
Unit 1


01 有能力的 abel__________

02 关于;大约 abuot__________

03 在上面 abvoe__________

04 在/到国外 abraod__________

05 穿过;在对面 acrsos__________

06 行动;表演 cta__________

07 活跃的;积极的 acitev__________

08 活动 activtiy__________

09 演员 actro__________

10 女演员 actrses__________

11 实际上,事实上 actullay__________

12 增加 dda__________

13 地址 addsers__________

14 成年人 aldut__________

15 高级的 advanecd__________

16 冒险;奇遇 advtuenre__________

17 广告 advertiesment__________

18 建议;劝告 adviec__________

19 飞机 aeorplane__________

20 买得起 affdor__________

21 害怕的 afriad__________

22 非洲 Afrcia__________

23 下午 afteronon__________

24 后来;以后 terafwards__________

25 再一次,又 agnai__________

26 和…比赛 againts__________

27 年龄 eag__________

28 代理人 agnte__________

29 以前 gao__________

30 同意,赞成 agere__________

31 向前;在前面 ahaed__________

32 (飞行的)空中;空气 rai__________

33 机场 portair__________

34 音乐专辑 albmu__________

35 全部的 lal__________

36 允许 allwo__________

37 几乎;差不多 almsot__________

38 独自地 lonea__________

39 沿着,顺着 longa__________

40 已经 alraedy__________

41 laso__________

42 总是;一直 alwysa__________

43 令人惊讶的 azimang__________

44 救护车 ulaambnce__________

45 在…中 monga__________

46 生气的 anryg__________

47 动物 anialm__________

48 另一,又一 anothre__________

49 回答;答案 answre__________

50 无论哪个 yna__________

51 (不)再 anymoer__________

52 任何人 oneany__________

53 任何事物 thingany__________

54 不管怎样 wayany__________

55 在任何地方 whanyere__________

56 公寓 apartmnet__________

57 出现;看来 apeapr__________

58 苹果 paple__________


Example: He is a girl/ boy .

1. I have about/above £5.

2. Mikayla walked among/across the field.

3. Daniel answered/afforded all my questions about Tony.

4. I’d like anymore/another piece of cake.

5. My parents agreed/allowed me to go to Emma’s party.

6. People first flew kites in China more than 2,000 years ago/ahead .

7. Can you say it again/anymore ?

8. You can put an advice/advertisement in the morning paper and sell your car.

9. She hopes to become a famous actress/actor one day.

10. Next week is Family Learning Week and there will be special acts/activities at schools all over the town.


Example: a mixture of raw vegetables —————————————— salad



adventure afraid against always any about anyway actress along also

1. I got to school at ________ 7:30.

2. I’d love to be a famous ________ one day.

3. I had a great time on my ________ trip to Canada.

4. Are you ________ of spiders?

5. We watched England play ________ Spain.

6. We walked ________ the river.

7. My friend was ________ called Jessica.

8. It’s ________ hot in this room.

9. I can see you ________ time on Sunday.

10. Let’s try it ________. PckDPTly89ikHReurOCq0zR7GljzTDzMLdzmSoyxEpMeRFOg2BkA4D+pIVIEIvH1
