow__________

09 带;腰带 blte__________

10 在旁边 beidse__________

11 较好的 bteter__________

12 打赌 bte__________

13 在…之间 beweten__________

14 自行车 biyccle__________

15 大的 bgi__________

16 自行车 bkie__________

17 账单 blli__________

18 垃圾箱 bni__________

19 生物学 bilogoy__________

20 出生 bitrh__________

21 生日 bithrday__________

22 饼干 bicusit__________

23 一小块 ibt__________

24 tbie__________

25 毯子 blakent__________

26 失明的 blndi__________

27 街区 blcok__________

28 血液 blodo__________

29 blwo__________

30 木板 borda__________

31 小船 abot__________

32 身体 byod__________

33 煮沸 boli__________

34 书本;预订 boko__________

35 小册子 boleokt__________

36 书架 boshokelf__________

37 书店 boshokop__________

38 靴子 boto__________

39 无聊的;厌烦的 beord__________

40 (令人感到)无聊的 briong__________

41 出生 bron__________

42 bororw__________

43 老板 bsos__________

44 两者 btho__________

45 打扰 bheotr__________

46 瓶子 btotle__________

47 底部 btootm__________

48 弹起 boncue__________

49 bwol__________

50 obx__________

51 男孩 byo__________

52 男朋友 borienyfd__________

53 大脑 bainr__________

54 刹车 barke__________

55 勇敢的 barve__________

56 面包 bared__________


Example: He is a girl/ boy .

1. I began/believed swimming when I was really young.

2. That DVD player begins/belongs to my cousin.

3. Both/Each of us were tired.

4. Can I borrow/blow your ruler?

5. He’s not my girlfriend/boyfriend —we’re just good friends!

6. I sat down between/among Sue and Jane.

7. We went for a train/bicycle ride on Sunday.

8. He’s a big/blue man.

9. This bread/bottle is fresh.

10. The job was dull and boring/bored .


Example: a mixture of raw vegetables —————————————— salad



birthday believe bill blanket boss beginners bounces bin born bother

1. Sorry to ________ you.

2. Can you throw the rubbish in the ________?

3. Can I have my ________, please?

4. Thank you for the lovely ________ present.

5. I need another ________ on my bed.

6. I want to attend a language course for ________ at your college.

7. This ball ________ better.

8. Ingrid was ________ in the countryside.

9. I’m my own ________.

10. Explorers ________ that people there began eating rice about 9,000 years ago. qdwR2g0bI0uMgnm+fQHDVS+xn4uUvaU0H9tNg/9g9ndFjTJnmgmAU2SPcXI5RYiU
